The child goes to kindergarten. What you need to know?


Summer is coming. For some, it will be the last held with their parents, because the first team ahead is a kindergarten. And although the babies themselves expect many pleasant days, new acquaintances, fun games and the first affections, moms do not have a place. How easily does a child adapt to kindergarten, will they not miss home? And most importantly - is it possible to help him in advance by preparing him for the upcoming changes?

Perfect age for the garden

Someone thinks that the baby nursery (1.5 - 2 years) adapts much faster and easier. Scarce quickly gets used to the teacher, considering her second mom, and adult feelings and bitterness from parting with parents because of their age do not threaten him yet. Others believe that it is better to wait until the age of 3, because it is at this age that children not only know how to play joint games, but also derive great pleasure from friendship. Parents can no longer provide them with the necessary level of communication, and the need for new acquaintances and common games with peers is greatly increasing.

Required skills

The times when each parent was given a list - a list of necessary skills, are slowly passing into the past. If before such requirements as:

  • rejection of diapers;
  • the ability to ask the toilet;
  • self-catering;
  • self dressing and undressing

were necessary, now the conditions are changing. In most institutions, employees take to teach the child to self-service in a short time. Another important condition is the establishment of a daily regimen corresponding to the schedule of the kindergarten. If the parents manage to prepare the baby in advance, this is great, but if the process is tight, you should not worry. Children who do not confidently possess these skills in a team learn them much faster, and the regime quickly returns to normal. Much more important is psychological preparation.

How to prepare a child for kindergarten?

The nature and psychological characteristics of each child are much more important than self-care skills and even the age of the future kindergartener. Whether a child will be comfortable in a new team, whether he will easily part with his mother and how quickly he adapts depends only on the degree of his readiness for life in the team.

  • Parting. The baby, instantly forgetting about everything, seeing the company of other children on the playground and staying with relatives for a long time, causes less anxiety than a little tail that starts to worry as soon as mom moves further than a meter. Preparation of such a child will have to do in advance, beginning to leave the house for short and then for longer periods.
  • Hardening Everyone knows that in the garden one endless illness begins, passing from a cold to a chickenpox and then back to a cold. Do not give up prematurely before the inevitable. Summer is the perfect period for hardening and raising immunity. Warm months spent in the country or on the seashore, will help to resist disease, the main thing - to forget about the greenhouse conditions. Let your little one run barefoot, swim in ponds and eat fresh fruit. A total ban on cold drinks and drafts will have to be mitigated, otherwise, these factors can cause frequent diseases.
  • Communication Not all children are able to quickly find a common language with their peers. Kids, like us, can be shy, and of course, not all are natural leaders who can gather other children around them. Teach your child to be the first to make acquaintance, introduce yourself and offer to join the game. But letting the difficulties in communication take place is not worth it - the team in the kindergarten is too large, and there is a risk that the kid simply will not be able to show enough courage and independence to engage in communication.
  • Openness It is important to have time to teach the child to trust elders and reveal to them all their grievances and secrets. The kid should know that, if necessary, he can ask for help from a senior caregiver. Trust is necessary and parents, which means that even before entering the kindergarten is required to teach the child every night to share with the mother or father all the experiences of the day - insults, joys, fears and sorrows.

Are there children that kindergarten is contraindicated?

"Nesadovsky" child - of course, not a myth. Such children really exist. Their temperature rises every time they visit a preschool institution, they withdraw into themselves and suffer quietly until the arrival of their parents, they get up hard in the morning and lose their appetite. The usual adaptation for peers, which lasts no more than three months, is delayed for them - the child does not so much get used to the new conditions as he suffers from them. In this case, the garden will have to be postponed until next year, and in the preparation of the baby include a visit to the psychologist and work with the parents. After all, it is often the child that absorbs maternal anxiety and fears.

Text: Vera Guler


Watch the video: How to teach Kids. from a Prague kindergarten, part 1. English for Children (June 2024).