Blood type diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Blood group diet reviews and menu examples


Blood type diet - description and general principles

Which of us does not want to have a toned and beautiful figure? Often, in order to “conquer” it, many women take the most radical measures: they are ready to literally scoff at themselves, taking a grueling hunger strike or eating two leaves of salad a day. What for? After all, modern techniques in the field of nutrition can work wonders. The main thing is to know the basic secrets of proper nutrition, and the question of constant weight control will disappear by itself.

One of the main achievements of nutritionists was the discovery of a diet by blood type. And the best part is that a person does not have to limit himself to something, purchase scales for weighing portions and count calories. It is enough to abandon some products, and the weight itself will begin to return to normal - smoothly, naturally, as expected. The concepts of such a diet are based on a specific blood group.

According to the studies of the American doctor James d'Amado, all products, depending on compatibility with various blood groups, can be safely divided into: beneficial, neutral and harmful. That is, the use of the same ingredient by different people leads to completely opposite results. Some begin to part with extra pounds, while others, on the contrary, gain weight. Thus, nature itself tells a person which products are favorable for him at this stage of development and which are not.

Blood type diet - what foods can be consumed

According to the results of clinical trials, it was found that representatives of different blood groups have their own characteristics and eating habits.

1 group - "hunter" - considered the oldest. According to most scientists, it was from her in the process of natural evolution that all the others came from. About 34% of the world's population are carriers of this group. Nutritionists advise "hunters" to include protein foods such as fish, meat (except pork), legumes and seafood in the diet. And also be sure to eat fruits (except sour), some vegetables and rye bread. Limit should wheat and cereal products, except buckwheat.

2 group - "farmer" - characterized by flexibility, good adaptation to environmental conditions. Representatives of type 2 are recommended to use non-meat proteins: soy, legumes, cereals, fish (except halibut, flounder and herring). And also supplement the menu with vegetables, especially greens, fruits (exceptions are citrus fruits, coconuts and bananas), dairy and sour-milk products. Sugar is allowed, but in moderation.

3rd group - "nomad" - arose as a result of the migration of races. Currently, 20% of the world's population is endowed with such blood. Nomads are generally omnivorous, with the exception of some ingredients. Their diet should include cereals (except wheat), meat, eggs, dairy products, some vegetables and fruits.

4 group - "mixed type" - occurred as a result of the merger of 2 types of blood - A and B. At the moment it is the rarest: only 7% of the population are of this type. Representatives of the rare blood group are allowed to eat meat: rabbit, lamb, turkey; as well as fish, dairy products, oils, nuts, cereals (except corn and buckwheat), separately vegetables and non-acidic fruits.

Blood type diet - which foods should not be consumed

"Hunters" are strictly forbidden to eat: pork, cabbage (with the exception of broccoli), wheat and corn products, ketchup, citrus fruits, sugar, potatoes, marinades and cream ice cream.

"Farmers" should be excluded from the diet: citrus fruits, bananas, caviar, seafood, turkey meat, chicken, fat milk, pepper, sugar. As well as strong black tea, orange juice and soda drinks.

“Nomads” should be avoided: corn, tomatoes, olives, pumpkin, seafood, pork and chicken, lentils, wheat and buckwheat.

Representatives of the "mixed type" are advised to exclude: seafood (possible in moderation), corn, sour fruits, black olives, red meat, bacon, ham, seeds and wheat.

Blood Type Diet - Menu Examples

So, we offer you an example of a 7-day menu, painted in four blood groups. After a week, you can repeat the circle, adding at your discretion similar ingredients. Over time, you will learn how to choose the right products, as they say - "by eye".

Example of a diet menu for owners of 1 blood group


- breakfast: any fruit to choose from, except citrus, unsweetened tea.
- second breakfast: a glass of natural juice
- lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup, 150 g of fried or baked fish, 1 apple, tea
- afternoon tea: herbal tea
- dinner: 200 gr. fried liver, 1-2 slices of rye bread, 1 orange, tea


- breakfast: 150 gr. grapes, tea (preferably herbal)
- second breakfast: a glass of juice
- lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup, 200 gr. meat in any form, 100 gr. vegetable salad with butter
- dinner: 150 gr. seaweed salad, 150 gr. any fish dish, 1 slice of bread with butter, tea


- breakfast: any fruit, tea
- second breakfast - a glass of juice
- lunch: soup with vegetables and meat 250 g, fried meat 150 gr., 1 piece of bread, cucumber salad, tea
- afternoon snack: a glass of juice
- dinner: 100 gr. any kind of shrimp, fried zucchini 150 gr., unsweetened tea


- breakfast: banana, a glass of milk
- second breakfast: herbal tea
- lunch: vegetable soup 250 g, cottage cheese 250 gr.
- dinner: meat 200 gr., any salad 150 gr., banana, tea


