How to whiten your face at home with cucumber, lemon, essential oils. The best ways to whiten your face


Fashion for a tanned face is ambiguous.

Too dark skin is aging European girls.

In addition, tanning spoils the skin, and age spots give it a sloppy appearance.

How to whiten a face at home? The answer to this question is quite simple.

How to whiten your face with homemade cosmetics

Hyperpigmented skin requires a special care regimen. Day cream must necessarily contain SPF filters to protect your face from aggressive ultraviolet radiation.

The care program should include tonics, lotions, scrubs and homemade masks. Firstly, they are completely natural. Secondly, the daily use of whitening care products will always maintain the skin in a perfectly smooth, beautiful and healthy condition.

It brightens and smoothes the skin of the face with a decoction of garden mint. Fresh or dried leaves (2-3 tablespoons) should be poured with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Strain the cooled infusion and add lemon juice squeezed from two fruits. Pour the tonic into a bottle and use after cleansing the skin.

An excellent whitening lotion can be made from lemon juice (half the fruit is required) and 50 ml of quality vodka. However, this composition will work well only on oily skin (alcohol dries).

Frozen Decoctions - One of the most useful and effective means of home cosmetology, not only for whitening the skin, but also to maintain its elasticity, youth, beauty. In ice molds it is very convenient to freeze individual servings of broths and use them every morning.

How to whiten a face at home using this method? Here is a list of the most effective tools:

• rice broth. White rice is poured with water and boiled until the grain is ready;

• broth of fresh parsley. This vegetable has excellent whitening products;

• decoction of chamomile;

• cucumber juice diluted with mineral water in a ratio of 1: 1;

• diluted lemon juice (1: 3 ratio).

Berry masks in the season can help fight a bad tan, unwanted freckles or age spots. It is convenient to apply them pointwise to the area of ​​hyperpigmented skin. For example, you can grind a blackberry with a spoon of milk powder and apply the pulp for five minutes, no more.

Garden raspberries, currants and strawberries also have good whitening ability. The berry mass pounded by a spoon should be applied to the whole face or pointwise to large freckles or age spots. After 15 minutes, wash off the berries, grease the face with cream. Usually, you need 7 to 10 treatments to get a good effect.

How to whiten a face at home using special scrubbing compounds? Baking soda can be used instead of a delicate whitening scrub. It is especially effective against post-acne. Gruel is simply applied to problem areas and lightly massaged.

Another option for homemade whitening scrub is a mixture of grated orange zest and flower honey. Having distributed the composition over the face, you need to slightly drive it with your fingers and gently massage the skin. Together with whitening, a honey-orange scrub nourishes the skin and smoothes wrinkles.

How to whiten your face with cucumber and lemon

Cucumber juice perfectly whitens the skin, refreshes and fills with moisture. At the same time, it is perfectly perceived to be prone to allergic manifestations, as well as sensitive or inflamed skin. Cucumber juice and pulp can be combined with other foods, creating masks for any skin type.

Highly effective homemade cucumber lotions. How to whiten a face at home with their help? If the skin is oily or combination, the following option is suitable. You need to take four tablespoons of fresh parsley and grated large cucumber. Pour the mixture with 100 ml of quality vodka and insist for a week. Then strain, add one part of water, pour into a suitable bottle and refresh the skin after morning and evening washing. Be sure to store on the shelf of the refrigerator.

Dry skin can be wiped with a lotion of a mixture of cucumber juice and milk, mixed in equal proportions. The product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

For special care you need masks. The simplest composition includes only grated cucumber flesh. It must be distributed over the gauze folded in 2-3 layers, lie down and lay on the face. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask, rinse the skin with water. This is a universal version of the mask. To give an anti-inflammatory effect, you can add 3 drops of tea tree oil to the cucumber puree.

How to whiten a face at home if the skin is dry? A cucumber mask with sour cream is suitable. Suitable and rustic, and fat, thick shopping. The mixture can be applied without a gauze layer, simply spreading over the face. The exposure time is the same: 20 minutes. After washing, the face can be wiped with cucumber tonic and apply a nourishing cream.

