Beetroot and mayonnaise salads: not good? Beetroot salad recipes with mayonnaise and eggs, fish, mushrooms, beans, nuts, liver


Gastronomic preferences regarding beets are extremely controversial, unlike the popularly beloved mayonnaise. But nutritionists and general practitioners for a long time and in no way doubt the benefits of beets and the dangers of mayonnaise. The findings of medicine are in favor of beets, and the favorite salad dressing is a tasty, nutritious, but not healthy supplement that promotes the development of obesity and an increase in cholesterol in the body, leading to a number of diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular system.

But when did bad habits and foods stop people? Willpower is an exceptional personality trait that is far from common to many, and innate instincts are a comprehensive factor, and they govern tastes and preferences, sometimes contrary to the understanding of what is good and what is harmful.

It seems that beetroot salad with mayonnaise is a case from a series of compromises between doctors' advice and a reluctance to resist the uncontrolled use of mayonnaise. The combination of these products in a salad is indeed a good way to solve the issue of a balanced diet.

Beetroot salad with mayonnaise - basic technological principles

We just repeat once again that salad is a dish that has a very short shelf life, it is cooked and, especially, seasoned immediately before serving, stored in a refrigerator in a closed container for no more than two hours. However, even for such a short period, some salads have time to lose their useful properties and pleasant appearance. Mayonnaise dressing reduces the shelf life of salads by several times.

Therefore, the "healthy salad rules" with mayonnaise read:

Do not leave salad with mayonnaise dressing at room temperature;

Be sure to cover the salad by sending it to the refrigerator;

Try to add mayonnaise as late as possible, and the best option is to mix all the salad ingredients before serving: until this point, the products can be cut and put into the refrigerator in separate, closed containers. This method significantly increases the shelf life and useful properties of the dish.

Now we will determine who knows how to properly prepare beets for salad, and knows how to cook it? Yes, the root crop has an amazing property: unlike all vegetables, the value of this product does not lose at all after heat treatment, but prolonged cooking, nevertheless, destroys vitamin C, and its daily requirement is quite high, and you need to replenish the main antioxidant reserves daily.

Real beetroot professionals advise:

For the preparation of salads, choose table beet varieties that have a rich burgundy color, slightly flattened at the base of the root and tops, small in size;

Before cooking, beets should be thoroughly washed with a brush until the traces of soil on the surface are completely removed: the beets should look beautiful, as in the pictures "

It is not necessary to cut the root through which the beetroot juice flows out during the cooking process and the fruit becomes tasteless and watery, and the leaves are cut so as to preserve the integrity of the root crop itself;

Cooking beets is a tedious matter, and the duration depends on the size of the root, on the temperature regime and on the skill of the cook: dip the beets in boiling water, cook for about half an hour, and then drain the water in which it was boiled, and arrange it with a “cold shower” - put under a stream of cold water. After cooling, try piercing it with a fork. If the fork easily pierces the pulp, the beets are ready for further cooking.

What to cook from beets and mayonnaise? The answer is simple: even these two components are already a salad. Cut as you want, you can add nuts or prunes, or both, for piquancy - lemon juice, garlic. Vegetable goes well with meat, mushrooms, fish, and other vegetables.

Traditionally, beets are used to prepare “winter” salads, such as vinaigrette, herring “under a fur coat”, because last year's beets are not so tasty and healthy in the summer, and the young root crop has not yet fully absorbed the “juice of the earth”. Therefore, in the summer months, you can use the stocks in pickled or frozen form. Beets are not afraid of low temperatures, and boiled, diced cubes are perfectly stored in sealed packages in the freezer.

Do not like the taste or smell of boiled beets? Freeze it, use it in marinated form, bake slices with sugar: these methods will help neutralize a specific smell, and the product will acquire completely new notes of taste.

Beets should be consumed regularly, in reasonable quantities, because there are few vegetables in the world that have such unique properties: the content of natural fiber with the necessary lipids for the liver and blood. Just do not get involved in the fight against obesity. Beetroot diet has contraindications - do not forget to consult a doctor.

1. Puff beetroot salad with red fish mayonnaise and mushrooms

Sun-dried salmon 400 g

Champignons (pickled) 300 g

Potato (baked in its jacket) 350 g

Chicken eggs (boiled) 5 pcs.

Boiled beets 400 g

The juice of half a small lemon

Onions, green 100 g



We prepare products for the salad. Peel potatoes, beets, eggs and rub on a coarse grater. Salmon and champignons cut into strips, medium size. Then we spread the first layer of salmon. We chop green onion and let it stand for about ten minutes in lemon juice, squeeze it slightly, spread it on top of the fish, and generously lubricate it with mayonnaise. Further, we observe the following order: eggs, potatoes, mushrooms (chopped straws), beets. Cover each layer with mayonnaise. Let the salad stand in a cool place for about half an hour.

