Why dream of cleaning fish


Fish in dreams has always been considered a symbol of something ghostly that is difficult to catch. According to Miller’s dream book, a caught catch for a sleeper means a long pursuit of some difficult goal in life that he can achieve. And cleaning fish symbolizes the consolidation of the result, confirmation of success.

However, not all dream books are unanimous in the positive interpretation of such a vision. There are a number of nuances by which they determine a good or bad sign for a person.

In a dream, clean the fish what it means

One of the most important criteria is considered the general emotional state of a person in a dream during manipulations with fish.

  • If she was fresh, beautiful and big, she would bring with her only good things into life.
  • If she was stunted, sick; gave off an unpleasant smell and caused only negative emotions in a person; one should prepare for serious trials.

In a dream, the dream book to clean the fish interprets as a good sign. However, you should pay close attention to her appearance.

  • If it is large, healthy, fresh, this is a good symbol of the soonest achievement of the desired goal.
  • If it looks rotten, starved and small, it can be a warning that the desired person will achieve, but it will not be at all what it was originally thought.
  • The petty one can symbolize the forthcoming efforts, worries, petty troubles, deterioration of the financial state and small problems at work.

Why dream of cleaning a fish in a dream woman

By most interpretations, the scaly fish was considered a symbol of fertility.

  • If you dream of cleaning a fish for a woman, maybe soon she will know about her pregnancy.
  • If she is cleaned by a woman who is already expecting a child, such a dream will become a good sign and a prediction of a successful outcome of labor. So the child will be born healthy, and the process of birth will not cause any complications.
  • If a woman does not plan children, but she had such a dream and caused discomfort, there might be problems with the fans.

What dreams of gutting fish

  • If a person dreams of gutting fish, this is a bad sign. Such dreams usually warn an ambulance. Perhaps in the future we will meet with an unpleasant and slippery person.
  • For a woman, this process can mark annoying signs of attention from her unpleasant suitor.
  • If you just see the guts in a dream, misfortune or failure can still be ignored. The threat hangs over your well-being, but with a properly chosen direction, a person has every chance to avoid failure.
  • If a person goes through fish offal and gets his hands dirty, misfortune will knock on the house inevitably.
  • For an already sick person, such a dream may mean a quick death.

Clean fish scales for what it is

Most dreaming fish to clean the scales is considered a good sign, if the cleaning process in a dream does not cause unpleasant emotions.

  • If the fish constantly slips out, it may mean that some achieved goal will not be so necessary and will bring with it not joy, but failure.
  • Cleaning the living fish from the scales, which constantly strives to dodge, will mark the meeting with a quirky person who can deceive or betray.
  • If the catch that you brush is beautiful, red, someone close can devote you to a secret secret, promising you only the good.
  • Iridescent scales flying in all directions can mean enrichment and improvement of the financial situation.

Fish to clean the bones of what it dreams

  • If a person in a dream is watching a bare fish skeleton, this is a bad sign. Symbol of illness, betrayal, deception, frustration.
  • If the bones break under the arms and dig into the skin, causing pain, an accident or operation can be expected.
  • If the bones are removed from a still alive fish, it can become a symbol of imminent death.
  • If you are bone-cleaning fried predatory fish, you will soon be victorious over a longtime rival or enemy who has plotted you.
  • Sea and river fried, cleaned of bones, can become a symbol of minor troubles associated with obtaining the desired.


Watch the video: What does fish dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).