Celery - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Celery - a general description

Celery - This is a cultural perennial, but more often biennial plant of the umbrella family. It is divided into three types: leaf, petiole and root. Celery leaves are tripartite, cirrus dissected along the edges, rather large, especially in leafy species. The stem is branched, furrowed. Light green small flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Most varieties of celery are grown in seedlings. Root species of the plant form a large, grayish fruit of a rounded shape.

Celery - types and places of growth

The homeland of celery is considered the Mediterranean. This plant loves fertile soil and abundant watering, grows very well and develops in the middle lane of our country with proper care. In the wild, celery does not grow.

Petiole celery is the most popular; its green or white petioles are successfully used for the preparation of various salads. Leaf celery, in appearance resembling parsley, has a spicy aroma, it is widely used in many national cuisines as a seasoning for soups, salads and sauces. Celery root is a fragrant meaty fruit that is also used for food purposes.

Celery - healing properties

Since ancient times, celery has been famous for its healing properties. In ancient times, it was considered a sacred plant and was used in various rituals and ceremonies, and woven celery wreaths were considered magical jewelry. He was brought to Russia in the middle of the 18th century. Spicy herb almost immediately gained high popularity among the Russian people.

And at present, with firm confidence, we can say that celery is a unique product that contains the most important vitamins A, E, C, P, as well as B groups, minerals: magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, etc. . Due to the content of these compounds and biologically active substances, celery:

- normalizes blood pressure;
- prevents the development of cancer;
- normalizes the hormonal background, strengthens the immune system and helps fight colds;
- has a sedative effect: relieves stress, irritability and stress;
- cleanses the body of toxins, helps to eliminate toxins;
- improves the condition of diabetes, normalizes the water-salt balance, removes excess salts;
- helps to maintain a good figure, thanks to the beneficial effect on metabolic processes;
- treats arthritis, rheumatism and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, celery has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, cleanses the blood, has anti-allergenic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects, and juice obtained from the roots is a natural aphrodisiac and restores libido.

Celery - dosage forms

The medicinal raw material of celery is its roots and grass, which are used both in fresh and dry form. Salads are made from freshly picked ingredients, squeezed juice, and from dry - make infusions, tinctures and decoctions.

Celery Slimming

What is so useful celery for weight loss? Firstly, it restores metabolism, hormonal balance, and also removes toxins, excess fluid from the body and eliminates constipation. Secondly, celery contains very few calories and is used in diet food. Thirdly, the plant has the unique ability to split incoming calories, thereby mitigating the effect of high-calorie foods. Therefore, celery, especially its juice (50 ml), nutritionists recommend consuming during each meal.

Celery - traditional medicine recipes

- Infusion for rheumatism, gout, allergies: table. add a spoonful of roots in 1.5 liters of boiling water, wrap and insist 3-4 hours. It is necessary to drink infusion three to five r. two spoons (tablespoons) a day half an hour before meals.

- When frostbite is necessary to cook 200 gr. dried celery in one liter of water. Cool to a tolerable temperature and lower the damaged limb into the broth. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure every evening. To achieve the best result after taking such a bath, goose fat can be rubbed into the problem area.

- With menopause, sexual weakness: add one teaspoon of dry grass to boiling water (250 ml), insist the infusion for ten hours and use it four times a day for 1 table. l The course lasts 21-30 days.

- For irritability and insomnia: 40 gr. the roots are poured with one liter of cold but boiled water, insist 7-8 hours and drink the resulting drink in a teaspoon. thrice a day.

Celery - contraindications

Celery is not recommended to be abused during pregnancy, as it contains substances that contribute to uterine contractions, therefore large doses of the plant can provoke a miscarriage.


Tom 05/07/2016
I'm shocked too. Even if only half of the usefulness of celery described here is true, then absolutely everyone needs to eat it. I will definitely put him in my country house. Yes - more)) Here, it is not necessary to get sick, in particular, to a healthy person, he is also necessary.

Yana 05/07/2016
I somehow never really loved celery. Well, sometimes I buy it, as I see it ... And after reading it, I will lay on celery, as on the main greens of the diet. Its value is simply amazing. Indeed, from all diseases.

Emma 05/07/2016
I read the article. I had a strong feeling that in addition to celery, there is nothing else to eat! Well this is just a panacea for all ills !!! I did not find a single actual disease that would not cure celery!

Rita 05/07/2016
I was directly interested in the fact that, it turns out, celery was used in magic rituals, and even considered sacred! Very interesting information. Immediately, I began to treat him somehow more respectfully)) Thank you.

Irina 05/07/2016
I enjoyed reading this article. Thank. I constantly buy and eat celery, because everyone says that it is terribly useful. But, I never knew what exactly this plant is useful for. Just ate and all))


Watch the video: Celery Seeds For Reducing Uric Acid, Manage Diabetes And Much More (June 2024).