Spleen - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Carnivore - general description

Dream It is a genus of perennial grasses of the umbelliferous family. The plant stem is erect or slightly branching, glabrous, tubular with a cavity inside, up to 1 meter high. Leaves planted on long petioles, triple-pinnate or whole-serrate, leaf blade shiny, smooth, pointed at the end. The upper leaves, as a rule, are short petiolate, have a smaller size in comparison with the lower ones.

At the end, the stem branches into several thin rays that form an umbrella inflorescence. The flowers are white or light pink, small, five petal and very fragrant. There is a powerful root system that stretches horizontally for several tens and even hundreds of meters. Thanks to this rhizome, the plant multiplies very rapidly, sometimes forming whole thickets.

Carnivore - types and places of growth

The genus of dreams contains only seven species, growing mainly in Europe and the temperate regions of Asia. The Russian state is the habitat for the most widespread species - common dreams.

You can meet her almost everywhere. This plant is familiar to everyone, but most do not know its name. In shady places, chafing forms dense thickets, and in gardens, parks, near roads, in vegetable gardens and landfills, it grows like weed grass.

There are cultivated varieties, for example, ornamental, which has elegant striped or spotty leaves and covers large areas with a variegated carpet.

Spleen - healing properties

Our fields, meadows and forests are replete with a variety of useful herbs that carry a true spring of health and longevity, and the common dream is no exception. Its leaves contain a large amount of immunostimulating vitamin C, iron, manganese, copper, etc. These and many other substances allow you to put the plant in a number of useful wild herbs.

It is proved that the common somnole improves the digestive tract, stimulates the immune system, has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing effect. It is taken orally for constipation, swelling, diseases of the stomach and kidneys. Dentist extract exhibits pronounced antitumor activity, relieves gouty and arthritic pains, eliminates dizziness, and fresh leaves applied to the inflamed areas relieve skin diseases, urticaria and itching.

In addition, common chickpea is an edible plant and perfectly complements various dishes. It is especially valuable in combination with vegetables and garden herbs.

Carotid - dosage forms

The healing raw material of the dream is all its aerial parts, especially the upper, less often the roots. To fully enjoy the beneficial fruits of nature, the plant must be collected and harvested correctly. Harvesting grass is best done in the flowering phase, and dig up the roots immediately before frost.

Raw materials can be dried in ventilated rooms, in the sun, in the oven (at a temperature of no more than 30-35 degrees), as well as in special dryers. Useful properties are not deprived of rot after pickling, pickling, pickling.

Dream - recipes of traditional medicine

- Infusion: two tables. tablespoons the grass of the upper parts of the dash, pour boiling water over 200 g., simmer on a weak plate for about 15 minutes, cool, squeeze and bring to two hundred ml of volume with warm boiled water. It is necessary to use the prepared infusion during the day (200 ml divided into several doses) for rheumatism, pyelonephritis, gout, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin.

- Vitamin and restorative drink: add three teaspoons of dried grass to 400 ml of boiling water, stand for a couple of hours, strain and consume 4 r. Before eating. 100 ml per day.

- Relaxing bath from the roots of Dreams: grind 40-50 gr. fresh (dry) roots, pour into a bowl of boiling water (1 liter) and boil for ten minutes. Then the raw materials must be filtered and poured into a bath, which is best taken in the evening. Such a procedure will help not only relax, but also get rid of fatigue, myositis and neuralgia.

- It is advisable to grind fresh leaflets of hygiene into gruel and apply to painful and inflamed areas of the skin. The substances contained in the gruel will help get rid of boils, acne, purulent wounds and other problems.

Spleen - contraindications

Practice shows that to be wilted is an absolutely safe plant, and no contraindications to its use have been identified at the moment.


Labensky Mikola Bilshivtsi 1980roku people 12/29/2016
Great saints grubbing themselves with grass at all times, Orthodox monk Seraphim of Sarov!

Natalya 06/21/2016
About dreaming - great written. I have the entire site in the dream, who needs it, please contact. Pickup! At the same time and weed.

Lena 06/08/2016
I love to dream. Carcass in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and pour the egg with milk. Tasty green omelet.

Vitaly 05/08/2016
For two years now I have been using SUN. Grass is a miracle! There were problems with the legs, everything went. But I use it dry, then grind it in a coffee grinder. I drink half a teaspoon a day. Now I feel 65 years old for 45 years.

Dasha 05/07/2016
From the skin diseases, and various similar problems, to rot, really, very effectively relieves. I also drank this herb when my reaction started from the pills and the urticaria spilled out. An hour later - urticaria, as a hand took off.


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