The skin of pregnant women and mature women prone to the appearance of age spots. To get rid of them, you can try a mask of grated pulp of fresh cucumber mixed with honey. This option is especially recommended for wrinkled skin with obvious signs of wilting. The honey-cucumber composition will whiten and tighten the flabby dermis, erase wrinkles, make the face again be fresh and young.

For normal skin, a mask made from juice of cucumber and lemon, mixed in a wound proportion, is suitable. With a mixture of juices, you need to soak a clean natural fabric and apply it to your face. The composition is active, therefore, with dry or inflamed skin, it is not recommended to use it.

Lemon is generally a great bleaching agent. It is possible for his wonderful juice to wipe away stubborn vegetable or vegetable juice from his fingers, to say nothing of the delicate skin of his face! The fact is that lemon juice acts as an acid peeling, removing the upper layer of keratinized cells. In addition, the substances contained in it whiten the skin, that is, a double effect is obtained.

Lemon masks for whitening oily skin are especially good, as lemon juice dries. Accordingly, with dry skin, it is extremely careful to use home-made cosmetics based on it.

How to whiten a face at home with a fragrant citrus fruit?

Option One: mix the juice squeezed from half of the middle lemon with a dessert spoon of liquid flower honey. Apply the mass on the face, if the layer dries quickly, apply the composition again. Keep on dry skin for no more than ten minutes, on oily - up to twenty minutes.

Option Two: add to the honey and juice a spoonful of grilled oats in a coffee grinder. Rinsing off such a mask, you can get an additional grinding effect.

For dry or very sensitive skin, lemon juice may be too active. To reduce the aggressive effect of the acid, but to use its whitening properties, the juice must be combined with sour cream or cream. To make the mass thicker, more convenient to use, it remains to add a little starch or flour to the mixture.

Another magical whitening mask is prepared with their lemon juice and grated raw potatoes. She brightens the traces of post-acne, fights with age spots, refreshes the face, makes it smooth, matte, youthful. Finely grated mashed potatoes should be mixed with lemon juice, distribute the mass on a gauze napkin and put it on your face. Keep from 10 to 20 minutes depending on the skin reaction.

How to whiten your face with dairy products

Sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, cream, milk - these can help in the fight against unwanted tanning and pigmentation. Sour-milk products work well on dry and sensitive skin. They not only bleach, but also moisturize the face well. Here are some recipes.

• A mask of high-fat kefir mixed with a few drops of castor oil will revive aging, sagging skin. A simple composition not only whitens the face, but also slightly smoothes wrinkles, tightens.

• By mixing cottage cheese with an egg, you can prepare a wonderful whitening mask. An important nuance: if the skin is dry, only yolk should be taken, if oily - protein. To provide additional nutrition, the curd-egg composition is enriched with a spoon of fat sour cream.

• After 30 years, when the skin begins to fade, a mask of cottage cheese and liquid honey wiped through a sieve will give a good whitening, tonic, refreshing effect. It is better to use this tool in a course, twice a week, until an obvious effect is achieved.

After a sunburn, you can apply sour cream and kefir to the skin without additional components. The condition will improve, and the skin will not suffer so much, but will recover faster.

How to whiten your face with essential oils

Many essential oils have whitening properties. Therefore, they can be added to any masks prepared on their own. In addition, oils work effectively as part of finished creams. You need to add literally two drops to your care product, rub it and apply on your face in the morning or in the evening.

What essential oils of plants can I buy for face whitening:

• lemon;

• birch trees;

• rosemary;

• grapefruit;

• oregano;

• eucalyptus;

• black pepper;

• sandalwood;

• patchouli;

• peppermint;

• orange;

• tea tree;

• turmeric;

• vanilla;

• palmarosa.

Many plant esters have anti-pigment properties. They must be used, especially since the wonderful aroma has a calming effect, relieves nervous tension, and normalizes the functioning of internal organs. The simplest option: mix a spoonful of olive or linseed oil and three drops of lemon oil. Apply for fifteen minutes, get wet the remaining unabsorbed oil.

Any woman can cope with pigmentation independently, regardless of age and skin type. Regular care will allow for a long time to keep the skin snow-white, fresh, elastic.
