Bean soup - the best recipes, tricks and secrets. How to cook a delicious bean soup: with meat, bacon, chicken


Bean soup - general principles and methods of preparation

Bean soup is not only rich and nutritious, but also has considerable beneficial properties. Beans contain whole deposits of protein, which is absorbed better than animals, many vitamins, trace elements, especially sulfur, amino acids.

The soup is cooked from green beans, but most often from dried beans of various varieties and color. Moreover, during the heat treatment of beans, all useful substances are stored in it. Dishes from these beans have been loved by many people from all over the world - bean soups are found in all national cuisines - from Russian and Italian to French and Mexican.

Especially such a soup is useful to eat in winter - it will not only warm from the inside, but also will cheer you up, because beans contain many B vitamins that are actively fighting depression.

Bean soup - preparation of products

Beans have many advantages, but there is one drawback - it is cooked for a long time. Therefore, to reduce the cooking time of the soup, it should be soaked for several hours, and preferably all night. During this time, it will have time to soak in moisture, swell and during cooking the soup will quickly become soft. If the room is warm, it is better to put the soaking beans in the refrigerator so that it does not become acidic. Experts say that beans will be tastier if it is soaked not with running, but with boiled cold water. During soaking, the beans not only soften, they also leave oligosaccharides - substances that practically do not digest, complicate the digestion process and contribute to increased gas formation. Therefore, the water in which the beans were soaked must be drained, and the beans should be washed well.

Bean soup - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Bean Soup with Meat

What could be tastier than a bowl of hot bean soup? Only bean soup with meat. Here we will cook it, especially since it is cooked quickly. Any meat is suitable for soup - pork, beef, veal, and chicken will also be delicious. Beans are pre-soaked.

Ingredients: 0.5kg of meat (can be on the bone), 2 carrots, 250g of white beans, 1 onion, 4 medium potatoes, vegetable oil, celery stalk, to taste spices.

Cooking method

Pour the meat and beans and cook. At this time, peel and cut the remaining vegetables - potatoes into cubes and 1 carrot with rings. Prepare the frying from the second carrot and onion - sauté the chopped vegetables in oil.

In the prepared broth with meat and beans, put potatoes and carrot slices. When the meat is cooked, it can be left in the pan as is, or it can be removed, separated from the bone, cut into slices and put back into the soup. Ten minutes after laying the potatoes, add the roast and the celery stalk. After 20 minutes, salt the soup, add the desired spices - ground pepper or peas, salt, bay leaf. After five minutes, turn off the fire and leave the soup to brew. You can add greens and a slice of lemon to the plate.

Recipe 2: Smoked Bean Soup

Simple but very tasty soup. Smoked meats can be any smoked meat - ribs, brisket, loin, even smoked chicken wings. If you do not find bell pepper, cook without it. The soup will be tastier if, when frying, put one or two chopped fresh or canned tomatoes together with tomato paste. Regular beans can be replaced with canned, then it is added at the end of cooking.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of smoked meats, 300 g of beans (previously soaked), 1 piece of carrot, bell pepper and onion, 100 g of tomato paste, to taste: salt, spices, herbs.

Cooking method

Boil the beans for 20 minutes, then add the smoked meats. When it becomes soft, add potatoes, cut into cubes or straws and cook for 15 minutes. At this time, fry finely chopped bell pepper, onion and coarsely grated carrots in oil. When the frying is ready, add tomato paste to it, fry it for a minute or two and transfer the whole vegetable mass to soup. Add salt, spices, and greens at the very end.

Recipe 3: Bean Soup with Mushrooms and Chicken

Mushrooms are combined with almost all products, especially bean is obtained with them. They give the dish a special, unique flavor. Instead of chicken, you can take chicken wings, little things four to five, depending on size. Pre-soak beans.

Ingredients: 1.5 l of water or broth, chicken - 400 g, 200 g of red beans and fresh mushrooms, one table / spoon of butter and vegetable oil, chicken fat, one onion and carrot, 2 medium potatoes, to taste salt, pepper and greens .

Cooking method

Boil the beans until half cooked, add chicken. While everything is cooked, cut and fry the mushrooms in butter in half with vegetable. If there will be a lot of water from them, it can be drained (not poured), and the mushrooms themselves are browned. In a separate skillet, fry in chicken fat from grated carrots and chopped onions.

Put diced potatoes into the soup, and after 15 minutes, fried vegetables and mushrooms. Add salt and pepper. Five minutes before the end of cooking, pour the liquid from the mushrooms and add parsley.

Recipe 4: Bean Soup with Sausages

We can say that express soup is being cooked. It is preparing really fast, because ready-to-eat canned beans are used. Sausages (or sausages) are better to take smoked, it turns out tastier.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of sausages (sausages), 2 onions and carrots, 2 jars of canned red beans, 2 large potatoes, to taste, salt, pepper and herbs, for frying - lard or vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Throw chopped potatoes into boiling water (broth). While it is boiling, heat oil or melt lard and fry grated carrots and chopped onions. Add the frying pan to the pan, put the beans from the jar, bay leaf, add salt, add the pepper and let it boil a little. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add arbitrarily chopped sausages (sausages). Turn off the soup to let it brew a little and pour on the plates, adding greens.

Recipe 5. Bean Soup with Bacon and Corn


four halves of chicken breast;

45 g chopped parsley;

750 ml of chicken broth;

400 g canned white beans;

onions - 150 g;

300 ml of milk;

120 g of bacon;

4 ears of corn;

25 g of flour.