- breakfast: fruit, herbal tea, a slice of bread with butter
- second breakfast: 200 gr. juice
- lunch: thick soup 250 g with bread, 200 gr. squid, tomato and butter salad
- dinner: any fish (baked) 150 gr., salad with beets 100 gr., tea


- breakfast: two boiled eggs, a piece of bread and butter, tea
- second breakfast: juice 200 gr.
- lunch: vegetable soup 250 gr., fish 150 g, bread
- afternoon tea: herbal tea with honey or juice
- dinner: boiled chicken 200 gr., salad of cucumbers and tomatoes 150 gr., tea


- breakfast: fruit or berries, tea
- second breakfast: vegetable or fruit juice
- lunch: soup puree 250 gr., fried liver 200 gr., vegetable salad with butter, bread
- afternoon snack: juice
- dinner: fried fish 200 gr., any salad 150 gr., tea

Example of a diet menu for owners of 2 blood groups


- breakfast: 100 gr. cheese, 1 fruit (except bananas, coconuts and citrus fruits), tea
- lunch: a glass of cherry juice
- lunch: 200 g of soup, any kind of fish (except herring, halibut and flounder) 150 gr., one apple
- afternoon tea: herbal tea with honey
- dinner: 200 ml of any dairy product, cabbage salad 100 gr., bread


- breakfast: yogurt or ryazhenka 200 ml, a slice of bread and butter
- lunch: a glass of pineapple juice
- lunch: soup 250 gr., 100 gr. tomato salad
- afternoon tea: tea
- dinner: boiled fish 150 grams, bread, salad with seaweed


- breakfast: any fruit, tea
- second breakfast: carrot juice
- lunch: 250 gr. soup, vegetable salad, rye bread
- afternoon snack: cherry juice
- dinner: seafood 200 gr., seaweed, 100 gr. grape


- breakfast: milk and fruit
- second breakfast any juice, cottage cheese
- lunch: cereal porridge 200 gr., vegetable soup, tea
- dinner: squid salad with vegetables, bread, kefir 1 cup


- breakfast: fermented baked milk or yogurt 200 ml., bread with butter
- second breakfast: carrot juice
- lunch: mashed soup with beans 250 gr., baked fish 150 gr., bread
- dinner: 150 gr. cottage cheese with yogurt or sour cream, vegetable salad, berry and fruit mix 200 gr.


- breakfast: fried eggs with 2 eggs, a cup of coffee with sugar and cream
- second breakfast: pineapple juice
- lunch: soup with vegetables 250 gr., 200 gr. seafood, bread, tea
- dinner: 150 gr. boiled chicken, salad with seaweed and mushrooms, tea


- breakfast: fruit to choose from, tea
- second breakfast: carrot and apple juice
- lunch: rice porridge with milk 200 gr., stewed vegetables 200 gr., bread, tea
- afternoon snack: a glass of juice
- dinner: fried fish 200 gr., Korean carrot salad, a glass of red wine

Example of a diet menu for owners of 3 blood groups


- breakfast: any fruit, unsweetened tea
- second breakfast: a glass of grape juice
- lunch: cereal soup 250 ml, fried meat with onions 200 gr., apple, tea
- afternoon tea: herbal tea
- dinner: egg omelet, 200 gr. fried liver, orange, bread


- breakfast: 150 gr. grape tea
- second breakfast: cranberry juice with sugar
- lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup, 150 gr. baked with fish sauce, 100 gr. radish salad
- dinner: stew 200 gr., bread, 150 gr. cabbage salad with butter, tea


- breakfast: crackers, fruits and tea
- second breakfast: pineapple juice
- lunch: soup with croutons 250 gr., meat baked in its own juice, any green salad
- dinner: boiled fish 200 gr., a glass of fermented baked milk


- breakfast: fruit mix or fruit salad seasoned with yogurt, tea
- second breakfast: tea or juice
- lunch: 250 g of vegetable soup, 200 gr. cottage cheese
- afternoon snack: vegetable juice from cabbage or carrots
- dinner: seaweed salad with boiled potatoes, bread, banana, tea


- breakfast: citrus fruits, tea
- second breakfast: a glass of grape juice
- lunch: cheese soup puree 250 gr., bread, baked fish 200 gr., tomatoes, tea
- dinner: vegetable salad with crab meat 200 gr., fish, tea


- breakfast: rice porridge in milk, 1 egg, tea
- second breakfast: cranberry juice
- lunch: vegetable soup 250 gr., bread, boiled fish 150 gr., tea
- dinner: cottage cheese 150 gr., vegetable stew with meat 250 gr.


