What is the most healthy meat: pork, beef, lamb or horse meat? Nutritional qualities of the most healthy meat


Without exaggeration, meat is one of the most important products, without which the normal formation of the human body is impossible.

Animal proteins and fats are necessary for building cells and determining normal blood counts. The meat nourishes, gives energy, increases physical and mental stamina.

What is in healthy meat

Muscle fibers contain water, proteins (15-20%), fats (up to 30%), cholesterol, vitamins, minerals. For normal functioning, our body needs a set of 20 amino acids, and 9 of them enter the body only when animal proteins, that is, meat, are consumed. Lack of meat in childhood and adolescence causes irreversible consequences and leads to metabolic disorders.

An adult needs 1 gram of pure protein per 1 kg of weight for productive life (approximately 5 grams of meat). With increased loads, this norm increases in one and a half to two times. The meat and other parts of the carcass of the animal (cartilage, tails, ears, various offal) contain collagen necessary for the restoration and elasticity of cells, to maintain cartilage tissue. All vegetable meat substitutes can fulfill its role only for a limited period of time.

The most common types of meat

Depending on the region, one or another variety of meat may prevail due to natural, ethnic or religious traditions.

· Beef

The most popular type of meat is tasty and nutritious. It contains many amino acids necessary for the human body. Contains trace elements (iron, zinc). It neutralizes the effects of stomach acid, improves the condition of the liver and cardiovascular system. Beef liver is used for anemia and for general immunity strengthening.

Beef contains the beta-alanine enzyme, which is part of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), necessary for building muscle fibers and effective muscle contraction. Increases physical stamina and mental abilities.


Appetizing, fatty meat, which is vainly credited with antidietic properties. Pork contains almost all B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 and B12), which are involved in all metabolic processes, promote energy storage and stimulate the nervous system. Also in this meat is the amino acid tyrosine, which increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, which leads to an improved mood and stable psycho-emotional attitudes. Sad - a piece of pork will help.

Pork fat contains monounsaturated (omega-9 almost 50%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic) and a lot of vitamin B4. These fatty acids are involved in many physiological and biochemical processes in the body. Arachidonic acid regulates cholesterol and is necessary for building muscle and nerve cells. It contributes to the improvement of brain and blood-forming processes. You can eat lard daily in the range of 50-60 grams.

· Lamb

It belongs to the group of red meat, in which there is a lot of myoglobin protein, which increases the level of hemoglobin and has a positive effect on the composition of the blood. It contains derivatives of amino acids: creatine (carboxylic acid), glutathione and taurine, which are involved in cell construction and energy distribution, perform antioxidant functions. Lamb is well absorbed, and lecithin in its composition reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol. It has an antisclerotic effect, improves the condition of blood vessels.

Rabbit meat (rabbit)

In rabbit meat, the increased content of complete, rather than connective tissue protein (more than 20%), delicate, flavorful meat is absorbed by 90%, which is a very high indicator. Rabbit meat has hypoallergenic properties and is therefore recommended for all age groups. It normalizes blood cholesterol, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system.

· Horsemeat

An amazing diet product - nutritious and very healthy, contains vitamins, minerals. Thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2) are involved in metabolic processes, regulate the action of the immune system.

In order for horse meat to acquire acceptable consumer properties in taste and density, the animal must move a lot to pasture. Being in the stall is very limited, so raising horses is a very expensive production. So horse meat is considered to be a delicious gourmet meat.


Rigid meat that needs to be soaked for a long time to get rid of a specific smell. It takes a long time to prepare, it can be consumed dried or frozen. In the diet of wild deer there are wild herbs, berries, mosses, including moss, which has many useful properties. Due to such a natural diet, venison acquires enhanced dietary properties. It has a low fat content, a lot of vitamins and essential trace elements. Venison is digested better than lamb, beef or pork.

· Poultry meat

Many consumers distinguish feathered meat in a separate category. In retail chains, chicken, duck, turkey, quail meat of factory and home cultivation are sold. Well-digestible meat, easily amenable to any heat treatment, does not require special cooking skills.

AT turkey a lot of iron, phosphorus, zinc and selenium, and white meat is 70% of the total mass. The greasy duck or goose has long become a symbol of the festive table - it looks spectacular and can be used by almost everyone without exception. Even those on a diet can take a slice of their breasts and not worry about excess calories.

Chicken - meat for mass consumption, available to almost every consumer. Many people notice that the poultry rearing process is based on the use of artificial feed and antibiotic preparations to prevent various infections. However, any production in the food sector is limited by the regulatory framework and is constantly monitored. So you can safely eat tender, nutritious chicken.

It contains glutamine - an amino acid that helps build muscle mass, so chicken is used in sports nutrition to quickly gain muscle mass. Chicken breast fillets are most often recommended for diet or in the recovery period.

Basic rules for eating healthy meat

Choose fresh or chilled products, otherwise the beneficial properties of meat are lost with each defrost cycle. Boiled, stewed or baked meat is best assimilated, try to garnish it not with cereals and pasta, but with fresh or stewed vegetables. Meat broths - the basis for many first courses, hearty and wholesome food.

Fried meat, as an option, is preferably used no more than two to three times a week. Meat in the form of semi-finished products, sausages and smoked meats is digested the worst, contains artificial substances and various chemical compounds. Well, one and the same meat should not be constantly selected, for all its advantages, it cannot replace the other types. Therefore, alternate between different options and try new recipes for cooking healthy meat.


Watch the video: Healthy red meats (June 2024).