Cooking method

1. Boil the chicken stock in a large saucepan, dip the washed chicken breast into it and cook over moderate heat for 15 minutes. Remove the meat from the pan on a plate and cool.

2. Melt butter in a thick-bottomed pan. Put the onion chopped into small pieces in a pan and fry until transparent.

3. Add chopped bacon to the onion and fry, stirring for five minutes. Sprinkle the frying with flour, and fry for another minute, without ceasing to stir.

4. Introduce the broth into the pan, mix and cook for about a minute.

5. Remove corn from the ears of corn, rinse, and put in soup. Then pour half the milk and cook the soup until the corn is ready.

6. Cut the chicken breast into slices and put in the soup. Then put the canned beans, add the remaining milk, boil and boil for five minutes. Salt, pepper, season with parsley and turn off the heat.

Recipe 6. Bean Minestrone Soup


150 g of white, green and red beans;

two liters of broth;

fresh tomatoes - 200 g;

half a bunch of dill and parsley;

150 g of onions;

dried Italian herbs, salt and black pepper;

4 cloves of garlic;

50 ml olive oil;

smoked brisket - 300 g;

a bunch of fresh basil;

100 g of fine vermicelli.

Cooking method

1. Make cuts on the tomatoes, dip them for a minute in boiling water, then in cold water and peel off. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into pieces.

2. At the beans, trim the tails and chop it into small pieces.

3. Slice the brisket. Peel and chop.

4. At the bottom of a thick-walled pan, put slices of brisket, fry on both sides, put chopped onion to them and fry.

5. Beans white and red boil until cooked. Put in a pan with onions, add the chilli, add a little broth and simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes. Then pour the rest of the broth. Note that minestrone is quite thick soup, so adjust the amount of broth yourself.

6. Pour vermicelli into the soup, salt, season with pepper and cook the soup for ten minutes.

7. Mash the minced basil with garlic in a mortar. At the end of cooking, add the spiced mixture to the soup.

Recipe 7. Bean Soup with Cabbage


a half-liter can of canned beans;

100 ml of sunflower oil;

half a head of cabbage;

30 g flour;

150 g of onions;

15 g ground paprika;

30 g of tomato paste.

Cooking method

1. Rub the peeled onions. We spread it in a cauldron with hot oil and mix finely chopped cabbage and onions. Fry for a while.

2. Pour in a liter of broth, add tomato paste and cook until cabbage is ready.

3. We send beans to the cauldron, salt and bring to a boil.

4. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the flour for about a minute. Season with paprika and mix. Put the sauté in the soup, boil again and turn off the stove.

Recipe 8. Bean soup "Peasant"


3 potatoes;

35 g of vegetable oil;

500 g of beans;

salt, herbs and pepper;

a quarter cup of rice;

30 g flour;

120 g of onion;

150 g of carrots.

Cooking method

1. In the evening, wash the beans and soak. The next day, boil it for about an hour. We clean and wash the vegetables. Cut potatoes and onions into cubes. Coarsely rub the carrots. We wash the rice.

2. Boil water in a saucepan, spread the beans, bring to a boil, add rice, potatoes and half the onions and carrots. Cook for about 20 minutes.

3. Pour oil into a preheated pan, spread the remaining vegetables, and fry, stirring, until golden brown. Pour the flour, mix and simmer for another minute.

4. Put the frying in the soup. Salt, pepper, and continue cooking for another ten minutes. Rinse the herbs, rinse and chop finely. Add it to the soup, simmer over low heat for a few more minutes.

Recipe 9. Bean soup with pesto and vegetables


150 g of white and yellow beans;

230 g of green beans;

100 g of onions;

230 g of potatoes;

1200 ml of vegetable broth;

230 g Savoy cabbage;

table salt and ground pepper;

250 g of carrots.


4 cloves of garlic;

60 g of parmesan;

several branches of fresh basil;

90 ml of olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Soak yellow and white beans overnight. Then we drain the water, rinse and put in a cast iron. Fill it with water, cover with a lid and send to the oven. We set the temperature at 200 C and cook the beans for an hour and a half.

2. Throw the beans into a colander, wait until all the liquid has drained, and put half into the cast iron. Puree the second half with a blender and transfer to a whole bean. Fill with vegetable broth, mix.

3. We rub the peeled and washed carrots. Cut the potatoes into pieces, after peeling and washing. Shred cabbage in thin strips. We shift all the vegetables to the cast iron, here we put the string beans. Salt, cover and send to the oven. Reduce the temperature to 180 C and cook the soup for another hour.

4. Grind the basil with garlic in a mortar, gradually pouring olive oil. Add the grated parmesan and mix. We put half the sauce in the soup, mix and turn off the heat. Serve the soup in plates by adding a tablespoon of sauce immediately before serving.

Bean soup - useful tips from experienced chefs

If you want to cook bean soup, and there is no time to soak the beans, you can use canned beans in cans. Put it in the soup ten minutes before the end of cooking.

To make the beans boil faster, salt the soup for 35-40 minutes after laying the beans.


Tatyana 10.27.2016
How to hate your country so that everything that is bad and what is best abroad. Whether clothes, food, everything is poor and useless. So why do you live in this country. It would have long gone to where it is better and would not have disturbed others.

Nikolay 05/14/2016
Soup is not a healthy product; it was invented in the USSR to save money. Not in one country there are no dishes of “soups” If only soups are mashed!

Mikhail 02/04/2016
you ssskoko years that you sssr shit in France kings ate soups

Vladimir 01/24/2016
Lope, we have stupid people in the country !!!


Watch the video: Best Bean Soup Recipe . .easy and delicious (June 2024).