Garnish with the ingredients that make up the dish.

2. Beetroot salad with mayonnaise, beans and mushrooms



Beans, white boiled

Chanterelles stewed with onions

Fresh cucumber

Mayonnaise, black pepper, lemon juice - for dressing


All salad ingredients are taken in equal parts by net weight. Boil the beans, grease the prepared beets with oil, wrap with foil and bake in the oven at 180 ° C. Put on a cold surface, let cool, unfold, peel and cut into thin strips. Cut cucumbers with the same strips. Wash boiled beans, fold through a sieve. Combine all the ingredients, seasoning with mayonnaise, adding pepper and lemon juice to taste.

3. Beetroot salad with mayonnaise, beef and prunes


Cooked fillet 400 g

Baked beets 400 g

Prunes, dried 200 g

Mayonnaise to taste

Black pepper and salt to taste

Cooking method:

Peel the baked beets and cut into thin strips. Scale large prunes with boiling water, also cut into strips. Disassemble the cooked beef fillet along the fibers with thin threads. Combine the ingredients, salt, season with pepper and add mayonnaise. Stir and transfer to a salad bowl.

4. Beetroot salad with mayonnaise and walnuts


Walnut kernels 150 g

Boiled beets 1 kg

Garlic 3 to 4 cloves

Mayonnaise to taste

Order of preparation:

Rub the peeled beets on a fine grater. Chop the nuts and mash in a mortar with garlic. Add the dressing to the beets, season with mayonnaise, mix and serve.

5. Beetroot salad with mayonnaise - Finnish vinaigrette


Boiled carrots 150 g

Pickled Cucumbers 200 g

Vinegar, fruit 150 ml

Jacketed potato 250 g

Hard and sour apples 300 g (net)

Beets 400 g

Cream 120 ml

Mustard 20 g

Vegetable oil 100 ml

Salt and sugar to taste

Green and onion 200 g


Boil beets, carrots and potatoes. Peel and cut everything into cubes, placing the components in a separate bowl. Sprinkle onions, apples and boiled beets with vinegar, leave for a couple of hours for marinating, add salt and sugar to the marinade. Then lay the salad in layers in a portioned transparent dish, in random order.

You can serve a salad with regular mayonnaise, but cooked dressing made from cream, mustard and oil with the addition of vinegar or beet marinade is much more interesting.

Beat the butter at a high speed mixer, adding a little fat and cold cream, until a homogeneous emulsion is formed. Do not rush to add cream until they are combined into a homogeneous mass with vegetable oil. Add a spoonful of hot mustard, vinegar, salt and sugar, if necessary. Put the cooked sauce on top of the salad, garnish with green onions.

6. Beetroot salad with mayonnaise with liver, mushrooms and cheese


Boiled eggs

Fried beef liver

Pickled Carrots (Korean)

Pickled Mushrooms

Boiled potatoes


Pickled Onions

Boiled beets

Mayonnaise, salad (30%)

Vinegar, sugar and salt - for pickling onions

Order of preparation:

Prepare all ingredients in the same amount. This is a recipe for puff salad, so the products must be decomposed first separately. Eggs and cheese can be grated on a coarse grater, cut the remaining products into thin, but not very long straws. On a round and flat dish, set the shape without the bottom so that the salad has a beautiful appearance and clearly visible boundaries of each layer. Spread each layer, covering with mayonnaise in the following order:









Thin too thick mayonnaise with marinade so that it is not in excess in the salad. Ideal for such a hearty meal, mayonnaise with low fat content. Cover the salad, refrigerate for 30-40 minutes, then remove the lid and clean the shape, decorate with vegetables and serve.

Beetroot salad with mayonnaise - useful tips

It has long been known that beets are a source of natural food coloring, but it stains products regardless of the desire of the cook. Due to this property of the root, all salads acquire a burgundy color, despite the fact that the chef has carefully selected multi-colored components so that the salad or vinaigrette looks bright and appetizing. To remedy the situation, add cooked and chopped beets to vegetable oil, mix and hold it separately from the salad for about half an hour. Oil "seals" the prominent beetroot juice.

A good way to pre-heat beets is baking in the oven. The semi-finished product with this method of preparation is less watery and sweeter, which, in turn, reduces the drainage of liquid in the finished salad, improves its taste.


Watch the video: Rich Tuna Salad. EASY TO LEARN. QUICK RECIPES (June 2024).