Exfoliating mask socks for the feet method of application


Legs, especially if they are female - the subject of eternal debate and the weakness of men. Therefore, to monitor their beauty and health is one of the primary tasks of the fair half. We offer you various variations of caring cosmetics for the feet: exfoliating with peeling effect, mask socks and other recipes that can be used at home.

Mask - peeling socks for feet: description of composition and method of application

Today, the most popular purchase products that are made in the form of socks in sizes from 36 to 41 (sometimes lettering is used, the smallest size is SL). The most effective of them will consider more details.

The best exfoliating foot masks

Consider a few tools:

  • Skinlite Foot Mask - korea manufacturer, it is popular not only among users, but also among leading cosmetologists, in the line-up there are many variations, including thermoactive, alginate, etc. (photo before and after applying the mask);

  • Mask from l'Etoile bon voyage agiotage- also Korean production, contains plant extracts (e.g. jasmine) and universal acid kitincluding glycolic;
  • Mask socks for the feet exfoliating foot mask- chinese cosmetics, the main components of a large set of acids: salicylic, citric, boric, apple (carbon, mineral and other variations);
  • Floresan tool - the producer Russia, as well as the Asian analogs are made in the form of socks. It will help remove scars on the heels, remove coarse cells (tissues) will die off naturally, and prevents the formation of new models for a long period (photo before and after);

  • Noreva Exfoliac- Production France, highly effective skin care products without drying, designed for deep cleansing of the skin, suitable for dry, oily and combination skin, can be applied to the body, feet and face by wrapping (rejuvenating);
  • Home SPA salon mask socks for the feet - one of these options "SPA Bel", provides an opportunity not only to get rid of hardened skin (painlessly removes coarsening), but also to restore the metabolic processes (rejuvenating), heals cracks on the heels, etc .;
  • "Well-groomed legs" peeling foot mask - removes dead skin tissue, growths, calluses and other troubles.

Peeling masks with their own hands

We offer recipes that can be prepared and applied at home for various skin types and problems.

Peeling foot mask at home

  • Foot mask exfoliating at home - 10 aspirin tablets (without a shell) dissolve in water and add a few drops of juice from lemon. Spread the mixture evenly into the feet, leaving it for half an hour;
  • Exfoliating mask for legs during pregnancy - the option from apples and of milk - grate apples on a fine grater and add warm milk (thick consistency). Spread evenly on the feet and leave for an hour. In the face variant, you can create a mask film with the addition of gelatin on the same basis.

In both cases it is recommended to use plastic bags and socks for the duration of the cosmetics.

Exfoliating mask for the face of the house

A few more variations of recipes at home with the addition of active mineral components and products:

  • exfoliating face mask (enzyme) will be needed sour cream (for owners oily skin can be replaced by kefir), coke pulp and sugar in equal parts. Great for sensitive skin persons (the effect will persist for a long time, can heal if done with dimexidum (sold in a pharmacy));
  • exfoliating face mask for dry skin - honey, rice (grind in a coffee grinder or blender) and a few drops (5-10) vinegar (better to use apple). it rejuvenatingand whitening procedure: eliminates age spots, freckles, removes small moles and so forth;
  • for oily skin- we need salt and soda in equal quantities, apply the composition with a wet sponge-intensive movements. The composition simultaneously saves from acne, acne and other troubles;
  • gommage for problem and combination skin - almonds, rye crusts (1 table. l.) and green tea (1 tbsp., You can replace the badyagu or yolk (from raw eggs)), the composition must be steamed in a water bath and after cooling down applied to the face;
  • Mask - oatmeal gommage - need any the nuts (grind in a blender to a state of powder - 1 tbsp.) oatmeal (you can use rolled oats) 1 tbsp. citrus juice (lemon or orange a few drops, you can use any fruit or citrus juice). The composition is great for dry skin faces.


Apply better gloves. Use is recommended after any procedure. foot cream, faces or bodies(moisturizing, nourishing, for oily or dry skin, etc.) depending on the application.

Exfoliating mask for legs: which one to choose?

We offer to deal with ready-made cosmetics from leading manufacturers. When choosing care products, we recommend paying particular attention to the type of skin for which this product is recommended.

