"Early start": hyperactive and very passive children! How to give your baby happiness and health with "Early Start"


Low motor activity is a huge problem of modern children growing in megacities and ordinary cities.

Pediatricians and educators are sounding the alarm: children spend most of the day without physical activity, preferring the computer to active street games.

All parents dream of their baby growing up strong, happy and healthy.

Moreover, it is in early sports development is the key to success child at school.

Scientists have long noted the relationship between the physical and intellectual development of young children. The restriction of physical activity adversely affects not only the health of the child, but also affects its neuropsychic development.

Thanks to children's sports complexes, from a young age it is possible to develop not only strength, but also dexterity, ingenuity, flexibility.

Down with stoop, lethargy and whims!

Colorful functional children's exercise machines will give the child a sea of ​​joy and pleasure, distract from harmful sitting at a computer or game console, and form a correct posture.

Great news: Now the weather outside does not matter. You can climb, hang, pull yourself up, overcome obstacles and have fun in the full program any day! Snow, wind, rain, cold will not prevent the baby from having fun and health benefits without distracting parents from their serious adult affairs.

The benefits of early exercise

A healthy baby is happiness for parents. From an early age, the child needs to provide physical activity. To do this in an urban environment is not so simple. “Early start” knows how to provide the optimal load for all muscle groups of the fidget.

Young children are overwhelmed with energy, and this is a wonderful adaptive property of the human body. The development of the muscular skeleton ensures the normal functioning of all internal organs, their proper development.

The ultra-modern sports miracle complex is the solution to many problems related to the health of the child.

Classes on the simulator strengthen not only muscles, but also joints, heart, skeletal system, vestibular apparatus, respiratory organs, immunity, improve metabolic processes.

In addition, if for an adult, movement is life, then for the baby, movement is an essential element in normal mental development.

Motor activity is necessary for normal brain function. Thanks to classes on the home simulator, mental activity is activated, perception is improved, and the nervous system is strengthened.

The child becomes more resilient, calmer, more self-confident. Isn't that what parents dream about?

Why you need an "early start"

Not all parents have the opportunity to devote several hours to outdoor games with children. An excellent way out in this situation is the Early Start sports complex.

This is exactly what the child wants: here is entertainment, and play, and the opportunity to show oneself from the best side.

For parents, this is a unique opportunity to direct the energy that overflows the child in the right direction.

Occupying a child an interesting thing, parents solve several problems at once:

• receive valuable time for doing their own business;

• can easily plan a working day;

• develop interest in physical education and sports in the kid;

• ensure the child's healthy development.

"Early start" will remove from the parental shoulders the burden of responsibility for the physical development of the baby.

Which of the constantly busy adults did not feel guilty for not providing the child with sufficient motor mobility? Now this problem has been resolved. Moreover, classes on the simulator even without the presence of an adult in the room will be completely safe.

Homemade simulators are a thing of the past. Parents will no longer have to puzzle over where to get a suitable bar for the horizontal bar and where it is better to attach it.

Moreover, there is no need to be afraid that a home-made sports equipment will suddenly break and cause harm to the child.

It is much easier to buy a ready-made sports and gaming complex "Early Start", made in accordance with all safety requirements.

You can install it without problems in a city apartment, in the country, in a cottage.

The design is compact, includes several simulators and will certainly become any entertainment for the child.

You no longer have to tear off the child from a computer or television screen with a scandal. The child himself will gladly go to the play area.

"Early start" - the best gift for a preschooler

The sports complex looks very aesthetically pleasing. The child will surely enjoy the new toy, and very soon he will no longer be able to do without constant physical activity. The game will turn into a need to seriously engage in sports.

Who knows, maybe it is thanks to the “Early Start” that a new Olympic champion will grow in the country!

Parents who decide on a useful gift will take the most correct step. Caring for the physical health of the child will ultimately lead to the proper prioritization, increase self-esteem. Every day, achieving new results, the child will believe in himself, and without this faith success is impossible in a modern school or in adulthood.

Modern students are overloaded with knowledge. The abundance of information that needs to be remembered and processed often leads to unwillingness to move, to live a full life, to achieve success not in learning, but in something else.

If, after each completed homework, the child can return to the world of carelessness for several minutes, this will be invaluable to his psyche. In the sports and gaming zone, he will depend not on an outside assessment, but only on himself: on his dexterity, strength, and skills.

With "Early Start" your kids will become more agile, strong, agile and athletic!

And the Young Athlete Set will help them in this.

For a whole month, we give all the buyers of the Early Start sports and game complex, in a complete set, a trapeze, a rope and a net - the main attributes of sports activities at the Early Start.

Hurry up to buy a sports and game complex with a set. And then your young athletes will be in constant motion!

P.S. The composition of the set of a young athlete:

- A trapezoid, a rope of 1 meter and a grid nest - for sports complexes "Early start standard" and "Early start luxury"

- Trapeze, 1 meter rope and rectangular Olympus net - for the "Early start Olympus" sports complex

Gifts will go to everyone!
