October 30: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Workers in engineering and technical specialties can count down their holiday not from the time of the order of the Navy Commander-in-Chief from 1996, but from 1854. More than 150 years ago, an organization of fleet mechanical engineers was formed in Russia. Representatives of this profession should have an extensive knowledge base; this is the most demanded specialization among engineers responsible for creating the surrounding technological space and introducing high technologies. A striking example of representatives of this profession were Henry Ford, who produced new car models in 1913, or Percy Spencer, who patented a microwave oven in 1945.

And also on this day:

In Barcelona this year one of the most famous jazz festivals in the world is held. The organizers have always believed that the most suitable time of the year for such an event is autumn. The Barcelona festival is notable for the fact that it lasts the greatest amount of time. In addition, it hosts the largest number of world celebrities, as well as young aspiring musicians. The whole month lasts concerts, which are attended by more than 50 thousand spectators from around the world. At various venues throughout the city, scenes are arranged, in some places concerts are held free of charge. Here, people communicate with each other, stars communicate with each other. Photo exhibitions and films allow you to get acquainted with the history of jazz and the festival.

Hosea Kolesnik

The prophet Hosea lived in the kingdom of Israel shortly before the death of Israel. He devoted much effort to the struggle against idolatry, turning the hearts of the Jews to God. His wife led an unworthy lifestyle and, in the end, left him. After this, the prophet even more believed in the correctness of his mission and began to convert the Gentiles with great zeal. He received the nickname "Kolesnik" because by that day all field work had been completed and the carts were put in sheds until spring. Their serviceability was checked immediately before installation for storage. That is, the "wheel parted with the rim" on Hosea, and in many areas a winter toboggan track was established. According to the last creak of the cart, you can guess about the harvest - the wheels do not creak - it means there will be many products: bread and vegetables. The sadness over the past summer is reflected in folk art: "October is crying with cold tears."

October 30, 1888 - received the first patent for a ballpoint pen

Already at the end of the 19th century, John Loud officially patented his new invention - a mechanical pen. Next were Van Vechten Reisberg and Joseph Laszlo Biro. People who had to write a lot with pen, with the help of an inkwell, were very happy about the new devices. The first to use ballpoint pens were the pilots of the English Air Force. The Argentine company first released the pen in mass production; journalist Biro sold her his patent for $ 1 million. In the USA, the invention came through a practical salesman who patented it in that country and sold the patent to US companies. Thus, an unknown salesman, taking advantage of someone else's invention, became a millionaire only thanks to his business acumen.

October 30, 1696 - adoption of the First Fleet Law under the leadership of Peter the Great under the leadership of Peter the Great

A new milestone in overcoming the isolation of Russia in the world and the European community was opened by the decree "Maritime ships to be ...". The country's isolation from political and cultural life was a great obstacle to the development of society and the state. Peter 1 set a goal to find access to the Black and Baltic Seas. This required a fleet. In just a few months, two ships were built, four firewalls and 1300 small boats that made up the Azov fleet and began the battle with the Turks for the fortress of Azov. In 1703, the construction of the Baltic Fleet began intensively, and a year later new warships entered the Neva. The first victory was won only in 1714, near the island of Gangut. Then the Caspian flotilla and fleet on the Black Sea were built.

October 30, 1653 - Tsar’s decree abolishing the death penalty for captured thieves and robbers in Russia

The criminals were punished with a whip, or their left finger was cut off and exiled to Siberia. The death penalty remained in force only when the crime was repeated. All criminals were released and ordered to settle in Siberia, the Lower Volga region and on Ukrainian lands. However, only after 6 years, hanging was again introduced, after 4 years it was replaced by another punishment. Robbers and thieves began to be punished by cutting off both legs and left hands, and the severed members were nailed to the trees to intimidate the rest of the people.

October 30, 1941 - The beginning of the heroic defense of Sevastopol

There was practically no ground defense in Sevastopol at the beginning of the war, because in July 1941 the formation of defensive lines began. By the time the enemy appeared on the outskirts of the city, three lines of defense were completed. On October 30, the enemy tried to penetrate the city, but this did not succeed due to a competent rebuff on the defensive lines. Protection of the city lasted for 250 days. Thus, the German troops could not launch an offensive in the direction of the Caucasus. Sevastopol received the title of Hero City, awards in the form of a medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol" received 30 thousand people.

October 30, 1905 - Nicholas II signed the Manifesto "On the improvement of public order"

The 1905 revolution, which began with a peaceful demonstration of the people, was brutally suppressed by the metropolitan authorities using weapons with buckshot. The destroyer "Prince Potemkin of Tauride", part of the ships located on the Black Sea Fleet (the cruiser "Ochakov" and "St. Panteleimon") sided with the revolution. The uprising was picked up by the working countries - an all-Russian political strike began. In the fleet, it was headed by Peter Schmidt. On October 30, 1905, a Duma was convened and a Manifesto was proclaimed, proclaiming freedom of speech, assembly, and union. It could not be regarded as a victory of the revolution in full. The result of disagreements in his assessment was the formation of two political parties - the Democratic Party (the liberal-monarchist bourgeoisie) and the Octobrists (the big bourgeoisie (Union October 17)).

Dmitry Pozharsky (1577-1642), Russian prince, military and political figure

The Pozharsky family has its roots in the deep past of the times of Yuri Dolgoruky. Significant moments of life for Dmitry Pozharsky were the participation in the first militia during the time of the Great Troubles in 1611. He was a leader in the second militia. Together with the merchant Minin, they developed a plan for the liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612.

Diego Maradona (1960) - the famous Argentine legendary football player

Participating in 4 world football championships, Armando Maradona has become truly a model and idol of football fans around the world. His qualities - high technology, speed, excellent coordination of movement and endurance, contributed to the achievement of tremendous success and the receipt of many awards and titles. He is the champion of Argentina, two-time champion of Italy, Footballer of the Year in South America and many others. etc. In 1991, Maradona was disqualified for cocaine use. Since 2008, he coaches the team of Argentina.

Angelika Kaufman (1741 -1807 years) - one of the few recognized women painters

In the middle of 1760, Angelika Kaufman received full recognition as a woman painter. Her paintings belong to the era of classicism. This is a large number of portraits of contemporaries, biblical subjects, literary and antique illustrations. Almost the only female artist at the foundation of the Royal Academy of Arts, she participated in the painting of St. Paul's Cathedral in Rome and made friends with Goethe there, painted his portrait.

Claude Lelouch (1937), French producer, filmmaker, cameraman, actor, screenwriter

The famous talented Frenchman began his directorial career very early - at the age of 19 he makes a film for the debut competition, for which he receives a prize in Cannes. He shot a film about the USSR with a hidden camera and called it “When the Curtain Rises”. World fame came to him after the film "Man and Woman" - "Golden Palm Branch" at the Cannes Film Festival and two Oscars. He is the owner of his own film company.

Lyudmila Rogacheva (1966), athlete, athlete of the USSR

Lyudmila Rogacheva participated in several Olympic games and repeatedly became their winner. In 1994, she won the games by Willpower in Moscow, received the Grand Prix of the International Athletics Federation, and at the XXV Olympic Games she became the silver medalist, World and European Champion.

Name day holders of the following names may celebrate this day:

Joseph, Leonty, Alexander, Andrey, Hosea, Sergey, Julian.


Watch the video: Daily Routine - School Days vs Holidays. #Roleplay #Fun #Sketch #MyMissAnand (June 2024).