Exfoliating mask film grapes from Oriflame

As part of the funds from Oriflame contain crushed grape seedsthat trigger collagen production. Regular use (no more than twice a week) gives you the opportunity to completely get rid of dead skin tissue, black spots, even out the complexion and soften the skin. Enhanced collagen production prevents aging processesthat helps for a long time save Effect from applying this remedy. Great fit for dry and normal skin. After application, it does not need flushing - just remove the film from the face and apply a nourishing cream on the skin.

Caring peeling foot mask - lavender

Mask actively distributed through the trading network Avon has already managed to catch the fancy of many users, both among women and men. It is produced at the joint Russian-Polish production. Made on the basis of clay and lavender extract. Fine removes hardened fabricsand relieves irritation and has a pleasant aroma. The effect is noticeable after several applications (it is better to use for at least a month). Recommended for use by owners of dry skin.

L'etual - agiotage foot mask

According to the statement of the Korean manufacturers in its production applies innovative formulawhich facilitates the process of pedicure at home. On the package there are recommendations in several languages, including in Russian. After regular use, the feet become tender and soft. Exfoliation does not begin immediately, but after a few days (according to user reviews in 3-5). It is not recommended to use abrasive products in parallel with the mask.

Foot masks from Avon with lavender

Avon produces several rulers:

• cream - softening;
• gel - restoring;
• foot baths - restoring.

Each product is unique in its own way, for example, a bath is included in the bath. Epsom saltin gel - peppermint essential oil etc. But the leader in this list is a mask with lavender. It is made on the basis of clay and is an excellent tool for pedicure at home.

Himalaya herbals with almonds and cucumber

Manufacturer Himalaya Herbal- India. Main components: cucumber, pineapple, almond and ambilika. Gives the skin freshness, grooming and elasticity. Fine feeds, tones upand moisturizes, removes dead fabricsand also possesses antibacterial by action. Universal.

Chinese exfoliating mask for the feet: instructions for use

Chinese cosmetics is very popular in many countries around the world due to its availability, effectiveness and prevalence. Method of application does not differ from products from other manufacturers:

  • open packaging and extract every sock;
  • cut by line;
  • put on clean and dry feet, evenly spread over the entire foot - from sock to heel;
  • hold from 60 to 90 minutes;
  • rinse warm water.

Important!!!! Contraindications - it is not recommended to perform procedures in the presence of open wounds and / or severe inflammation. For prolonged use, it is recommended to combine with other compounds.

Exfoliating mask socks for the feet: video

Offer video lesson on the use of caring cosmetics for foot skin care at home:

Mask exfoliating mask socks for the feet: reviews

We offer you to read user reviews on the use of cosmetics at home:

Alena, Chelyabinsk:

"I used the Norev Exofilak remedy to exfoliate the mask. I was very pleased. I purchased l'etual from the online store. Special thanks for the quick delivery to the guys"

Elena, Uman:

“I use Skinlight, Auchan, Vilenta and Neil products. I regularly order various means through the Letual shop, for example, Chocolatte (an elegant body wrap with chocolate smell), they have excellent products for hair and body and face, and of course same for the legs and heels. Very satisfied. I recommend "

Svetlana, Vologda:

"I regularly buy peeling socks and a mask film (often with body peeling) for Oriflame's face in a photo studio. Very satisfied."

Alina, Irkutsk:

"I would like to recommend the tool Noreva Exofilak and the pharmacy tool Nyuks - they perfectly cope with the task and provide a long-lasting effect, very satisfied! I used to practice Bon Voyage, but its disadvantage is that people need it, they deal with serious problems more weakly. pretty product quality! "

Irina, Pyatnitskoe:

"I regularly make orders in the Aliexpress store. Once they recommended a good Chinese tool that helps get rid of the corns with snake fat Tian De, now I use only them. I recommend it to everyone"

Catherine, Tobolsk:

"I use the mask from the company Floresan, advised to combine with other cosmetics, chose AsiaKiss (Japanese exfoliating means, caring gives a long-term effect). Excellent choice of cosmetics from Israel and Belarus (Lecos, Lotan, etc.). Very satisfied. I recommend"


Watch the video: I TESTED A CRAZY FOOT PEEL MASK! (June 2024).