The meaning of the name Adele, the nature and fate of its owner. What does the name Adele mean, what is its origin and history


Choosing a name for your child, you must first familiarize yourself with its interpretation.

What does the name Adele mean? What is the origin and history of the name Adele? It’s worth sorting out.

The meaning of the name Adele

Adele - smart, joy, decoration. The second name option is Ada. The zodiac sign that protects the girl is scorpio. He gives it a mystery, sophistication. The planet that protects it is Pluto. Under her influence, Adele often goes into dreams, is in the clouds.

The color that suits Adele more than others is red. The tree from which the amulet can be made for Adele is oak. Adele is considered the patron of cobra. The stone that protects the girl from trouble is coral.

Origin and history of the name Adele

The name has Hebrew roots. The meaning of the name Adele is joy, one of the most ancient. The girls were called Adami when they were truly welcome for the family. The short meaning of the name is - Adyuta, Adka.

The name day of Hell marks the fourth of December. The name Adele is popular throughout Europe and America. The form of the name Ada is used in Poland, Russia, Ukraine much more often than the name Adele.

The nature and fate of Ada

It is worth noting the positive traits of Ada's character:

• Emotionality;

• Compassion;

• Spirituality.

She is too direct and takes a lot into her account. She needs to learn how to perceive problems through the prism of humor. She also often depends on her imagination, her fictional image.

The negative character traits of a girl include:

• sadness;

• suffering;

• Pessimism.

She should perceive life situations easier. Then life will seem more pleasant to her. Adele believes in her destiny on this earth and seeks signs about it in everything. She believes that every person who appears in her life is sent to her from above. That is why Adele is very upset if someone leaves her life.

Because of her daydreaming, she often becomes depressed. What does the name Adele mean? Joy, holiday. But in fact, a girl is very rarely in high spirits. She is more sad and yearning. She is attracted by everything mystical, she always wants to know the deep meaning of what is happening in her life.

Adele has been showing male character traits since childhood. She can be very stubborn, just obnoxious. He stands his ground for a long time and does not lose ground. Adele does not know how to flexibly leave the situation, but she is so charming that in childhood she is forgiven much. This can not be said about the older age, when her parents make too many claims to her.

Adele is lazy, but in moderation. If she was going to do something, she would finish the job. If Adele has conceived a plan - it is better not to interfere with her implementation of the plan. At school, Adele can exhibit exceptional knowledge. Can try more peers, and even actively participate in the life of the school.

Parents should encourage such a zeal for the girl to be the first in everything, otherwise Adele will grow up self-contained, with a huge number of complexes. This will lead to constant stress and frustration. If Adele grows up without a father, this has a lasting impact on her perception of men. She begins to perceive men as enemies, and even abandon her personal life.

If Adele has a good relationship with her father, she grows up a full, happy girl. Adele herself is very difficult to cope with excessive emotionality and pessimism. Sometimes it’s hard for her to understand herself. That is why the girl tries to protect close people from her mood swings. More goes into itself, closes.

Adele is so hardworking that from time to time, even to the detriment of herself, she does work, not personal life. Then the girl herself suffers from this. She is very successful and responsible, she tries to please everyone at work, but she is very offended if someone did not take her time. She tries to maintain friendly relations with everyone, but sometimes her character takes her own.

Adele should choose a mental, not physical job. She is not characterized by creative professions. She can be an accountant, psychologist, economist, lawyer. It may take a long time to search for your profession. And at the same time not to find. Adele has a huge number of envious people who are constantly trying to find flaws in her.

Adele sometimes seems that everyone around them has conspired against her. She begins to suspect a conspiracy at work that they do not communicate with her, not because they are busy with something, but because they are up to something. These oddities in Adele’s character prevent her from building friendships with others.

She has few friends. These are mainly people who are suitable for melancholy and despondency. Adele loves walking alone, traveling. She likes to change her place of residence. Even in adulthood, she is prone to mood swings.

Love Adele

Adele's character and fate determine her success in men. It is worth noting that she is attractive to the opposite sex. But few men can adapt to her frequent mood swings.

Adele herself is sure that she is unlucky in love. She still can not meet the one who would accept her for who she is. Adele does not want to change anything in herself and is often naughty. But, at the same time, she has a huge number of boyfriends. She tries to always be attractive to men. If someone liked her, she might even flutter for several days with happiness. But be sure to find a reason to be sad.

Adele dreams of an ideal family, at the same time, believes that a man should try even more than she does for a relationship. Adele is only suitable for a calm, romantic partner, ready to fulfill the whims of her lover. Loving sincere conversations, solitude.

Adele loves children, but prefers to pursue a career rather than raising them. What makes her husband angry and upset. When the children grow up, Adele becomes their best friend. Adele’s family is not going smoothly, but she is trying to keep one marriage for the rest of her life.


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