Marriages of Politicians: Love and Conflict Flaunting


Divorces, all kinds of scams or love that knows no boundaries: the marriages of politicians are constantly in the center of public attention and are a favorite topic for discussion and gossip. And, oddly enough, politicians themselves often take this positively, especially during election campaigns, when it is time to show themselves on a human and intimate side. We want to introduce you to the 5 most striking political marriages.

Barack and Michelle Obama: a perfect marriage

Barack Obama and his wife Michelle openly celebrated their wedding during Barack’s first election campaign. During official events or diplomatic visits to other countries, the wife always accompanies her spouse.

Michelle Obama is not only a style icon that captivates the nation with small anecdotes from family life, but also, as a highly qualified lawyer, she actively intervenes in political affairs. She was one of the first to support her husband in the election. Michelle edits his speech and in her person Barack found an important adviser. All this looks so perfect that the question involuntarily begs: one of the most powerful men in the world in the role of a loving and beloved strong woman - is this impeccable picture, really, true? Or is it someone’s thoroughly thought out plan?

Angela Merkel and Joachim Sauer: a discreet marriage

Tighten your husband with political affairs? This is exactly what is not in the habits of Angela Merkel. Anyone who is waiting for spicy stories from the personal life of the German chancellor and professor of quantum chemistry, he hopes in vain. Extreme restraint and even modesty of Sauer caused the nickname "Phantom". And this is quite natural, because joint publication of spouses is more likely an exception to the rule. Joachim Sauer was absent even at Merkel's inaugurations in 2005 and 2009.

Recently, however, Angela Merkel still slightly lifts the veil of their married life. Now cute chatting spouses can sometimes be seen in the movies. When asked if the German Chancellor asks her husband for advice on political affairs, the answer is: "You know, sometimes he expresses his opinion!".

Nicolas Sarkazi and Carla Bruni: a glamorous marriage

Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkazi are a couple. At the end of 2007, this news was a real find for the yellow press. The Italian singer and former model gave the French president more glamor. Bruni and Sarkazi staged their “young” love with holiday pictures in Egypt. However, critics say that Sarkazi was trying to distance himself from political problems in France.

Many openly condemned their relationship, especially representatives of eastern cultures, who stated that such relations should be supported by marriage. The solution to the problem was not long in coming. In February 2008, Sarkazi and Bruni got married.

Since Sarkazi lost the election in 2012, spouses have finally made peace and quiet. Now Nicolas works as a lawyer, and Carla decides to resume her musical career.

Hillary and Bill Clinton: Presidential Marriage

The woman is the president, whose husband is the former president of the United States. The White House has never before heard of such a thing. Meanwhile, such a scenario is likely, because Hillary Clinton, the former foreign minister, is one of the most promising followers of Barack Obama.

In the late 90s, the Clinton names did not leave the headlines of the yellow press in connection with the exposure of Bill Clinton's love affair with his intern, Monica Lewinsky. Nevertheless, Hillary defended her husband, who now provides reliable protection and support to a powerful woman.

Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin: divorced marriage

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila Putin are getting divorced after 30 years of marriage. This news was released to the public in early July, although various rumors have long been circulating about their separation. For example, “Putin went to the monastery,” “Putin has a child from another woman.”

However, spicy details of this kind are usually not widely disseminated. The channel "Russia-24" Lyudmila Putin said only: "We hardly see each other. Vladimir Vladimirovich is immersed in his work. Our children have already grown up, each of them lives his own life." Indeed, the couple was hardly seen together at social events. The official explanation for the divorce: Putin’s wife hates constant flights. "


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