Rev. Seraphim of Sarov prayer: instructions


For a long time, prayer is an integral part of the life of all religious people. Thousands of believers daily seek the help of one of the most revered Orthodox saints, Seraphim of Sarov. What can you ask the Reverend? What prayer to turn to him? How often can you cry to the Prelate? We answer all the questions in this article.

What is the prayer of the Holy Wonderworker?

With the prayers to the Holy Hierarch are turned absolutely by the Orthodox and for various reasons.

However, most often with a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, they cry out for:

  • healing from physical and mental ills;
  • attraction to the house of well-being;
  • gaining luck in the trade;
  • search for love and marriage;
  • business assistance;
  • protection.

Wonderworker pray for blessing and ask to be touched by God for protection in a given situation. You can read the praise to the elder both in the church and at home, and there is no need to purchase an icon. Usually prayers are read when lit church candles and holy water.

The Life of Serafim Sarovsky: feats

From his boyhood, Seraphim of Sarov was inclined toward an honest and righteous life in faith in the Lord, as well as monastic exploits. During his life he prayed a lot and served for the benefit of the suffering. The saint had the ability to heal mental and physical ailments, possessed the gift of foresight and sought to help all those who ask.

Rev. Seraphim spent a thousand days and nights on his knees in prayer on a rock and died also in a prayer pose. During his life, he founded the Diveevskaya Convent, which she later patronized. According to some sources, the Mother of God and other Hierarchs often appeared to the Holy One.

After many years spent in seclusion and prayers in the monastic cell, Serafim Sarovsky began to accept the sick and lepers, healing them even from deadly ailments only with the help of a public prayer. Sometimes he used the miraculous water from a spring that continued to heal even after the death of the Holy One.

Morning and evening prayers

There is a universal prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for every day, which can be read in the morning and in the evening along with the prayer rule indicated by the Prelate:

  1. First of all, “Our Father” repeats three times.
  2. Then the song "Virgin Mary, rejoice ..."
  3. And once the "Symbol of Faith."

Only after these prayers can you start the main text:

“O Most Holy, Reverend Seraphim! The servant of the Slave of God (of God) (your name), appeals to mercy and ask for help! Save from evil, cover from failures, direct to the right path and do not let it turn away from it. I ask you with a sincere faith and an open soul, with pure thoughts. Peace bestow and spiritual joy. Bless and save! Amen!"

A prayer read in the morning will help in daytime affairs, will not allow you to make mistakes, and will set you up in the right way. In the evening, it contributes to the speedy fall asleep and a good restful sleep.

Healing Prayer and Good Luck for Trade

The prayer to Seraphim Sarovsky for healing is still used in different countries of the world and remains unchanged:

This petition is considered universal, because it helps to get rid of both physical and spiritual illness. To enhance its effect and speedy recovery, you can read over our holy water, “Our Father” and wash every time after repeating the main prayer.

On love and marriage

There is also a female prayer to Seraphim for love and marriage. The prayer is allowed to be pronounced both by the girls themselves and her close female relatives, best of all by mothers or grandmothers. Moreover, mature ladies are turning to this glorification in search of a new love or preservation of relationships and marriage.

With five lit candles and in front of the Icon of the Prelate, the sacred text is read in a half-whisper:

About assistance and protection

A prayer to Seraphim Sarovsky for help is one of the main three prayers addressed to the Miracle Worker. In addition to praying for aiding in business and work, it includes a request for protection. This prayer is considered one of the most powerful in prayer, because it performs many spiritual messages at the same time. Therefore, it is recommended to read it in the morning, along with other prayers, so that throughout the day there should be good luck and nothing would interfere with the fulfillment of the goals set.

When you wake up, do not rush to breakfast, fill the glass with holy water, read all the prayers that are part of the morning rule, and only then appeal to Saint Seraphim with the words

After repeating the moleben, cross and drink the holy water on an empty stomach. This will allow not only to be purified spiritually, but also physically, and will maintain pep.


Watch the video: 16-The Acquisition of the Holy Spirit - St. Seraphim of Sarov (July 2024).