Alginate facial mask recipes


Alginate masks are widely used in cosmetology. They are perfectly applied not only to the face, but also to the body, and also have a lifting effect and solve many different skin problems.

The products have unique stimulating properties and are suitable for any skin.
Special healing properties and versatility can be explained by the fact that algae are their main component. And the modern world recognized them as one of the highest quality natural ingredients for cosmetics.

Stimulating mask alginate facial

Alginate masks help prevent premature aging of the skin, have a lifting effect, plant pores, and also improve the complexion. For the same purpose, they can be used for the neck, chest and décolleté.
In addition, the funds are widely used for the body and as an anti-cellulite agent.

Alginate mask. What is it and what is it for?

Alginate masks are suitable for all skin types. They are available dry powder, which must be dissolved before use.
The effect of use is hard to miss. It can be expressed in:
- preservation of moisture in the skin;
- elimination of dryness;
- improve skin breathing;
- the release of harmful substances;
- lifting and correction of facial features;
- smoothing wrinkles;
- elimination of dilated vessels;
- pores.
Moreover, masks can repeatedly enhance the effect of any cream.

How often can you do?

To get good results, using a stimulating mask once is not enough. Required to pass the course of procedures. It is recommended to do the procedure from one to four times a week, depending on the condition of the skin, as well as on the problem being solved.

How to apply alginate mask and how much to keep?

In principle, the process has no unusual features. Before applying the product, thoroughly clean the skin, remove makeup, and grease eyebrows and eyelashes with a greasy cream. By the way, at first skin can be smeared with a caring agent.

When you apply the product and it is absorbed, apply an alginate mask. The powder is first diluted with water in the ratio 1: 1. It should not remain lumps, and it should be applied quickly so that it does not freeze.
After half an hour, remove the mask. This is done easily, as it becomes soft and plastic. Shoot in one motion, starting from the chin.

After removal, apply a tonic on your face. If you have not applied any additional funds, you can use them.

How to cook it at home?

Ready shop masks such as Liberderm, Faberlik, Anskin, Velinia, Tiana, Malavit, Belita, Meitan, Ecolab, Mirra, Christie, Beauty Style, Tentorium, Korean products and so on, of course, are good, but even if the name does not suit you, their quality or you have nowhere to buy, you can make such a tool yourself. The simplest recipe for an ordinary alginate mask is:
- Alginate - 25-30% of the total mass of the finished product;
- diatomite - 70-75%;
- plasticizer - calcium sulfate or calcium chloride - 1-2%;
- mineral water.

Diatomite is not sold everywhere, so you can replace it with cosmetic clay or powder from pearls. Ready masks can not be stored, because they tend to harden quickly, so after cooking you should immediately use the product. Do not place them in the sunlight either, as it dries faster. Depending on your skin type and the problems that you plan to solve, you can add different components to your composition - spirulina, kelp, extracts, vitamins, which give extra nutrition, hydration and rejuvenation, cosmotter, sakura.

(A large number of effective masks that can be done at home easily and quickly, you will find here //

Alginate face mask - reviews

Reviewed by Kristina, 25, Saratov
“... It seems much easier to buy a ready-made product than to bother with preparing it. Not every ingredient is easy to get at the pharmacy, and you can spend a lot of time searching and preparing. By the way, ready-made products have an instant Botox effect, and you can choose the term of use yourself. Just do not do it too often. It stimulates the renewal of skin cells, but do not overdo it ... "

Reviewed by Lilia, 29, Cherepovets
“... Indeed, it is difficult to find components for masks, but today there are many online stores open where you can easily find everything you need. If you also need to deliver home. And taking care of yourself is a very important thing, because beauty requires investment ... "

Reviewed by Evgenia, 34, Moscow

“... Alginate stimulating procedures do in the cabin. This is approximately several sessions every 6 months. To be honest, no other procedure helped restore the skin. The effect is fantastic! ... "

Reviewed by Maria, 31, Ekaterinburg

“... I tried to make alginate masks, but I really want to. Although usually I do not have enough for many procedures. At home it is quite difficult to do something regularly. I got used to mixing different components (for example: espresso, honey, salt, oils) ... "

Reviewed by Natalia, 26 years old, Vladimir
“... I tried to make a mask with analgin myself. For the first time, it dissolved it badly and made a mask with lumps)))) although then I learned it and everything became normal. The most important thing is patience))) ... "

Alginate facials - beautician tips

Beauticians advise to use a few small tricks.
Prepare the skin before applying the mask. Treat eyebrows and eyelashes with hard cream. To enhance the result, spread the face with serum, which contains a lot of active substances. These products usually contain skin-friendly substances. Aldehyde mask helps to enhance their effect and helps its deep penetration.

