Salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts - a royal taste! Interesting ideas for making salads with chicken, pineapple and walnuts


One of the most ancient dishes invented by man is salad.

By the variety of recipes, salads are hundreds of times superior to all other categories of dishes known in world culinary.

Neither breakfast, nor lunch, and sometimes dinner, can do without them.

It is enough to recall the traditions of the Russian feast, which always begins with several of the most popular salads, which are considered an obligatory program of the holiday menu and a sign of a rich and generous treat.

It goes without saying that any housewife who has prepared a dozen salads and surprised guests with new and original recipes has the right to be proud of herself and reasonably count on universal admiration.

Salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts - basic technological principles

The lightest dish that can be cooked even in 5 minutes, from the products available is a salad. If there is also mayonnaise, and this sauce, despite numerous warnings by nutritionists and experts in the field of healthy lifestyles and nutrition, still, after almost three centuries, takes the most prominent place on the shelf of the refrigerator, then come up with a new recipe, say, salad with chicken, pineapple and nuts is not difficult.

Of the well-known categories of salads, however, for the declared ingredients according to the method of preparation, it is better to exclude warm salads: nuts in combination with heated juicy pulp of pineapples look strange and not very appetizing.

- Chicken meat in a salad can be boiled or smoked, or both at once. Salad with nuts and chicken will look very Asian, if pieces of meat are pre-fried before laying in the dish. In this case, spicy dressing, salted or pickled ingredients are very appropriate, and pineapple can be used as a spicy addition.

- Pineapple has a special substance that can break down animal protein so quickly that the process of digesting meat in the body is reduced significantly, in the presence of the juice of this fruit. Actually, bromeline begins to work already in the salad bowl, so its splitting properties must be taken into account: never store salads with pineapple for more than two hours and add slices of pineapple to meat salads literally 5 minutes before serving. For the same reason, such dishes are prepared in small quantities, so that there can be no talk of any preparations for later.

- Nuts for meat salad with chicken can serve as an equal component, as well as a small detail of the sauce. The degree of their refinement depends on the intent of the cook, but the general canons governing the harmony of consistency and taste, as well as the aesthetic appearance that should cause appetite, should not be neglected. If all the components of the dish are cut into small, neat cubes, then the kernels of the nuts should look accordingly. If the salad is seasoned in a Mediterranean style, then you can make a wide gesture and even put whole halves of walnut kernels.

1. Puff salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts


  • Boiled Chicken Breast 500 g

  • Eggs 3 pcs.

  • Garlic 10-15 g

  • Onions, green 80 g

  • Any grade of hard cheese with a neutral taste) 180 g

  • Pineapples (fresh or canned) 250 g

  • Mayonnaise

  • Boiled carrot 150 g

  • Walnuts (kernels)

  • Lemon juice 50 mg


  1. Cheese and peeled eggs are grated. The remaining ingredients are finely diced. Garlic, pepper and crushed kernels of nuts are added to mayonnaise. Add lemon juice or cold boiled water (to taste) to the dressing, since the mayonnaise must be made not thick so that it is convenient for them to soak the layers of salad and not add it to the dish in excess. Pour the chopped onion with lemon juice and let stand for 15 minutes.

  2. We collect the prepared components on a dish, laying layers of chicken, carrots, eggs, cheese, onions, pineapple cubes. The salad can be laid out in portions in a bowl, tall glasses, serving it in the form of a cocktail.

2. Italian style chicken, pineapple and walnut salad

It is known that pasta in all its variations is a symbol of Italian cuisine. This ingredient in the salad makes the dish original, elegant and hearty. Only the pasta needs to be selected corresponding to the shapes and sizes of the remaining components of the salad, and, of course, it is better to choose colored products so that the salad looks more bright and appetizing.


  • Pasta "bows" (with spinach, carrot and beetroot juice) 150 g

  • Pineapple (canned cubes) 400 g

  • Breast (grill) 800 g

  • Frozen Peas 150 g

  • Lemon 150 g

  • Shallow kitchen salt

  • Sugar

  • Olive oil

  • Pepper

  • Basil green

  • Mayonnaise

  • Crushed nut


  1. Throw frozen peas into boiling water, salt, add sugar and ground pepper to taste. Squeeze 1/2 lemon juice in hot peas, add a little oil and set aside. While the peas have cooled and soaked in marinade, cook colored bows in salt water. Flip the pasta through a colander and brush with butter or mayonnaise.

  2. Slice the grilled and chilled chicken meat, combine it with pasta, pineapple cubes, peas and pasta. Tear the basil leaves finely. Garnish with greens and crushed nut kernels.

3. Unusual salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts


  • Boiled Chicken Fillet 500 g

  • Canned Pineapple Cubes 250 g

  • Cherry, fresh 150 g

  • Melon 250 g

  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds) 150 g

  • Mustard Mayonnaise 120 g


  1. Dice melon, chicken and pineapple.

  2. Slightly peel the peeled nut kernels and grind in a mortar.

  3. Remove the seeds from the cherry. Combine the components of the salad, mix and season with mayonnaise. You can replace pineapple with oranges.

  4. Take the largest fruits, cut the peel, remove the pulp from it and use it in the salad, and serve the salad in the halves of the orange peel.

