Ladies' Fingers - a cake that will not leave anyone indifferent. Tasty and simple recipes for Lady's fingers cake


Ladies' Fingers is a delicious, beautiful cake that will decorate any special occasion.

The main highlight of this dessert is its appearance - a lot of eclairs, smeared with cream and glazed.

Ladies' fingers cake - the basic principles of preparation

The cake, in principle, is not difficult to prepare, the main thing is to bake the base, prepare the cream filling and icing, and then combine everything. After forming, it is important to let the cake stand in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to soak.

Any of the recipes starts with making eclairs. To do this, mix all the products indicated in the recipe, transfer the finished dough into a pastry bag, squeeze the strips and bake in an oven or slow cooker.

The cream can be created on the basis of butter, sour cream, condensed milk, yogurt or any other at the discretion of the hostess.

They decorate the cake, based on their own wishes, in addition to the glaze, you can use crushed nuts, chocolate chips, fruits, berries, and more.

1. Ladies' Fingers Cake: Cream Recipe



• sweet cream butter - 150 g;

• flour -215 g;

• salt - 1 4 tsp;

• purified water - 350 ml;

• eggs - 6 pieces;


• sour cream 20% fat - 700 g;

• cream 33 -35% fat - 350 ml;

• granulated sugar - 260 g.

To decorate:

• chocolate bar - 40 g;

• butter - 20 g.

How to cook:

1. First, sift the desired portion of flour so that it has already been prepared and is at hand, since such a dough needs to be prepared quite quickly.

2. Next, cut the butter into pieces and put in a metal container. Pour salt there, pour water and put the contents on a small fire. Without stopping to interfere, wait until the oil is completely dissolved. When the mixture boils, remove from heat and quickly pour the prepared flour. We mix everything quickly and intensively. Be sure to do everything at speed so that the flour instantly dissolves in the hot mixture.

3. When the mixture of flour and butter turns into a single lump, put the pan again on the stove. In the same way, quickly mix the mass over low heat for about 2 minutes. As a result, the choux pastry should come out plastic and not stick to the walls and bottom of the pan.

4. Transfer the dough into another cup and cool to a slightly warm state.

5. In the cooled dough, in turn, mix the eggs. We add the second egg only when the first is completely absorbed.

6. We take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment and place the dough in the form of strips six cm long from the pastry bag. We bake these strips in a preheated oven for 22 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. During this time, the dough should be covered with a golden crust and rise.

7. Then we reduce the temperature to 165 degrees and bake the cake mixes for about another ten minutes, so that they dry inside.

8. Cooking cream: pour cold cream into a cup, pour granulated sugar and whisk until thickened. Next, pour into the creamy mass 500 g of sour cream. Beat a little until smooth.

9. Take a detachable mold with a diameter of 28 cm. Pour cream 6 tbsp. On the bottom of the mold. spoons and a good smear. Then we put baked strips of fingers on top of the cream next to each other. If free gaps form, we break the dough strips into suitable pieces and close the gaps with them.

10. Lubricate them with cream and again lay out a new row of “fingers”. And so on, row by row. We put a plate on the last row of “fingers”, and something heavy on it. Together with the weight we put the cake in the refrigerator. The next day, remove the load and remove the side from the form, turn the cake on a large tray or plate.

11. From the remaining sour cream and cream, prepare the cream and coat it with the sides and top of the cake.

12. A bar of chocolate is melted with butter for a couple, apply thin strips on the cake with a cornet. When the cream on the cake hardens, you can cut it and enjoy the excellent taste.

2. Ladies' Fingers Cake: Recipe in a slow cooker


• 100 g margarine;

• 3 eggs;

• 250 g of water;

• 250 g flour;

• a pinch of salt;

• 50 ml. sour cream;

• 250 g of sugar.


1. Set the slow cooker to normal mode and make the dough. To do this, pour a glass of water into a metal cup, put margarine there and melt it over low heat.

2. When the margarine melt, add the flour and stir quickly.

3. At the same time add salt and a little sugar.

4. Then cool the dough a little and drive the eggs into it.

5. From the finished warm dough we form sticks.

6. Put them in the capacity of the multicooker, set the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature and bake for another 20 minutes.

7. While the cake mix is ​​baked, we prepare the cream: beat sour cream with sugar with a mixer until a thick state.

8. Finished, cooled "fingers" dipped well in the cream and spread the slide on a large plate.

9. Pour cream on top of the cake and set it to freeze in the cold.

3. Ladies' Fingers Cake: A Cookie Recipe


The foundation:

• cookies purchased at the Ladies Fingers store - 350 g;

• custard coffee with sugar - 250 g;

• cognac, rum or essence - 20 g.

