14th week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 14 weeks of gestation.


At the 14th week of pregnancy, the baby already feels good at mom's mood and well-being. Is there any need to talk about how beneficial her emotions are for her development, her active interest in the world around her, her tender relationship with her baby's dad, etc. Then the child, imbued with her mother’s calm and joyful mood, will also be calm and healthy.

Changes in the body at 14 weeks of gestation

At week 14, a woman can notice that she categorically can’t get into her usual clothes because of the tummy, which is already clearly visible. The reason for this is the constant increase in the uterus up and to the sides. The weight of the future mother by the 14th week is also increasing, however, for all, to varying degrees. At this time, many pregnant women notice "linea negra" - a dark line that goes from the middle of the abdomen to the pubic bone.

Many pregnant women already notice stretch marks on their stomach, which are called striae. At first they look like pinkish stripes, but with time, after becoming bright, they become thin whitish lines. Of course, this problem does not concern everyone; the appearance of stretch marks largely depends on the individual properties of the skin and the heredity factor. It is extremely difficult to deal with them, so it is better to take preventive measures in the form of a contrast shower and the use of creams with a moisturizing effect.

Fetus at 14 weeks of gestation

At week 14, the baby’s height is about 12.5 cm, weight - 60 g. He already produces urine, which is secreted in the amniotic fluid, trying to breathe. Although while it is difficult to call it breathing, rather, the baby simply trains respiratory movements by drawing amniotic fluid into the lungs and pushing it back. The frequency of such respiratory movements per minute is from 40 to 70.

At week 14, the baby has already developed some central neural connections, as evidenced by the reflex movement of the fingers of the limbs, to which it responds to touch. His pancreas is already starting to produce the hormone insulin necessary for growth and metabolism. The baby's facial features become more distinct, he can distinguish between a nose, cheeks and eyebrow pattern. By this time, the eyeballs and optic nerves have almost formed, although the eyes themselves are still tightly closed for centuries. The ears become more noticeable.

By week 14, the baby has the first fluff called lanugo. Almost all of his body is covered with such a cannon, and it will disappear only with the beginning of the third trimester. Thanks lanugo, the baby's skin is covered with a thin layer of primordial grease, which in its consistency is similar to wax. The main purpose of this lubricant is to protect the skin of the baby, which is still so thin and transparent that small vessels are visible through it. The laying of the primordia of hair, glands and nails. The fetal blood already contains white blood cells.

The baby can already actively move and tumble, pushing off from the walls of the amniotic bubble, which protects it. However, it is too early to talk about coordination of movements, since the final formation of the nervous system will not happen soon, and the cerebellum, on which the development of the vestibular apparatus depends, is still very weak.

Possible sensations at 14 weeks of gestation

By week 14, a pregnant woman no longer suffers from morning sickness, but now she is constantly feeling hungry. While enjoying and pampering herself, the expectant mother should not forget about controlling calories and the quality of the products she uses. She should give preference to that food, which can give her body enough energy and ensure the normal course of pregnancy.

At week 14, some women may feel pain in their legs, especially if their work involves prolonged standing or sitting. In this case, you should do the prevention of varicose veins by wearing anti-varicose stockings or pantyhose for pregnant women.

Necessary medical supervision

Starting from week 14, the doctor who conducts the pregnancy of the woman begins to measure with a standard centimeter the height of the bottom of the woman’s uterus and the circumference of her abdomen. This is necessary to monitor the development of the fetus and determine the compliance of the pregnancy with the delivered line.

If necessary, a chorionic villus biopsy and a fetoscopy procedure can be prescribed.

General recommendations

At a period of 14 weeks, most expectant mothers have already registered for pregnancy, having passed the necessary examinations and passed tests. In the absence of contraindications for this period, you can attend classes for pregnant women, special courses of Pilates, yoga or aqua aerobics, which is very useful for soft training of all muscle groups.

A pregnant woman should listen to her body, observing body temperature and vaginal discharge. Having felt a pulling pain in the abdomen, she should immediately tell her doctor about it, as this pain may indicate uterine hypertonicity, which can lead to miscarriage.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Vika 03/30/2016
But I don’t eat almost anything (((Constipation torments, we eat a little bit and that’s all. And I still have nausea, a little. I read that by this time almost everyone has toxicosis and everything in this spirit goes away ... I’m waiting ... But no nor any bad symptoms, in the sense, everything is in order with the child!

Maria 03/30/2016
It is very interesting to read what exactly is happening at the moment with the baby! How it develops, what’s new for him there))) In general, the sensations are the most wonderful, because inside you - life !! So great! I didn’t even think that it would be so!

Sophie 03/30/2016
But on the contrary, I got much better. And the beginning, back in the first weeks, now it seems to have stopped a bit. I tried to even limit myself to food, but they told me that during this period, one should not do this. So, I eat and do not complain))) Neither nausea nor heartburn.

Alesia 03/30/2016
We have 14 weeks! I feel fine, I hope the baby also. She recovered only two kilograms, but the volumes have increased greatly! This, for me, is thin, so obvious! And I even like it so much, it’s immediately noticeable that I’m pregnant!)))

Lera 03/30/2016
That's what bothers me, is that the baby already perfectly feels my mood! And I’m not in a very good mood to ... The drops are frequent, and when is it already stabilizing? I am very worried that the baby is not comfortable from this!


Watch the video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).