Ten 7-minute exercises that will benefit your kid's intelligence


Every third child faces the difficulties of the thinking process today. He will clearly not be able to overcome these problems on his own, so you, caring parents, should come to the rescue. And how to do it unobtrusively and effectively, tell our advice.

1 Method: computer games.

Scientists believe that the benefits of virtual games are much more than harm. Daily giving them 7-10 minutes a day, the child will receive a comprehensive development and will feel much more confident in society. For example, computer games designed specifically for girls will help your young princesses not only to develop their intellect, but also to grow into real hostesses. After all, you can learn so much interesting with them: unusual cooking recipes, rules for caring for animals or children, the basics of stylistic diversity and much more.

2 Method: associations.

Mastering mnemonics will allow your child to memorize complex texts faster and also teach how to draw analogies and parallels. The principle of the method is simple: take any text that you would like to memorize and have the child draw all the words or lines in the form of images on paper. This will teach the child to analyze information, try to understand its essence, and not thoughtlessly memorize "from cover to cover."

3 way: missing letters.

The outlook and vocabulary of the child can be expanded by the following method: tell your child that some single letter of the alphabet, for example, “H”, is lost, and now you can only pronounce words in which it does not occur. When the letter is “found”, it can be noted by the reverse exercise - to use in speech only those words that contain this letter.

4 Method: spy games.

Create your own encryption method (for example, replace each letter with a sequence number alphabetically or shift 1 letter forward: “a” will become “b”, “b” will be denoted as “c”, etc.) and explain it to the child . After that, instead of asking him to do something, with special mystery inadvertently throw up encrypted messages to him (for example, your goal is garbage collection, further instructions after execution) and admire the result.

5 Way: a brief debate.

Offer the child the following game: you name any topic, and he should tell you everything he knows about it in 3 minutes (gradually reduce to 1 minute). At the same time correct the child if the speech is incoherent, intermittent, etc. So he will learn to clearly and concisely express his thoughts, will not get lost in front of the crowd and will always be able to fill in the hitch if he suddenly forgot an excerpt from his speech.

6 Method: "verbal limit".

Agree with the child to communicate with each other sentences that will have a strictly specified number of words (for example, 4). In this case, your dialogue should be not only meaningful, but also coherent. This will force the child to practice vocabulary, briefly formulate his thoughts, and also draw logical parallels. A similar dialogue will look like this: “let's go for a walk in the park”, “let's stay home today”.

7 Method: items and their order.

This game has dozens of variations. For example, a certain amount of things are laid out on the table, which the child looks at no more than 1-2 minutes. After things are covered with a cloth, and the baby must answer questions about these items. Then items can be deleted or asked to call them in alphabetical order, or invent a story describing the item in detail, etc. This will significantly increase the memory capacity and favorably affect its reverse response.

8 Method: torobane esv.

Call the child the opposite words (“tevir” instead of “hello”) to translate them. When he gets a little comfortable, complicate the task - now he has to call words the other way around. Gradually, you can move from words to phrases and whole sentences. The child will have to use all the capabilities of his brain in order to decipher the next "julybule picks me."

9 Method: inventions and notions.

If your child cannot remember the sequence of something (numbers, letters, etc.), think up and learn a simple story with him about something. Thus, when confronted with a problem, the child will subconsciously recall your fairy tale and easily cope with any assignment.

10 Way: a minute of memories.

Before you go to bed, offer your child a game - recall in detail the entire past day. Let him try to answer with what hand he brushed his teeth, what he was wearing, or what color his mom bought the apples. Initially, the little one who does not think about the little things, wanting to win in the next game, will begin to notice various nuances, interpret his actions and pay much more attention to what we do automatically.
