Six causes of aging, or how to deal with them


The struggle for youth is now experiencing a real boom. However, no matter how hard you try, there are certain reasons that will “help” you grow old, much earlier than physiologically possible. It’s all because of bad habits that spoil not only your appearance, but also disastrously affect your health. Let's see what kind of habits?

  • Neglecting sunglasses and gloves.

Sunglasses are needed even if you jump out of the house for half an hour in sunny weather. UV is omnipresent. It is advisable to choose glasses of significant measurements, completely covering the area around the eyes. In addition, you must use special sunscreens with SPF filters.

Experts recommend the use of gloves in the summer, as protection against the sun. Neglect of gloves leads to wrinkles and age spots.

  • Drink a variety of drinks through a straw.

You did not know that the use of tubes (which looks quite erotic) leads to wrinkles? This, incidentally, applies to cigarettes. Experts recommend for preventive purposes, to apply special balms on the lips in the morning and evening, or, if you adhere to folk remedies, then honey.

  • Disregard the signals your skin sends you.

Redness of the cheeks for no reason indicates, as a rule, that the skin is weakened and requires care. In rare cases, this is a hereditary feature, but the main reason is the lack of facial skin care. The consequences of this are very distressing - various rashes, pimples or irritation.

Every woman should keep track of any skin changes. And in the case of an inexplicable blush, everything that can provoke a rush of blood to the face must be avoided. This may be taking alcohol, and exposure to sunlight, and eating spicy food.

If all of the above methods do not help, contact a dermatologist who will select the necessary funds for the normal functioning of the vessels.

  • Extremely often use tough scrubs in your body care

If you ruthlessly rub your skin, damage its upper layer, leveling its functions. As a result of all this, acne, irritation, peeling appear.

For sensitive skin, foods that contain fruit acids should be avoided.

In case you still exfoliate the skin, it is necessary to moisturize it well after the procedure. In case you have dry skin, it is best to use products that include olive oil to moisturize it. In case of oily skin - low-fat preparations with hyaluronic acid.

  • Facial expression "helps" facial expressions

If you are an expressive person and used to add facial expressions in addition to words, then remember: offended pouting lips, eyebrows raised in surprise - all these “cute” habits will lead you to wrinkles at once. And the skin will resemble baked apples.

  • Poke your nose often

Touching gestures that are so cute for women, after all, can lead to redness and pimples. It’s better to try to occupy your hands with something: knit, sew, etc.


Watch the video: Why We Age - And How We Can Stop It (June 2024).