Since the mask should be applied quickly, it is better to ask someone for help. To distribute evenly and quickly a mask on the face will help a special cosmetic spatula. Movement should be made from top to bottom. It is recommended to make the edges more dense than in the general coverage area. So the mask will be easier to remove. Also, do not make the mixture too liquid, as there will be smudges.
Flush means not necessary. It can only be removed. After half an hour on the face of a dense shell, which can be safely removed. To do this, pry the lower edge of the mask and pull it to the forehead.

What do simple women say about alginate mask

Many users experiment and add additional components to a regular mask. For example, chamomile, aloe, rose, mummy, nutmeg or kelp powder. Substances are added during the preparation of diatomite, and then mixed with other ingredients.

By the way, most people admit that doing such a remedy at home is rather troublesome. In addition, it is not always fashionable to correctly calculate the dose, and it is not known how your skin will react to this. Also remember about security. Alginate cannot be used if there is inflammation, scratches or wounds on the face. In addition, the procedure can not be carried out in the presence of oncology.

The best recipes for alginate masks

Since sodium alginate is a basic component of the mask and it can be almost everywhere, then it will not be difficult to make it yourself. Recipes allow you to perform different experiments and add different ingredients that suit your skin. Before applying, the mask must be prepared. To choose the right and get great happiness, you need to determine the type of skin. So, let's talk about popular recipes for different cases.

For sensitive and problem skin

If you have certain skin problems, then you need to breed:
- 30 g of the usual alginate mask;
- 2 g of Botamix (moisturizing complex with flax seeds, fig and cotton extract);
- 2 g of argan oil;
- 0.2 g allantoin;
- 90 ml of water;
- 1 ampoule of calcium chloride.

(The area around the eyes is very sensitive, so try to smear it).

Anti-aging alginate mask against aging and anti-wrinkle

The following mixture helps against premature skin aging:
- 6 g of sodium;
- 60 ml of water.
Infuse the mixture for 5-6 hours.

For another mix you will need:
- 2 tsp. kelp powder;
- 15 g of cosmetic clay (choose for your skin type).
Mix everything and add calcium chloride in the amount of 1 ampoule.

In the fight against wrinkles helps the mixture, similar to the previous recipe.
The second mixture is prepared from:
- 5 g of kaolin;
- 2 g of shiitake mushroom powder;
- 25 ml of water.
Both solutions need to be combined and add a vial of calcium chloride. Masks will also be suitable for moisturizing dry, tightened, dehydrated skin.

It is better not to use for the area around the eyes.

Exfoliating mask

To exfoliate dry and normal skin, you will need an alginate solution mixed with a second mixture, which is prepared from pearl powder and rasped (6 g each) and diluted in 25 ml of water. At the end add calcium chloride.

Avoid the area around the eyes!

To get a scrub, you can add espresso coffee residues. Espresso has miraculous properties that go well with alginate.

All professional masks, and also homemade ones, are an effective cosmetology tool. This is a rejuvenating, cleansing, super-moisturizing, relaxing, compression, modeling, hyaluronic and collagen procedure, which at home has a low cost. It can be said that the funds can be diluted with chlorophyll, eucalyptus, which will not even be worse than French premium masks. By the way, on the Internet you can find photos, pictures, videos on YouTube by Olga Seymour Russia and see how to properly cleanse, peel, matting, prepare masks, as well as how to apply this magic cocktail. Thanks to the masks with acid, blueberry, botoeffektivy, argirelinom and so on, you will feel like a queen.


Watch the video: O Cosmedics Alginate Peel Off Mask (July 2024).