December 20: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 20

Police Day of Ukraine

In 1990, the Law of Ukraine "On Police" was adopted, two years later the official state professional police holiday was approved. Today, all police units (criminal police, state automobile inspectorate, public security police, security police, transport police, special police) single out the best employees, reward distinguished ones, honor everyone who makes a feasible contribution to ensuring the safety of citizens and preventing crime. In addition, the duties of the police include the disclosure of crime and the search for criminals, the suppression of offenses, road safety and more.

Yule - Anglo-Saxon holiday

A holy and powerful holiday brings together trolls, elves, gods and goddesses, living and dead from the Lower Worlds. It is believed that those who have the gift to communicate with other worlds on this day leave their bodies. During Yule, clan members gathered together for a great feast. The traditions of dressing up an evergreen tree in Christian Christmas originate precisely from Yule. Firs, pines, firs are considered as a symbol of life during winter frosts. Duration Yule - 13 nights, between sunset and sunrise. This is the distance between years, a stop between the borders of the worlds. At this time, the spindle of fate rotates, vows are made. The superstition that the New Year is celebrated the way it is celebrated also originates in this holiday.

National Security Day in Russia

National security is closely related to concepts such as the development of the individual and society. State security of the country is in the hands of state security officials who protect the vital interests of citizens from external and internal threats. The history of the holiday begins in 1917, when the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was first formed. The name of the organization has changed several times, and today this day is dedicated to the employees of the "Security Agencies of the Russian Federation."

International Day of Human Solidarity

International Solidarity Day is a day of unity and mutual assistance of people, support in social groups, responsibility to each other. The UN General Assembly, in its resolution, notes that a whole decade has already passed in the fight against poverty. It is expected that the 21st millennium will revise the fundamental values ​​of mankind and the main among them will be the solidarity of people. The media on this day publish feature articles and transfer notes in blogs and online resources. The emblem of the Day is the UN emblem representing all the continents on which people live. Olive branches symbolize peace on the planet.

Commemoration Day of Victims of Intervention in Panama

The events of 1989 for the country are memorable and tragic. American troops attacked Panama, according to various sources, the death toll as a result of the intervention of the strongest army in the world reached 3-7 thousand. The head of government, Noriega, was ousted. The American army tried to present this operation in the face of the world community as liberation from the drug mafia and the dictatorship of the general, but a large number of civilians suffered during its implementation. On December 20, events are held in memory of the victims.

December 20 - Chicken Christmas in Serbia (Day of St. Ignatius the God-Bearer)

Serbian housewives collect chicken eggs and perform several rituals on this fun holiday. Waiting for a guest, the first person to enter the house is declared a "chicken anointed." He is obliged to sit on a pillow and "lay" eggs. Then he smashes a pumpkin. Broken seeds symbolize the birth of a large number of chickens. A quietly seated guest is treated to appetizer and Serbian vodka. If the guest does his job well, the hens are carried well and many chicks are hatched. At chicken Christmas, members of the whole family threw a log and a tree branch into the oven for happiness and good luck. Branches are stored under the roof of the house until hens begin to sweep. Also watch the weather. A good harvest is predicted by snow or rain.

Folk calendar December 20

Memory of St. Ambrose of Mediolan

In the IV century, a preacher and poet Ambrose lived in Italy, who became famous for his ability to compose hymns. He had the great authority of one of the great teachers of the church, influenced the country's politics, and received the post of perfection of Northern Italy. At the end of his life, he donated his entire fortune to the needs of the church. He could perform miracles with his prayer. From that day on, Great Russia was preparing for the main holiday - the Nativity of Christ. The girls rejoiced at the fast Christmas time and were looking forward to festivities with the guys. No other holidays are expected in this period, so the girls devoted all their efforts to preparing the dowry - sewed, knitted, embroidered. The dowry was exhibited for a broad overview to appreciate their skill.

