What does it mean to see your reflection in a mirror in a dream?


As in dreams, and in reality, the mirror is considered to be a special sign. The symbolic meaning of dreams with a mirror can be explained by immersion in your own subconscious, inner world. What the reflective surface shows the dreamer will be decisive in its interpretation.

Why dream of a mirror?

Most dream books predict quick change after a person dreams about the mirror surface. In which direction to wait for them will prompt the reflection. Often people dream:

  • own reflection;
  • lack of reflection;
  • faces of familiar people;
  • the face of a stranger;
  • broken mirror shards.

Each of these meanings has different meanings, and different interpreters may look at the same dream subject in a completely different way.

What dreams in the mirror look? Reflective surface helps to reveal to a person his or others' secrets, unseen before. However, it is not always about pleasant secrets. For example, the Nostradamus dream book calls the mirror surface symbol of duality or falsehood.

Dreaming of themselves in a dream in the mirror is often associated by dream-books with the subconscious desire for internal change, mental growth, and the attainment of new emotional peaks. Sometimes this means a desire to make sure that the decisions are correct. Reflection will prompt the correct answer.

For menSome dream books predict changes for the better in their careers if they see a new mirror in their dreams.

For womenInterpreters advise to see a mirror-like surface to fear possible deception or betrayal. This should be feared if it dreamed on the wall.

If a new mirror dreamed to the girl - to a love affair.

Large mirror surfacesThey talk about the desire to deal with the inner self. But be careful: if the mirror is very large, perhaps the dreamer overestimates himself too much.

Small mirror in me, Tsvetkova’s dream book is explained by inner ease.

Surface in which impossible to see anything due to dirt, can talk about a sharply negative attitude of the dreamer towards himself, which prevents him from looking at the situation sensibly.

Dreamed up rotated mirror? Freud explains this dream of self-doubt in sexual terms.

If dreamed large mirror surface covered with film, it is necessary to fear the betrayal of people from the environment of the dreamer.

Gypsy dream book warns about the possible betrayal of his comrades when dreaming of this household item.

Dream interpretation Meneghettithe mirror-like surface that is dreamed explains by the dreamer's ability to adequately evaluate his actions.

Dream interpretation Maya interprets a situation where a person simply sees a mirror in a dream, as a hint of speedy unforeseen expenses.

To see the reflection in a dream

Dream Miller interprets dreams with reflection as the dreamer's unwillingness to treat with respect to the people around him, and predicts possible conflicts on this basis.

Dream Vangasays that the person who sees his reflection is able to change for the better, as he sensibly perceives his bad and good sides.

Dream interpretation of Nostradamuspredicts a man who sees himself pleasant news.

Freudan Dreamputs forward the theory that what he sees in the mirror will allow him to sort out his secret desires. If the picture seen is different from reality, then this is how the dreamer would like to see himself in life on a subconscious level.

Alien reflection instead of own may be a precursor to the illness of one of the dreamer's closest people.

What does it mean for a woman to see herself in the mirror?

Often women are seen in such visions of details that may seem secondary, but their interpretation will help to understand that we are talking about serious values, and they will help to change themselves for the better. Some ladies can see themselves in a dream in a thick mirror, someone can see themselves beautiful or ugly in a dream, others dress up or are painted looking at their own reflection. Each action has its own explanation.

Seeing yourself in the mirror ugly can girls who lost faith in their abilities. Dream books are advised to begin to act right in a dream - to step into a reflection, but in real life it is worth reconsidering your priorities.

Dreams in which the dream sees itself in reflection thickusually promise to improve the financial situation, promise wealth. Other interpretations may indicate an internal conflict in which the person from the environment of the dreamer is guilty.

What dreams a mirror in a dream to a woman who trying on clothes? Such dreams promise success in the work if the outfit fits, but if the clothes are large, small or damaged, then it requires a lot of effort on the part of the dreamer. Special evening dresses dream of those ladies who are in reality waiting for interesting leisure and the opportunity to realize their ambitions.

To see yourself in a dream in a mirror in a wedding dress - to good. In addition to the pleasant offers, this dream can also promise a good bargain. Married ladies dream of wedding attire in the reflection to a new round in relations with a dear person.

See yourself in the mirror with long hair in a dream it is possible in a well-groomed form, and it is possible in disheveled. The first option may portend an interesting trip or improvement in the financial situation, the second - to a misunderstanding in the family.

Which means comb your hair in front of a mirror in a dream? Some interpreters explain such episodes by the frivolousness of young girls, whose actions in the near future will not lead to good. Married women should be wary of a serious conversation with her husband after such a dream. Comb before combing - to the end of a series of troubles.

Beauty in front of a mirror satin in a dream - to love experiences with a loved one or on the side.

Not see reflections in a dream

What if in a dream a mirror appeared without reflection? Usually such a dream does not bode well.

Dream Vanga advises to pray, because perhaps you unwittingly do evil.

Nostradamus warns a man who has not seen in the mirror of reflection, soon illness.
Maya interpret the absence of their own reflection as a sign of losing themselves, and the possible influence on the dreamer of evil forces from outside.

Why dream mirror without reflection of objects? This dream marks the obstacles that can be overcome without fail.

Instead of your own reflection see a monster or an animal can a person who can not cope with internal experiences.

If you dreamed of a broken mirror

One of the most frightening situations, both in life and in dreams, is a broken mirror. Dream interpretation may interpret this episode in different ways, but most of those in the know assure that it is not worth waiting for good from such a dream.

What dreams of a broken mirror, if you do not bump into fatalism? Dreaming Veles predicts changes that will affect the inner world of the dreamer in particular.

Broken mirror shards promise young woman grief in marriage, Miller’s dream book says.

Vanga talked about seeing fragments of a mirror in a dream - unfortunately and tears.

Freud's Dream Book fragments of the mirror surface symbolize broken dreams and hopes. Perhaps this is due to the betrayal of the second half.

Dreaming mayafills the mirror fragments with the following meaning: something secret will soon become apparent.

Gypsy dream book assures that if in a dream the mirror is broken by yourself, then soon the dreamer can betray someone close, not necessarily at his own will or intentionally.

Should know in advance what is the dream of a mirror cracked. Some interpreters warn the dreamer about the insincerity of the intentions of the person he likes. Others point out that the cracked mirror is a symbol of the fact that some desires will not come true.


Watch the video: MIRRORS. Dream Log #13 (June 2024).