Female opinion: In Russia, a cat is a man’s best friend


Pets live side by side with a person from time immemorial. At first they were taken out of practical considerations: dogs helped on the hunt, cats drove mice. Gradually, pets began to perform a decorative function. Fans of a certain animal family affectionately call themselves "dog lovers", "cat owners", "poultry houses" and so on. They say that the owner chooses that living creature, which he is similar in character. Phlegmatic people prefer fish, independent natures are crazy about cats, lovers of active activity acquire dogs.

The Internet portal "Female Opinion" invited its visitors to answer the question: "What animals do you have at home?"

Women turned out to be mostly cat fans. Cats, rightfully considered the most elegant pets, have 37.8% of respondents. Among their advantages, women note the lack of smell and saliva, the need to walk them, and a proud disposition.

Dogs are kept by 10.2% of ladies surveyed. They like their devotion. In addition, the presence of a dog disciplines and helps to keep yourself in shape - because it must be walked daily.

12.9% are lucky owners of several animal species. If the size of the apartment allows, this option allows you to combine the diverse tastes of all family members. The main thing is that the animals get along.

7.4% believe that there is no better pet than a small rodent, rabbit or fish. These creatures are the most unpretentious, but their presence enlivens the apartment. They will be a good gift for a child if the presence of a larger animal is not to their parents' liking.

In general, 31.7% do not hold animals. Among them are those who would like to get a pet, but cannot because of the frequent trips or allergies of one of the family members.
It is interesting to note that the initiators of the acquisition of a new family member are more often women. They like the feeling of “vivacity” that he brings to the house, uniting its inhabitants. Moreover, observing the habits of animals perfectly cheers up - just look at any selection of video jokes with their participation.

The survey involved 4130 people aged 20 to 45 years from 172 cities of Russia.