Significant historical events on December 20

December 20, 1699 - Russia's transition to a new reckoning

It was on this day that Peter I signed the famous decree on the transition to a new countdown, and ordered to celebrate the New Year on the European example on January 1. The decree instructed everyone to place decorated spruce branches in the house and congratulate each other as a sign of fun. The new 18th century began with gun salutes and fireworks. Muscovites were required to launch rockets from the muskets near the houses. On the Jordan River, the procession continued on January 6. The great tsar himself remained this time in military uniform with his regiments (Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky), in caftans with golden buttons. Boyars and service people were obliged to wear unusual European costumes - Hungarian caftans. Women also dressed in foreign fashion.

December 20, 1803 United States of America bought Louisiana

The vast territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains belonged to several centuries of France. For these lands, the American government laid out $ 15 million. The area of ​​the USA immediately increased almost twice. For the population, the transition to US citizenship was a real tragedy, because the languages ​​spoken by immigrants from France and Spain were supplanted. This led to interracial strife, the spread of the Ku Klux Klan, the apartheid regime, and Jim Crow laws. In the state, the colored population prevailed until 1900.

December 20, 1958 - Opening of the monument to Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky

The monument to the creator of the Cheka stood on the square for 33 years. Then a stone was put in this place in memory of the victims of Stalinist repressions. The sculpture of Dzerzhinsky was transferred to Krymsky Val. Moscow City Duma believes that the restoration of the monument to its former place may split the society.

December 20, 2000 - Permission by the House of Lords for human cloning in England

Only 92 people opposed, 212 in favor, 212. It is understood that embryonic cells will be used only for medical and scientific purposes - to find a cure for cancer, to treat Parkinson's disease and leukemia. Patience and caution against the desire to help sick people: the confrontation during the adoption of the law was very active. The heads of religious denominations, the head of the Anglican church and Tibetan monks were categorically against, but a decision was made.

December 20 were born:

Peter De Hoh (1629 - 1685), painter, portraitist

The paintings of de Hoch carefully designed interiors, experimentally depicted sunlight. Most often, they depict people in the process of action. It could be commoners or tall people, they all did some work. In addition, he is known as a family portrait painter.

Alexey Alexandrovich Balandin (1898-1967), founder of the school in the field of catalysis in Russia

Alexei Balandin was a talented scientist with a great education, but this did not save him from prison during the Stalinist repressions. However, the scientist was released, and he became the head of the technical laboratory. He developed the multiplex theory of catalysis and received the Stalin Prize. But this did not save him from repeated repressions. The scientist was again arrested and sent to Norillag. The state decided to use his knowledge. Sitting in the camp, he worked in a nickel powder laboratory. In 1953 he was rehabilitated, and again awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Kim Ki Dook (1960), South Korean director and screenwriter

The Korean artist had several educations, served in the Marine Corps, but a passion for painting led him to study in Paris. Here he felt artistic and literary inclinations, began to write scripts and make films. In the films: “Stretched Bowstring”, “Real Fiction”, “Wild Animals”, almost no words were spoken for the whole time. These are vivid parables, leisurely told by the language of images, where there is a lot of silence, but the words seem superfluous. Also in Europe are exhibitions of paintings by Kim Ki-Duk.

Maria Yurievna Skobtsova (1891-1945), Russian writer, nun

Maria Skobtsova lived a short life, and devoted many years to serving God. In her youth, she wrote books, was married twice, had two children. Having become a nun, she was the head of the student Christian movement, founded a dormitory for women and a charity organization to help immigrants in Paris. Skobtsova is known for having the headquarters of the Resistance movement in France during World War 2. for this she was thrown into a concentration camp, where she soon died. In 2004, Maria Yurievna Skobtsova was canonized.

David Joseph Bom (1917-1992), talented physicist

David Bohm's studies of the theory of plasma, synchrotron and synchrocyclotron were used to create the atomic bomb in the United States. Collaborating with Einstein, he wrote his main work, Quantum Theory. Another significant discovery of Bohm is the effect of the quantum interconnectedness of Aaronov-Bohm.

Name day December 20

Ivan, Ignat, Leo, Mikhail, Alexei, Anton, Pavel, Peter, Gregory, Nicephorus, Sergey, Julia.


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