Melon and apple jam is an unusual combination of flavors! Proven recipes for delicious melon jam with apples, poppy seeds, zucchini


Apples and melons are one of the most fragrant fruits in the world, why not combine them in one dish! Fruit salads are prepared quickly, but what to do if you want to feast on and off-season? Apples are still somehow stored, but with melons it is already more difficult. And let's make jam from apples and melons, fragrant, mouth-watering, such that opening a jar and looking at a blizzard outside the window, we immediately remember the hot summer, but how delicious it is with tea - just can’t pass it on!

Melon and apple jam - general principles of preparation

• Melon jam with apples, like any other, should be cooked in aluminum wide bowls or the same stainless steel containers. It is undesirable to use enameled dishes, in it a treat can burn.

• Not every melon is good for jam. The delicacy should be prepared from fragrant varieties with slightly unripe pulp. When choosing a melon, pay attention to the peel; it should not have deep cracks or signs of spoilage. The sides should be elastic, without dents. Do not be shy to smell it, the peel should not smell of grass, a subtle but saturated melon arm should come from it. Tap on a melon, if you hear a muffled sound, do not even hesitate, it is she who is needed.

• Melon in jam can be combined with any berries, fruits and even some vegetables. The most popular recipes with apples.

• The pulp of apples should be dense, loose, as a rule, not juicy and tasteless. Which is better to choose - you decide, a treat made from sweet fruits may turn out to be sugary, sweet and sour fruits will add a touch of sourness.

• There are many recipes for melon jam with apples and they are all different. Jam can be rare or thick, with pieces of melon and apple pulp or only with slices of apples, poppy seeds, chopped citrus zest and even condensed milk can be added.

• To enjoy aromatic melon jam in winter, it is harvested for future use in glass jars. Preservation is carried out strictly following the rules. Banks should be clean and sterile, lids boil separately for at least 10 minutes. After seaming, the jam does not need to be sterilized, it is enough to soak until completely cooled under a warm blanket.

Melon and Apple Jam - "Amber"


• melon - one and a half kilograms;

• a pound of sugar;

• a small lemon;

• 350 gr. apples with dense pulp.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the lemon thoroughly with warm water, scald it with boiling water and wipe it dry with a towel. Put on a cutting board, remove the zest with a fine grater. Only the upper yellow shell is needed; do not touch the pulp. For this amount of ingredients, rub a teaspoon of zest.

2. Wash the melon, cut in half and select the seeds. We cut the peel, and cut the pulp into convenient pieces and grind it with a meat grinder. To get a more homogeneous mass, you can use a blender.

3. Thoroughly rinse the apples, cut the peel and, cut in half, completely remove the core. Dice up to 3 cm.

4. Transfer the chopped melon into a spacious bowl, add sugar. Having stirred well, put on a moderately low fire. Bring the mass to a boil, stirring as needed. Reduce heating to a minimum and cook until the mass becomes transparent and viscous. It is important to constantly remove the foam formed on the surface.

5. Put apples in the hot mass, add the zest, stir thoroughly. Bring to a boil, boil for another five minutes and turn it off.

6. Pour boiling jam into jars, cork with special metal lids.

Thick uniform jam from melon and apples


• two kilograms of melon;

• 600 gr. sweet and sour apples;

• kilogram of sugar;

• half a large lemon.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the melon, cutting it, select the seeds along with the fibrous pulp. Cut the peel, cut the pulp into small cubes.

2. Peel the apples, remove the peel, and, like the melon pulp, finely chop. Squeeze the lemon, filter the juice with a small sieve.

3. Mixing melon pulp with apples, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix, this will not let the apples darken.

4. Pour sugar and mix again. We wait half an hour to get enough juice.

5. Put the bowl on the stove, boil the mass for half an hour. Do not forget to stir regularly to completely dissolve sugar. Turning off the heat, leave the jam for half an hour.

6. The ground mass is ground in a colander or interrupted in mashed potatoes with a blender. Boil the grated jam for an hour and a half over low heat.

7. Hot, pour into jars and tightly cork.

Unusual melon and apple jam with orange zest and condensed milk


• peeled melon - 1.2 kg;

• a pound of apples, without peel and core;

• 300 gr. sugar

• a spoon of orange zest;

• a tablespoon of condensed milk;

• ground cinnamon - a third of a spoon;

• 2 gr. vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Twist the melon pulp in a meat grinder, pour into a spacious container with a multilayer bottom and mix with sugar.