- breakfast: any fruit, unsweetened tea
- second breakfast: pineapple juice
- lunch: soup with crackers 250 gr., 200 gr. fried liver, bread, a glass of kefir
- afternoon snack: grape juice 1 cup
- dinner: cheese 70 gr., rye bread, fried fish 200 gr., tea

Example of a diet menu for owners of 4 blood groups


- breakfast: green tea without sugar, fruits
- lunch: ginseng tea
- lunch: mashed potatoes with gravy (with not red meat) 250 gr., 100 gr. tofu, bread, herbal tea
- afternoon tea: green tea with honey
- dinner: boiled fish with tomato sauce 200 gr., a glass of kefir, bread


- breakfast: 100 gr. grape
- lunch: chamomile tea
- lunch: vegetable soup 250 ml, fried fish 200 gr., cucumber salad, tea
- dinner: 200 gr. boiled rabbit or turkey meat, stewed or fried cauliflower, bread


- breakfast: non-acidic fruits, tea
- second breakfast: broth from rose hips
- lunch: soup with potatoes and cereals 250 gr., fried rabbit meat 200 gr., bread, radish salad
- dinner: 200 gr. boiled rice with plums. butter, a glass of kefir


- breakfast: fried eggs, 1 banana, a cup of green tea
- second breakfast: juice or broth from hawthorn
- lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup in meat broth, 200 gr. baked fish, rye bread, tomato salad
- dinner: 200 gr. lamb stew, 150 gr. coleslaw


- breakfast: 2 slices of bread with cheese, green tea
- second breakfast: grape juice
- lunch: mashed soup with mushrooms 250 gr., salad with vegetables and fish 250 gr., tomatoes, bread, tea
- afternoon tea: apple, tea
- dinner: 200 gr. porridge (any), beetroot salad 150 gr.


- breakfast: boiled eggs 2 pcs., green tea
- lunch: ginseng tea, peanuts
- lunch: bean and vegetable soup 250 gr., fried fish 200 gr., kefir, bread
- dinner: light salad with vegetables and cheese, tea


- breakfast: non-acidic fruits, coffee
- second breakfast: a slice of cheese, green tea
- lunch: 250 gr. vegetable soup, turkey stew 200 gr., bread
- afternoon snack: banana, herbal tea
- dinner: fried or baked rabbit meat in the oven 200 gr. with any side dish.

Blood type diet - useful tips and reviews

There is no more optimal and healthy diet than what is inherent in the genes of each individual. Therefore, if you thoroughly decided to use the above diet, be sure to check your blood type, consult a doctor and feel free to step towards the ideal.

The blood type diet is recognized as highly effective among most nutritionists in the world, but what do ordinary women say about it?

Anastasia from St. Petersburg writes: “I have been tormented with the problem of overweight all my life. After giving birth, I recovered even more. I tried to sit on many diets, even went hungry, but the effect was always the same: like a pendulum, it was losing weight, it was gaining it again. About the diet for I heard a faint blood group somewhere, but I confess I was skeptical until I came across a forum where the doctor advised the participant to stick to just such a diet. They say it’s a very good one! I decided to try (what to lose). ! Just a few days later I felt kuyu some inner lightness, delicacy absent at all, and after a couple of weeks given the scale - minus 2.4 kg My joy knew no bounds ... ".

Lyudmila from Tyumen writes: “I never suffered from excess weight, but at 49 I look very personal and feel just fine! The secret lies in separate nutrition, namely in the use of foods that have perfect compatibility with my blood type ...”


Natasha 04.04.2016
It seems to me that this is the best diet. Moreover, it is based on your body. After all, blood is an individual. And diets should also be individual. About the blood type diet, you can rather say that this is a way of life. That is, you always need to eat like this.

Nina 04/04/2016
I personally sat on this diet for the second blood group. Threw off 5-6 kg. everytime! Three times I already used this recipe. I really like it! And at this time, while on a diet, you feel just great!

Hope 04.04.2016
I will not show off originality, but I will also say thank you. For a long time I wanted exactly a blood group diet, but for the 4th group I could not find a more or less detailed option! And so, my searches were successful. I rewrite and proceed))

Yana 04.04.2016
Thank!!!! I’ve heard about the blood type diet a hundred times, and only now you have found a detailed description of it! Moreover, with all the pros and cons. I have the first "oldest" group. Now I’ll rewrite the sample menu and go ahead. Thanks again.

Aldina 04/04/2016
Oh-her-her !!!! No, I don’t like this idea right away! I, as it turned out from the nomad family))) After reading what I can’t eat, and what food I need to eat, I was horrified !! I eat corn and tomatoes. I love buckwheat and even lentils. And all this is not recommended to me !!! I didn’t read further ...


Watch the video: Blood group diet for weight loss. Blood type diet for Indians (June 2024).