  5. Use rosemary sprigs for decoration.

4. Salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts


  • Prunes, large (seedless) 200 g

  • Fried chicken 0.5 kg

  • Cucumber, fresh 350 g

  • Cheese 300 g

  • Pineapple 450 g

  • Green onion 120 g

  • Garlic 50 g

  • Olive mayonnaise (non-greasy) 70 g

  • Grape Vinegar 30 ml

  • Nuts (crumbs) 50 g

  • Ground pepper, black 20 g


  1. Raw poultry fillet and all the ingredients, having previously prepared, cut into long bars. Raw meat after frying will decrease in volume, so it needs to be cut one and a half times larger. Fry it until tender in a small amount of refined oil (any), sprinkled with pepper at the end of frying.

  2. Transfer to a napkin to remove oil. The meat should be spicy, so use a mixture of hot and allspice: a combination of sweet and fresh pineapple, hot and grilled meat with light smoked prune fruits and a fragrant cucumber creates a unique taste of the dish. Mix all prepared ingredients in a deep bowl, mix gently so as not to wrinkle.

  3. Serve salad dressing separately: combine mayonnaise with wine vinegar, crumbs and peppers.

5. A simple salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts

Any salad with mayonnaise is already a delicious dish, and these ingredients are so versatile that they will decorate any recipe, not to mention combining them. Therefore, if there is nothing in stock except these products - success is still guaranteed, especially with mayonnaise!


  • Nuts 100 g

  • Canned Pineapple Cubes 300 g

  • Boiled Chicken (Pulp) 400 g

  • Provencal herbs mayonnaise 80 g


  1. Fry the nuts in the oven or in a pan until a characteristic smell and a slight blush. The peel should separate from the kernels during the frying process, and the nuts should crumble easily when pressed with your fingers. Remove the skin so that it does not bite, and mash the nuts when they cool.

  2. Throw pineapples through a sieve: the juice should not remain at all, because the flesh will give the desired consistency without it, but excess moisture will make the dish unpleasantly watery.

  3. Boil chicken meat with spices and roots, throwing it in boiling water, but do not salt and do not boil it. The fillet should be dense enough to not fall apart in a salad or when sliced.

  4. Just combine all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise. For beauty, lay on the leaves of curly salad or Beijing cabbage.

6. Salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts "Cuban"


  • Smoked-cooked chicken ham 600 g

  • Canned peas 250 g

  • Pineapple 350 g

  • Mayonnaise (67%) 100 g

  • Salad pepper (fleshy, red) 300 g

  • Canned Sweet Corn 250 g

  • Walnuts and sesame seeds - 50 g each

  • Sauces, "Tartar" and soya, hot pepper (ground) - for dressing


  1. Chop the salad into thin strips, setting aside a couple of leaves to decorate the dish. Thin pepper into strips.

  2. Finely chop the remaining ingredients to fit the size of a pea. Combine food and mix with forceps or two forks.

  3. Make a spicy dressing of two sauces and pepper. Put the salad in a tall salad bowl, sprinkle with crushed nuts and sesame kernels, pour dressing on top.

7. Salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts "Glade", puff


  • Pickled champignons, whole 250 g

  • Eggs: chicken - 4 pcs., Quail - 10 pcs.

  • Nuts (walnuts or hazel) 150 g

  • Cheese 200 g

  • Chicken fillet (smoked) 350 g

  • Garlic 20 g

  • Onions 100 g

  • Pineapples (cubes, canned) 200 g

  • Sour cream or mayonnaise 180 g

  • Dill 50 g

  • Cherry 5-6 pcs.

  • Onions (herbs) 150 g

  • Vinegar or lemon juice 30 ml (for marinade)


  1. Chop the green onions finely, put them in a bowl and pour in cold boiled water, combined with vinegar, for 10 minutes. Drain the marinade.

  2. Rub boiled chicken eggs and hard cheese on a coarse grater. Combine with chopped garlic and mix with mayonnaise.

  3. Finely chop the smoked chicken fillet.

  4. Lay the salad in wide glasses in layers: cubes of pineapple, smoked meat, eggs with cheese and mayonnaise, pickled onions. Sprinkle each layer with chopped kernels and grease with mayonnaise.

  5. On top of greens, put whole pickled mushrooms, peeled quail eggs. From above, put the halves of tomatoes on the eggs. Garnish with sprigs of fresh dill.

Salad with chicken, pineapple and walnuts - useful tips and tricks

  • It is better to add sauces and dressings to salad before serving to keep the dish fresh longer.

  • How many salads are usually cooked at the festive table in your home? Surely, every member of the family has a favorite salad, and I want to please every household or dear guest. But to cook 5-6 salads at the same time two hours before lunch starts is a difficult task, and they (salads) should only be fresh.

  • What to do? You can wash, peel, boil, fry and chop the ingredients for salads in advance. Do this and place the prepared ingredients in separate containers, jars or vacuum bags and put them in the refrigerator.

  • Half an hour before the start of dinner, the ingredients according to any of the recipes will only have to be combined and put in a salad bowl, or dish, or dish for cocktails. Nothing stagnates or deteriorates.

  • Just do not forget to hang somewhere in a convenient place, above the desktop, recipes written in advance on separate pieces of paper: you won’t forget and confuse anything. This method is used by professionals, even in expensive and trendy restaurants.


Watch the video: BROCCOLI SALAD. the perfect party salad recipe (June 2024).