How to cook curd jelly no worse than world chefs. Top of the most delicious cottage cheese jelly recipes with chocolate, berries, cookies


This dessert is incredibly tasty, healthy, dietary, beautiful and easy enough to make. So, on all fronts deserves our attention. Curd jelly can be given to children for breakfast, cook for people who are on a diet or who are shown a special diet for health reasons.

General principles for the preparation of curd jelly

If you want to make a low-calorie dessert, then choose low-fat cottage cheese, add milk instead of cream, use black rather than milk chocolate as an additive, add less sugar.

Curd jelly is prepared on the basis of gelatin, milk or cream, sugar - this is the most elementary and classic option.

Recipe 1: Curd Jelly with Milk

It is believed that this is the easiest recipe for cottage cheese jelly, but the dessert is very tender and tasty.


· Market cottage cheese or curd mass from the store - 100-150 gr;

· Instant gelatin - 1 tbsp. l .;

· Pasteurized milk - 200 ml;

Sugar - 2 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

First you need to prepare milk: put in a small saucepan on a fire, add sugar and bring to the point where small bubbles appear on the surface. Then the gas will need to be turned off and the assigned amount of gelatin added to sweet milk and mixed well. Now the pan needs to be refrigerated. Periodically look at the mixture and as soon as you notice that it has seized, you can immediately add the prepared cottage cheese and beat well with a blender. The mass will be airy and tender. After that, you need to put it in a bowl or glass cups and place in the cold. In a few hours, the curd jelly will be ready. It can be decorated with mint leaves or drops of jam for beauty.

Recipe 2: Curd Jelly with Chocolate Notes

The dish will look appetizing and original if you fill in the components of the dessert with layers.


Gelatin - 25 gr;

· Diet cottage cheese - 450 g;

10% cream - 100 g;

Sour cream - 45 g;

Sugar - 5 tbsp;

Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

You need to dissolve the gelatin in the cream, and when it slightly increases in size, then put in a steam bath until completely dissolved. Do not bring the mass to a boil, and then set aside in a cold place so that it cools down.

Now you need to carefully rub the cottage cheese with sugar. You can use a sieve to make the dessert airy in the end. Next, add sour cream and a gelatin mixture to the curd and mix well. If you want the dessert to be uniform in color, then you can already add cocoa, if you want to make it in layers, then the mixture must be divided into two parts: one part is painted over with cocoa powder, and the second is left as is. Now you need to lay out the dessert in layers, and at the end of the work place it in the refrigerator until it completely hardens.

For beauty, dessert can be decorated with almonds, coconut, or grated chocolate.

Recipe 3: Curd Dessert with Berries without Baking

Cottage cheese goes well with various fruits and berries. You can use cherries, blackcurrant berries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries. This dessert is also obtained from several layers: cottage cheese, cottage cheese with cocoa and berry.


· Cottage cheese from a pack - 500 g;

Sour cream - 100 g;

· Milk - 150 gr;

Gelatin - 25 gr;

· Water - 50-60 ml;

Sugar - 70 g;

Vanilla - half a teaspoon;

Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l .;

Cherry - 100 gr;

Grated currant - 80 gr.

Cooking method:

First you need to fill the gelatin with water. While it dissolves, you can cook the cottage cheese. It must be mixed with sour cream, vanilla, milk and sugar.

The gelatin needs to be slightly warmed up on a steam bath so that the grains are gone, and only then can it be added to the curd mass and mix very high quality. Now you need to divide the mass into two parts, overflowing into different bowls. Cocoa should be added to one part and finely chopped berries to the other. If there is a baking dish, then you can use it. First, fill in the white mass with berries, then brown with cocoa, then again white and you can lay out a layer of grated currants. The more layers you get, the more beautiful the dessert will come out. It remains only to wait until it freezes in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4: Curd Jelly with Cookie Base

This recipe may remind you of a cheesecake without baking. Only we will not use a large baking sheet, but a bowl or low glass glasses for serving dessert.


· Shop cottage cheese - 500 gr;

Gelatin - 25 gr;

· Milk - 450 ml;

Sugar - 2 tsp;

Shortbread cookies - 250 gr;

Butter - 300 gr.

Cooking method:

Heat milk over a fire, add sugar and then gelatin to it, mix well. Put in the refrigerator. As soon as the mixture hardens a little, then you need to add the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly.

Now you need to prepare the basis: crush shortbread cookies well, add melted butter to it.

