Is it possible for children to ginger: from what age to give ginger and in what form. How to treat ginger in children: recipes, contraindications


Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of ginger, no matter what the disease is - ginger is necessarily mentioned among the recommended traditional medicine. The miraculous root is praised as enhancing immunity and as the best cough remedy. The question - is it possible for ginger to children - also arises often. If he is so good, why do frequent colds poison the lives of babies and their parents?

The healing properties of the "horned root"

Traditional medicine has many supporters, but many opponents. However, none of them said that ginger is harmful. And if so, then why can he harm a child? Most likely, it is just that the baby will not like its burning taste. Because of this, it can cause irritation of the stomach and intestines - after all, this is a spice, and not a vegetable, such as carrots, for example - you can’t just bite it.

Not all adults like the taste of ginger, to say nothing of children, but hardly anyone will say that it can harm. The properties of the horned root have been studied by serious researchers, ginger contains:

• vitamin B1, which strengthens the nervous system;

• Vitamin B6 - with its lack, babies become moody, lethargic;

• Vitamin B12 - increases appetite, improves immunity, controls the growth of the child, improves mood.

Here is such a storehouse of useful vitamins in an unsightly-looking spine. It contains mineral substances and essential oils that are necessary for the child’s body. It is often used in the treatment of cough, colds.

The whole bouquet of useful properties will be only for the benefit of the child. And the fact that these are not bitter tablets or powders that are unpleasant to drink, makes it possible to use ginger as a component of such drinks that will mask its peculiar taste. Sweet honey, lemon often accompany ginger, making teas and decoctions taste good.

Important! All of these components of a useful home-made medicine are allergens, so initially you need to determine if your child has a negative reaction to them. Talk to your doctor before giving them to your baby.

When it is possible and when it is impossible to ginger to children

If we talk about cases when ginger has a beneficial effect on the children's body, then recommend its use in the following cases:

• with a cold;

• from a cold;

• to enhance immunity;

• from motion sickness in transport;

• with ailments of the digestive system.

But, despite the useful properties, before giving drinks or other dishes with ginger to children, you need to check for possible allergic reactions in the child - an individual's intolerance will be indicated by a rash that appears in the child, an intestinal upset, and soreness in the stomach. Initially, it is worth giving a very small dose - if the baby's body has not shown any negative reaction, you can give the child ginger in the drink.

Common contraindications to taking a unique root are:

• chronic diseases of the stomach, gall bladder in a child;

• cardiovascular pathology;

• lack of iron in the body of the child;

• increased bleeding - thrombocytopenia.

So can ginger be given to children? Indian doctors say that you can give small crumbs ginger a couple of months after the introduction of complementary foods. They recommend giving ginger juice to prevent intestinal problems in infants. In order for them to have no constipation, colic in the tummy that gives babies, and mothers too, a lot of unpleasant minutes, you need to mix a quarter teaspoon of ginger juice with any other sweet drink.

But is it possible to give ginger to children at such a young age? The pronounced irritating effect, which results in the presence of capsaicin alkaloid in the “horny root”, can cause severe irritation of the mucosa in the baby and lead to increased salivation. Our pediatricians, without detracting from its benefits, advise giving ginger to children for immunity no earlier than 1.5-2 years of age.

Tasty tea: ginger for children for immunity

Folk healers know many recipes that use the properties of ginger. Many will only benefit children.

Ginger tea with the addition of not sugar, but honey will warm, will help a person recover after a long illness, with a weakened child’s body after a disease, or surgery. Kids will like this drink - it is not difficult to prepare it, and the sweet aroma, spicy-honey flavor will kill the ginger.

To make such tea, take a thin piece of root, pour boiling water, add a drop of lemon juice (or put a slice of citrus in a cup) and add honey. Unusual ginger-citrus aroma, spicy taste will appeal not only to the child. Tea is not drunk hot, but warm. Thus, you can get rid of a cold in a few days.

Ginger tea:

• relieve weakness;

• relieve headaches;

• eliminate the symptoms of a cold - nasal congestion, sore throat.

Important! For small children, you can add a little honey to tea - a healing product in itself will make a sweet drink pleasant for crumbs, and recovery will come faster.

Green tea with ginger root is prepared as follows: in the usual brewed and strained drink, you need to add a small piece of the root, let it brew for 20 minutes. For taste, you can add honey and mint. For older children, try adding a pinch of cinnamon. Such spicy tea will quickly warm on a frosty winter day. It's nice to enjoy it after a ski trip or sledding from a hill.

Important! Green tea is not recommended for children under 10-11 years old.

Ginger decoction for children

Ginger for children from cough is given in the form of a decoction. It’s easy to cook:

• take a piece of root up to 5 centimeters long;

• remove the skin from it;

• grate (can be passed through a crush for garlic);

• pour the root with 1 liter of boiling water;

• cook for 10 minutes, strain.

Add honey, lemon to the broth, give the child to drink half a glass not a hot, but a warm drink. It is consumed three times a day.

Breathe deeper: how ginger helps children cough

In addition to the drinks taken internally, children will be able to get rid of the common cold and the accompanying annoying cough of inhalation.

In this case, natural ginger essential oil is used. It will help soften a dry cough, and when wet, it will quickly release the baby's respiratory tract from sputum. The beneficial effect of inhalation is on the mucous membranes of the nose, trachea, and bronchi. All this happens due to the fact that ginger oil has antibacterial properties.

For inhalations, it is recommended to use steam inhalers - they are convenient to use, and they are allowed for babies from three years.

The procedure is simple: 2 drops of ginger essential oil diluted in 2 ml of physiological saline should be added to the dispenser. The procedure can last from 5 to 7 minutes.

Important! Steam inhalations should not be given to children under one year of age and in the presence of elevated temperature.

In the absence of an inhaler, it is easy to replace it with a kettle, on which a paper nozzle in the form of a cone is worn. 2 drops of essential oil are added to heated (not boiling water!) Water. Let the baby inhale the healing fumes. The duration of the procedure is no more than five minutes. It is important to stay close to the child for safety reasons.

So that the noses breathe ...

The antibacterial properties of ginger will help not only with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Ginger will also help to cope with a runny nose in a child. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of ginger juice, a little sugar and water. Use this solution to drip the child’s nose 1 drop up to 4 times a day.

Ginger-based drinks and decoctions are useful and in order for the baby’s stomach to work better, there are no problems with bloating, increased gas formation.

Pershing in the throat of a baby? Irritated oral mucosa? Moms recommend freshly squeezed ginger juice mixed with honey and lemon juice. Three times a day you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of this homemade medicine.

If your baby is sick with transport, there is the so-called "motion sickness", you can let him suck a small piece of ginger root. Headache will go away, nausea will not cause discomfort.

Teach your child to drink tea with ginger regularly, make therapeutic tea drinking traditional in the family. At the same time, increased immunity, the ability to withstand a variety of colds and sores, children and adults will only benefit. Without pills and tablets - only a magic miracle root, natural supplements - honey and lemon - this is what will make the day full of business without fatigue, and winter - without colds.


Watch the video: BURN BELLY - How to Make GINGER WRAPS and BURN BELLY FAT OVERNIGHT!! (June 2024).