What you need to know about erysipelas of the leg. Which doctor to go to, diagnosis and treatment of erysipelas


From time immemorial, millions and billions of microorganisms have been neighbors of humans: man alone is the habitat of protozoa.

For some time now, people have not paid attention to their tenants.

Such homeostasis persists exactly until the moment when the human immunity, like a guard, observes the safety of the body and does not allow foreign microorganisms to "unfasten".

However, it is worth the protective system to give the slightest misfire, as then all the microflora makes itself felt.

Many microorganisms do not pose a threat to human health, but there are those that are waiting for a good moment to strike.

One of the most tenacious microorganisms that accompanies us from birth to death is streptococcus.

Streptococci live on the mucous membranes, in the gastrointestinal tract, on the skin. Such infectious agents provoke many diseases: tonsillitis, colitis. With localization on the skin - erysipelas.

Erysipelas is an infectious disease caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Pathology is dangerous not only from a cosmetic point of view, but also poses a threat to the life of the patient. Long-term untreated erysipelas leads to the penetration of infection into the internal environment of the body: kidneys, heart, etc. are affected.

Consider this dangerous pathology in more detail.

Erysipelas of the foot: causes

Erysipelas of the leg, the causes of which are heterogeneous, is a relatively rare pathology. A typical portrait of the patient is as follows: a woman, over the age of 45 years, has a history of a chronic disease of an infectious nature, or such a disease has recently been transferred.

However, no one is safe from the development of this disease. It all depends on a combination of several factors.

There are several immediate causes that can provoke erysipelas of the leg.

• Weakening of local immunity. As was said, it is enough to give the body's defenses the weakness - streptococcus immediately takes its toll and makes itself felt. The weakening of the immune system occurs after the infectious diseases. A decrease in local immunity is provoked by the frequent use of aggressive chemicals, frequent washing, etc. Sebum is necessary not only to keep the skin moisturized, but also to protect the skin from infectious agents.

• Damage to the skin. Pathogens penetrate through small wounds and scratches into the deeper layers.

• Stress, nervous tension. Stresses cannot directly cause erysipelas of the legs, however, nervous tension provokes inhibition of the immune system.

• Bruises.

• A predisposition to erysipelas.

• Thermal skin damage, frostbite, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

• The history of diabetes mellitus in the legs increases.

One of the reasons for the development of erysipelas of the leg is not enough. For the disease to begin to develop, you need a combination of two or more of these factors.

Erysipelas of the foot: symptoms

Symptoms of erysipelatous inflammation of the legs do not immediately allow to accurately determine the source of the problem. The first manifestations are general, not local.

Hyperthermia is manifested unreasonably and sharply. The patient's body temperature rises to 39-40 degrees. Symptoms of general intoxication join in: headache, weakness, drowsiness. In especially severe cases, the onset of the disease is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps.

The incubation period of erysipelas of the leg, when the symptoms have not yet manifested, but the pathogen has already entered the body, is approximately 2-4 days.

After 24 hours from the onset of the first symptoms, local signs of inflammation develop:

• The skin on the affected area turns red, acquires a purple color.

• The patient experiences burning pains. Itching may be observed.

• In the place of activity of the pathogenic flora, bursting is felt.

• Swelling of the skin.

• The skin becomes hot to the touch.

Most often, erysipelas affects the lower legs. This is a very contagious disease, therefore contact with the patient should be undertaken carefully and in compliance with safety precautions. If you do not start treatment in a short time, much more dangerous symptoms may develop:

• Peeling of the upper layer of the skin.

• The formation of purulent non-healing ulcers.

In addition, penetrating deeper into the thickness of the skin, streptococci with lymphatic current spread throughout the body. This means that metastatic damage to the skin of the face, hands, etc. can begin. Internal organs are also under attack.

Do not think that erysipelas is a trifling disease, like a cold. Symptoms are only a small part. Far more dangerous are complications.

In the acute period, the disease lasts about 10-15 days. Symptoms of erysipelas of the legs may disappear suddenly and without treatment, but it is not worth it to deceive yourself. The disease has the property of recurring. Therefore, as soon as the patient has discovered defects on the skin in the form of red spots that have arisen after malaise, it is recommended to consult a doctor urgently.

Erysipelas of the foot: diagnosis

Diagnosis of erysipelas of the leg presents great difficulties only in the first day from the onset of the disease. During this period, it is difficult to find the source of the infectious lesion.

In the future, the clinical picture becomes apparent. Erysipelas is accompanied by characteristic symptoms and external manifestations.

A specialized specialist in skin pathologies is a dermatologist. In Russia, a mixed specialty is a dermatologist-venereologist. It is to this doctor that you should go with your problem.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a medical history (an oral survey of the patient about his complaints and the circumstances of the disease) and a visual examination.

To confirm the diagnosis, a specialist prescribes a blood test (general). This laboratory study reveals signs of inflammation (leukocytosis, high ESR), antibodies to streptococcus.

Also, in order to diagnose erysipelas of the leg, skin samples are taken (scraping) for further examination for infectious lesions.

Erysipelas of the foot: treatment

The treatment of erysipelas of the leg should be done only by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, too much is at stake: complications may well be fatal.

For the purpose of therapy, conservative and surgical methods are used. Conservative therapy consists in taking medications. The following groups of drugs are prescribed:

• Antibacterial agents. The basis of the basics in the treatment of erysipelas of the foot. The name of the drug is selected by the doctor strictly after examining the skin scraping for the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The dosage of the drug should be high. The duration of therapy is 10-15 days. Depending on the severity of the lesion.

• Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are prescribed strictly after antibiotics. The removal of inflammation leads to a weakening of the immune response. Acceptance of anti-inflammatory drugs is permissible only after the acute stage of erysipelas of the leg.

• Antihistamines. Local manifestations of erysipelas can be aggravated by an allergic reaction to the waste products of streptococci. Antihistamines can help with this.

• Hormonal drugs of local action. Assigned to relieve local inflammation and swelling. However, only after antibiotic therapy.

In severe cases, when purulent ulcers are formed, an autopsy of the infected cavities is carried out with the subsequent application of antibacterial ointments.

Erysipelas of the foot - The disease is unpredictable and dangerous. It does not develop so often, but if the first manifestations appear, it is already impossible to cope on their own. Qualified medical care is indispensable. Fortunately, the diagnosis is not particularly difficult, which means that treatment will be scheduled on time. Treatment of erysipelas of the legs is not an easy task. However, with a due share of patience on the part of the patient, a favorable outcome is guaranteed. It is important to consult a specialist on time. Erysipelas is not a pathology that you can brush off. Complications are very serious, even fatal.


Watch the video: Bacterial Skin Infection - Cellulitis and Erysipelas Clinical Presentation, Pathology, Treatment (July 2024).