And now it remains to form desserts: take a low glass, spread a small layer of cookies, and spread the curd mass on top. If desired, you can put berries, jam, jam or pour fruit jelly on the top.

The variant of such a recipe with cookies may be different: you need to divide the curd mass into three parts, add cocoa in one, in the second - crumbs of cookies, and leave the third as is. In the bowls, it will be necessary to lay the curd mass in layers.

Recipe 5: Curd Jelly with Fruit Slices

Fruits can be different: apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, kiwi. Choose to your taste!


Cottage cheese - 300 gr;

Sugar - 50-100 gr (to taste);

Cream (can be replaced with sour cream) - 50-70- gr;

· Water (cold) - 100 ml;

Gelatin - 2 tbsp;

· Vanilla sugar - 1 pack;

· Any fruit;

Coconut flakes.

Cooking method:

First you need to fill the gelatin with cold water and leave it to swell. Now you need to add sugar, vanilla sugar and cream to the curd and beat well with a blender. Next, take gelatin, put on a fire and heat, but do not bring to a boil. Once the gelatin has completely dissolved, it can be added to the curd.

Take silicone cupcake molds and fill them with curd. Now send it to the refrigerator. While the curd hardens, you need to prepare the fruit. They can be cut into slices or cubes. As soon as the cottage cheese has frozen - decorate with colorful fruit dessert, and do not forget to sprinkle coconut flakes on top.

There is a slightly different version of this recipe - this is when the fruits are added immediately to the curd mass.

Recipe 6: Curd Jelly with Yogurt and Agar Agar

A feature of this recipe is the use of agar-agar instead of gelatin. It is usually used in dishes by vegetarians. Also, the recipe has low-calorie yogurt, so jelly will be useful for children and people who want to lose weight.


· Low-calorie yogurt - 350 gr;

· Cottage cheese (dietary) - 500 gr;

Sugar - 100 g (possible less);

· Lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp. l .;

Agar-agar - 2 pcs.;

Bananas - 2-3 pcs.;

Kiwi - 1-2 pcs.;

· Orange - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

Grate the cottage cheese with low-calorie yogurt, sugar and add lemon juice. Now you need to finely chop the fruit, and additionally sprinkle the bananas with lemon juice so as not to darken. Agar-agar, meanwhile, is dissolved in orange juice, and then added to the curd. Now the curd mixture needs to be divided into three equal parts and in each add separately kiwi, separately orange and banana. Now in the form, first put the mass with kiwi and send it to the refrigerator. As soon as the mass has taken a little, then we spread the mass of oranges on it and also send it to the cold and the final stage - this is a banana mass. You will get a bright and beautiful dessert. You can add more fruits and make more layers.

Recipe 7: Curd Jelly with Pumpkin

It sounds a bit unusual, but such a pumpkin is an amazing product that fits perfectly in sweet dishes, and in dishes with meat, and with other vegetables combines well, and even with cottage cheese.

Essential Ingredients:

· Curd mass - 350 gr;

Pumpkin - 100-150 gr;

· Orange - 1 small;

Sugar - 100 g;

Gelatin - 25 gr.

Cooking method:

To begin, prepare the gelatin as required by the instructions. Now you need to prepare the pumpkin: peel the seeds, peel and bake in the oven. This can be done in advance, for example, in the evening, and in the morning only chop the pumpkin until mashed. Now from the orange you need to squeeze the juice into a separate bowl.

Using a combine, grind the cottage cheese so that there are no lumps left and add pumpkin, orange juice and gelatin to it. Now mix thoroughly again to make it tender and uniform.

Now curd jelly can be poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator.

When the dessert is ready it can be decorated with coffee beans, coconut, chocolate or even pumpkin seeds.

Curd Jelly: Cooking Tricks

Pay attention and do not confuse! When cooking curd jelly, use vanilla, not vanilla! If you add too much vanillin, then, firstly, the dish will turn out to be bitter, and secondly, you can even get poisoned.

Choose the right gelatin, so to speak. There is gelatin powder and sheet. Professionals usually choose the latter option, since it does not give lumps. Gelatin is usually soaked in ice water.

If you take market cottage cheese, then it is necessary to grind it through a sieve or on a grater, you can use a blender so that there are no lumps. With store curd, the dessert is more tender.


Watch the video: Christina Tosi: Emulsions and Foams, Science and Cooking Public Lecture Series (July 2024).