Why dream that a guy cheated on a girlfriend or a stranger? If in a dream the guy cheated on you: will it really be so in real life?


Dreams are often a projection of fears and hidden blocks of a person, in the dreams the darkest aspects of his personality are manifested. To understand what recommends making a dream in a given situation, it is worth completely interpreting it. Why dream that the guy cheated? It’s worth sorting out.

What is the dream that the guy has changed - the main interpretation

Psychologists say that dreams of treason primarily symbolize subconscious fears that this situation will come. A man is afraid and repels a partner. He is in constant search of signs of betrayal and even sees her in a dream. Waking up after such a dream, he begins to look more closely at his partner, but he does not find obvious signs of betrayal.

What to do after such dreams, how to get out of a vicious circle? It is worth taking a closer look at sleep. It is important to remember under what circumstances the betrayal occurred, and what exactly served as an impetus for her in a dream. Also important is the fact with whom it was the betrayal.

If a girl dreams about how her faithful cheats on her with her - it's time to look inside yourself and honestly answer the question. But does the girl really accept herself and allow her feminine to open up in these relationships? Perhaps she in every possible way interferes with their development with her distrustful behavior? What should be done to understand this situation?

If a man dreams that he cheated on his lover - such a dream means that in fact his conscience gnaws at an imperfect act. Some dream books present a slightly different interpretation of such dreams. If a lonely girl dreams of a betrayal of a man unknown to her - such a dream promises her fast and strong relationship, if a betrayal is dreamed of by a married woman - she really can face such a problem in reality.

If a girl finds a rival more attractive than herself - she has to get rid of the complexes that eat her from the inside. They do not allow it to develop, but only create difficulties. What to do in this case? See exactly what the opponent seems more attractive and fix it in yourself.

If a girl dreams that a man himself tells her about treason - he certainly has secrets that he does not want to trust her, but this may be for the better, since they are not directly connected with treason, but she feels that the man is not negotiating something. It is not necessary to arrange scandals and clarifications, it will be enough to discuss this issue and resolve the conflict peacefully.

Why dream that the guy cheated on Medea’s dream book

In the dream book of Medea it is said that if you dream that your boyfriend cheated on you - You need to not only fear betrayal in personal relationships, but also expect a trick in the professional field. You are not really appreciated at work, so you should not be upset if you soon have an unpleasant conversation with your superiors - everything went on and you just waited for the right moment to put all the points on the contentious issues.

If a you will see in a dream how your beloved is cheating on you with a woman you know - You should not be very upset - such a dream only means that your expectations for an ideal relationship will soon be destroyed. But this is not the end of the world, because when something old collapses, something better and new replaces it.

Also, such a dream can push a girl to reduce her requirements for a partner. She expected too much from him. At the same time, she herself did not put all the love and emotions into the relationship. If a girl dreams that her partner is cheating on her with herself, in reality she will become a completely different person, she has great opportunities to change for the better in all understandings of the word.

Why dream that the guy cheated on Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that cheating in a dream is directly related to the psychological and sexual aspects of the personality, with her immaturity and hidden fears. Only an unconscious person can be afraid in advance that some event will happen. A conscious person in advance will not be afraid of anything. If a person is afraid of betrayal, then his increasing fear and distrust will push away the partner, and he will not be able to fully build relationships. In order to stop being afraid of betrayal, even if they have already happened in your life, you should not change partners - you should change yourself.

Freud points out that if a girl constantly thinks in reality about the possible betrayal of a loved one, then she will probably be projected in a dream. Freud also points out that excessive need for sex can cause such phobias, since a woman does not get close to her partner and thereby seeks an explanation of his behavior and finds that he simply does not want her but wants another woman.

Also such a dream may indicate a woman’s desire to embark on a love adventure with a man of easy virtue. She herself wants experimentation and diversity, but she can only afford it in a dream. If in reality a woman cannot afford a full intimate life, if there are constant conflicts in the house, she will project a picture inside herself of how her lover has changed her, and this was a wonderful reason to break off relations.

If a woman dreams that her lover cheated on her with a huge number of women -she herself was not defined in love, she constantly faces a choice and makes it wrong, she makes a mistake after a mistake and constantly betrays the relationship when she subconsciously desires another man. It is worthwhile in this situation to either end the relationship that brings both partners grief, or to allow them to reach a new level.

Why dream that the guy cheated on other dream books

In the dream book of Yu Longo it is said that if a girl dreams that her boyfriend is cheating on her, it’s time for them to talk heart to heart. If she dreams that he cheated on her before their relationship, but it still bothers her, she can not say goodbye to the bitter experience of the past and shifts the negative emotions that were in the previous relationship to the current relationship.

In the esoteric dream book it is said that cheating is more often dreamed as symbols of an approaching danger to relationships. Someone is trying hard to harm you.

• The guy cheated on with his best friend in a dream - expect trouble from her;

• Cheated with a stranger - someone outsider intervenes in the relationship, but we are not talking about treason;

• The guy cheated with your second self - you yourself do not know what to expect from the relationship and split into two to get the desired result.

When it comes to treason in a dream - you should not interpret the dream literally, it is enough to understand that unforeseen circumstances threaten the relationship. If a girl dreams that her fiancée has changed on the family bed, she will be disappointed in domestic matters. She is tired of solving them herself and is trying in every possible way to relieve herself of the burden of worries.

If a girl dreams about how she learns about cheating from other people - she is too dependent on the opinions of strangers and this prevents her from living. You should stop looking for support in other people. Thus, the girl wants to justify her actions and denigrate the name of her lover, to prove to him her right. But at the same time, she expects love and understanding from him. Where do they come from if the relationship is built on mutual reproaches and discontent. Such relationships will not exist for a long time, they will simply break into stones of resentment and anger.

In the autumn dream book it is said that if a girl sees in a dream how her lover cheated on her in front of her friends and they told her this - one of the girlfriends has laid eyes on her beloved person and is already preparing a plan on how to destroy their union. This dream appeared for a reason, but as a symbol of the fact that it is time to pay attention to relationships and make them closed to strangers. Relations need to be protected.

No matter how unfavorable the dream may seem, it is worth remembering that this is just a dream and it can be connected with reality indirectly or display its opposite side. Some girls, after sleeping about treason, try to find out the relationship with their lover and in every possible way plague him with their distrust. In fact, it is enough to explain to him that the reason for all the disagreements lies in the apprehension of trouble. Then everything will fall into place, and partners will quickly resolve all problems together. Indeed, it is thanks to mutual assistance that many relationships are extended for decades.


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