How to develop willpower and how to strengthen it tips


The question of how to develop and strengthen the iron willpower is quite controversial, for the answer to which it is necessary to take into account the large number of psychological factors affecting its development.

Much depends on the self-discipline of the person himself, on the character traits inherent in him. If he has a serious attitude and is able to control himself, forcing himself to do something, even not very pleasant for him, it means that he has the strength of spirit and he is able to achieve the goal.

However, for some people, in order to develop and strengthen their willpower, it is enough to have some kind of encouragement, to know that efforts and energy expended will bring results. For example, promotion or getting rid of extra pounds.

What is willpower - the concept of willpower in psychology

The concept of willpower is one of the most complex in psychology. It is determined by a person’s ability to coordinate and control his behavior and actions.

Strength - this is the quality of the person, while will - a manifestation of her spirit. In a word, the concept is considered in psychology as self-control, due to which a person either performs or does not perform any specific actions.

There is a judgment that in order to create the opportunity to develop and strengthen the power of will, it is necessary that the power of the individual be in harmony with the soul.

Life rod how to strengthen tips

The inner core of a person is a special component of his character, which makes him strong and enduring.

Many people want to learn how to develop willpower and strengthen the life core in order to be able to achieve success in life. For this it is necessary:

  • listen to the inner voice and follow it, trust your soul;
  • have self-esteem, be honest and have moral values;
  • be yourself, do not adapt to others, do not compare yourself with them;
  • strengthen faith in yourself and in your strengths;
  • have a positive attitude, do not despair;
  • abandon weaknesses and vulnerabilities, do not allow any life's troubles to knock yourself out of a rut;
  • develop confidence and decisiveness in oneself, be able to strictly follow the intended goal;
  • to be independent;
  • be able to take responsibility without shifting it to others;
  • do not listen to other people's opinions if they do not correspond to logic;
  • do not allow inner fear to stop and slow down.

Ways to develop the power of the spirit

To develop this quality in yourself, you need to understand its true meaning, understand what you want to achieve in life and only then begin to act.

A number of factors by which a person can develop will power and spirit - operating methods:

  • soberly assess their abilities, to understand their desires;
  • develop a phased strategy of action, strictly follow it, not to make sharp volitional decisions, which often do not meet expectations;
  • make the strategy for achieving the goals flexible, with alternatives that will be useful for the further development of the personality;
  • gradually abandon bad habits and affairs that are not beneficial;
  • to accustom yourself to self-discipline, to control your desires.

How to train the power of the spirit exercises

Anyone who wants to achieve certain heights in life must train their willpower and self-discipline, develop and strengthen them in their character. You can start with the simplest and gradually increase the requirements for yourself.

There are the most elementary training, helping to develop willpower:

1. forget about some bad habits or verbal expressions, try to reduce their repetition and eventually nullify;

2. develop the habit of doing useful things on a daily basis, do not shirk, and do not find reasons for inaction;

3. start daily self-control, monitor your spending, quality and quantity of food consumed, time spent on the Internet, this will help develop and strengthen the necessary personal qualities;

4. every day after waking up, think over your plans, be aware of the need to implement them and try to accomplish everything that was planned during the day;

5. before going to sleep, to display in my head the ratio of all the goals set for the day and those that could be accomplished, if it was not possible to fulfill all our plans, you need to transfer them to the next day, while trying not to reduce the number of new goals.

You can also try exercises for training volitional qualities, which will have a connection with volitional testing and will help develop them, and subsequently strengthen them.

for exampleif the goal is to save money, you need to start to monitor your spending, write them down and try to spend less than the previous amount every week or month.

If you have a goal to lose weight or just exercise more, you need to perform a series of exercises during the day at any free time, first you can start with something easy, like squats or push ups from the floor.

These seemingly insignificant exercises will help strengthen and develop willpower.

How to strengthen the spirit and determination of the recommendations

Strengthen the determination and willpower in a person is possible if you follow the advice and do not give up the bunches to success. To strengthen the spirit and determination, you should first believe in yourself, do not pay attention to the opinions of others, and listen only to those who will support and charge a positive attitude.

Do not be afraid to do something new and go forward; the fear of change hampers the process of self-development, and at the same time hinders the development and strengthening of useful character traits. It is necessary to have a clear plan of action and try to fulfill every point of it at all costs.

To have composure, which will help to find harmony in oneself to perform certain actions and strengthen character.

How to train willpower while losing weight tips

Willpower when losing weight is the main key to the doors to the beauty and slimness of your body; without such an important factor, even sport cannot help achieve success. Therefore, it is very important to develop and strengthen your volitional abilities and direct them in the right direction.

To get a good result, you should take into account the useful tipsthat will help to develop and strengthen the necessary features for weight loss character:

  • the most important factor that helps to strengthen and develop willpower in the process of losing weight is the love of self, if you love yourself, there will be an incentive for weight loss;
  • begin to eat food on a strictly planned schedule, then the body will get used to such a routine that will entail an improvement in digestion and speed up the metabolism;
  • enrolling in group fitness classes, in the company of people with the same problems there will be more motivation to perform heavy physical training;
  • perform exercises throughout the day, try to involve yourself in regular exercise, it will develop a habit and help develop and strengthen volitional qualities;
  • Starting with the lungs is not very exhausting regular exercise for 10 minutes a day, gradually increasing the load and time to complete them.

How to develop will power in a child

To develop the strength of spirit, determination and patience in a child need without a doubt, this is especially true of the boys, as they will in the future be the support and support for their family. With the development of the will in the character of the child, the foundation of a real, full-fledged personality is laid.

Therefore, in the process of educating both boys and girls pay attention to such important factors:

  • raise a child's self-confidence;
  • not to suppress manifestations of one’s own self, unless of course they are positive;
  • not to teach a child that everything gets easy, to explain how much effort you need to make, for example, to earn money for food or for the purchase of expensive toys;
  • never indulge his minute whims, do not give in to blackmail;
  • to tell that failures are reparable and this does not mean that the second time it will not work;
  • to teach perseverance in the pursuit of their own mental or physical labor.

Human will knows no bounds. The main thing is for everyone to know how to develop it correctly and how then to strengthen it so that all spent efforts are not wasted.

Psychologist Kelly McGonigal in one of her books she spoke about the method of training the volitional qualities of a person, where she argues that will power can be developed and strengthened by training it like muscles.

This is further proof that self-discipline and the continuous development of a person are capable of making useful transformations of his being and developing iron will power.


Watch the video: How to build SELF-DISCIPLINE - Strengthen your Willpower with tips and exercises (July 2024).