For cream:

• condensed milk - 250 ml;

• sour cream - 250 ml;

For glaze:

• cream - 100 g;

• butter - 60 g;

• plain chocolate without additives - floor tiles.

Cooking method:

1. Brew coffee with sugar, cool, pour 2 drops of rum essence or brandy into it.

2. Take a detachable form, line it on the sides and bottom with cling film.

3. Dip the cookies in the coffee liquid and lay on the bottom of the mold.

4. Cream preparation: Beat sour cream until volume increases. Sour cream of 20 - 25% fat content is best suited. If this is not found, then you need to put sour cream on gauze, put in a sieve, so that the glass is excess moisture. Pour condensed milk into sour cream.

5. Cooking the glaze: Simmer the cream. After boiling, put the oil in them and wait until it melts. In the same mass crumbling a bar of chocolate.

6. Cake formation: on the first layer, dipped in "fingers" coffee, lay out 2 cm of cream. We lay the second layer on it and coat with cream. The last layer is covered with glaze.

4. Ladies fingers cake: a biscuit based recipe


• egg whites - 150g;

• sugar - 125 g;

• egg yolks - 100g;

• flour the highest grade -130 g.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the whites from the yolks.

2. Pour the proteins into a clean, dry cup and beat at a slow mixer speed.

3. Rub the yolks with a fork or whisk.

4. Next, switch the mixer to medium speed and continue whisking the protein until lush foam: a lot of small bubbles should appear in the protein. At the bottom should not remain liquid protein, but only one lush foam.

5. When the protein has beaten well, add sugar. Sugar gradually pour a thin stream in several stages, continuing to beat. With the addition of sugar, the protein begins to settle, which is why it is necessary to continue whipping the protein meringue so that the sugar mixes evenly and the mass increases in volume.

6. After pouring out the remaining sugar, beat for about 1-2 minutes, so that a soft, sparkling, stable mass is obtained.

7. Pour the finished protein mass into the yolks. Stir a little with a plastic spatula from the bottom up.

8. After this, gradually introduce a sifted flour in a thin stream. We don’t interfere for a long time, because the dough can settle.

9. Place the dough in a pastry bag with a round nozzle with a diameter of 10 cm. We place the dough on a baking sheet, in spiral lines.

10. Sprinkle the strips with powdered sugar and leave to stand for 10 minutes, then sprinkle with powdered sugar again - this is necessary so that a golden, crispy crust forms on the finished biscuit.

11. Put the cake mix in the hot oven and bake for 15 minutes.

12. We take out the finished workpieces and cool.

13. The cooled sticks are laid out on a large plate in the form of a woodpile in layers. We coat all layers with custard or sour cream. Pour the cake on top with the remaining cream and decorate with glaze using a cornet.

5. Ladies' fingers cake: recipe without baking


• Ladies fingers cookies - 2 packs;

• dried apricots or prunes - 200 g.

For cream:

sour cream - 500 g;

icing sugar - 125 g.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the cream. To do this, mix sour cream with icing sugar and beat until smooth.

2. Then we pour a little cream into the detachable form and put cookies on it, coat them with cream and lay out the slices of pre-soaked dried apricots or prunes.

3. Again we put a layer of cookies, cream and dried fruits. And so is every layer.

4. Also, instead of dried apricots and prunes, you can take canned pineapples, peaches.

5. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator.

6. Ladies' Fingers Cake: Shortcrust Recipe


For the test:

• eggs - 3-4 pieces;

• butter - 200 g;

• soda, slaked with vinegar - 1 teaspoon;

• flour - 1 cup.

For cream:

• sour cream 20-30% fat content - 500 g;

• sugar - 125 g.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the butter with flour. The oil should be soft.

2. Add eggs and soda, slaked with vinegar. Mix everything well and add flour.

3. Knead the dough until soft. It should not be very tight, but not stick to your hands.

4. From the finished dough we roll out sticks, cake blanks, 5 cm long.

5. Put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment, put in a preheated oven and bake for fifteen minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

6. While the preparations are baked, we prepare the cream: pour the sour cream into a cup, add sugar to it and beat it with a mixer at medium speed until the sugar dissolves. Instead of sugar, you can take powdered sugar, with it the cream will beat faster.

7. When the billets are baked, take them out and cool.

8. Then put the “fingers” on a plate in layers, coat with cream. Top the cake with the remaining cream.

9. As a decoration, you can sprinkle with confectionery powder. We put in the refrigerator to harden the cream.

Ladies' Fingers Cake - Tricks and Tips

• You can make chocolate eclairs, just add a couple of spoons of cocoa powder to the dough.

• Together with the cream between the blanks, you can also stack berries, fresh or canned fruits, nuts.