2. Place on a "slow" fire, boil the flesh until transparent. The foam going to jam is carefully removed with a slotted spoon.

3. Cut the apples into thin sticks. Curly slices of apple pulp look original in jam.

4. When the melon flesh becomes viscous, drop the apple slices into it. We bring melon jam to a boil over high heat and boil, slightly reducing heat, about five minutes.

5. Add the zest, cinnamon, vanilla and condensed milk, stir. After half a minute, turn it off and pack it in sterile jars.

Melon and apple jam with poppy seeds - "Poppy"


• dense flesh of melon - 630 gr.;

• 300 gr. apples with dense pulp;

• two glasses of sugar;

• half a spoonful of lemons;

• a tablespoon of poppy seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the melon medium-sized, into a bowl, cover with sugar. Mixing gently, set aside.

2. When the sugar melts in the allocated juice, put on a slow fire. As we warm up, collect the foam. Boil the jam in half.

3. Prepare the apples. Rinse the fruit with water and remove the seeds. Without peeling, cut into slices.

4. Dip the apples in the jam and remove from the heat. Shake a couple of times, then set aside so that the apple pulp is well saturated with melon syrup.

5. After an hour, add citric acid, mix the jam and put it on the fire again. After boiling, boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour, put and stir in poppy.

6. After boiling melon jam for half an hour, hot, roll up in sterile jars.

Melon and apple jam - "Assorted", with zucchini and grapes


• kilogram of large apples, red;

• melon flesh, young zucchini, light grapes - per kilogram;

• 3.5 kilograms of sugar;

• three small lemons;

• a small bag of vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the flesh of apples, melons and zucchini into small cubes, pour everything into a bowl and mix. After adding two kilos of sugar, mix thoroughly again and leave it on the table for three hours.

2. Grapes removed from twigs for 10 minutes are poured with boiling water, after which they are thrown back into a colander.

3. Peel the lemons and, like grapes, pour boiling water over boiling water for ten minutes. Having dried citruses, we disassemble into slices and cut into smaller ones. Choose bones, otherwise the jam will be very bitter.

4. Put the bowl on medium heat, bringing to a boil, reduce heat a little and boil for about ten minutes.

5. After removing the bowl from the stove, add the slices of lemon and grapes, stirring, leave until completely cooled.

6. Stir the remaining sugar in the cooled jam, bring to a boil again, boil for ten minutes and cool. Repeat the process five more times so that it thickens.

7. After the last boiling, we pack hot melon jam on the banks and roll them up.

Melon and apple jam: a simple recipe for a slow cooker


• well-ripened melon - 700 gr.;

• 150 gr. sour apples;

• a pound of sugar;

• half a spoonful of lemons.

Cooking method:

1. Apples are washed well, cut into slices. Remove the peel and seeds, cut thinner, cut into slices and lower into the cooking bowl.

2. Selecting seeds from the melon, cut the peel, and cut the flesh into cubes for apples.

3. Pour sugar into the bowl, add citric acid. We start the multicooker in the "Extinguishing" mode, setting the timer for 30 minutes.

4. At the end of the program, let us insist that the syrup is well absorbed in the fruit.

5. Again we start the multicooker in the previous mode, this time for 10 minutes. To make a thick treat, you can add a spoonful of corn starch or a special thickener for jam.

6. Ready melon jam mashed with a blender or leave as is.

Tips for Making Melon Jam with Apples - Useful Tips

• Jam will look more effective if you cut apples with a curly knife. The same slicing can be used for melon, if the pulp is not required to grind.

• If you need to add slices of citrus according to the recipe, be sure to remove the seeds from them. If you accidentally forget, you risk that the jam will be bitter.

• On the surface of melons and apples there should not be traces of bumps and dents, in these places the flesh has an unpleasant aroma and a specific soapy taste.

• Approach with special attention to the selection of fruits, a light melon aroma and taste can be easily ruined without noticing damage. Varieties are usually unimportant, much more dependent on the quality of the starting products.

• If you are not going to immediately conserve the entire batch, try replacing, in whole or in part, refined sugar with dark sugar, the taste will noticeably change. Make sure you like the jam, and only then proceed to the preparations.


Watch the video: Unique Melon Jam. Home Canned Jam (July 2024).