How to treat and mask bruises. Review of the best remedies for bruises: TOP -6


In the treatment of bruises resulting from tissue injury, speed is very important, therefore, in this review we are talking about the best remedies for bruises that alleviate the condition from the first use.

And it will also be told about how to solve such a problem that worries many women, such as bruises under the eyes.

Tramp 911

The basic active components of this remedy are represented by plant elements - mint, horse chestnut, chamomile, tea tree, juniper, arnica.

But the main thing in it is an extract from a badyaga, a specific freshwater sponge.

Most of the effectiveness of the cream is based on its irritating effect - at the place of application it delicately enhances blood circulation, as a result of which the regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated. In addition, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and swelling is reduced.

The components named first act as local antiseptics, the use of the product is accompanied by moderate analgesic and cooling effects.

The greatest effectiveness of the drug is manifested when it is immediately used after the injury, if the bruise has formed, recovery will have to wait longer. In addition to bruising, the cream also helps with acne (not accompanied by an inflammatory process), bruises and sprains.


This is one of the best remedies for bruising. It has a convenient release format - using a stick is convenient for applying the minimum amount of substance without having to wash your hands and rub it, plus it is convenient to carry it with, say, in a purse.

The drug owes its effectiveness to herbal components, it contains:

• sponge bathtub;

• arnica;

• shea butter and camelina.

And besides - vitamins E and A.

But a truly stick is effective only in the very first time after the injury, in this case, it not only accelerates the regeneration of the damaged area, but also prevents the formation of a bruise, cools more, slightly anesthetizes, and better removes swelling.

It is also worth noting the stick's property to mask bruises, to make them almost invisible on the skin of any tone, both on the body and on the face.


The mountain arnica plant has been present in folk medicine since ancient times as almost the best remedy for bruises, and in this case, the effectiveness of a medicinal product that accelerates resorption of hematomas, relieves swelling and pain from the affected area, which in general has an active regenerative effect, is based on its use. .

The tool equally effectively helps to remove bruises on the face and body, and the "soft" formula also allows you to use it for sprains, bruises and muscle pain.

To achieve the desired result, the drug is recommended to be used, firstly, as quickly as possible after an injury, and secondly, several times a day (according to instructions).

But there are unambiguous contraindications to the use of this gel, which include:

• pregnancy and lactation;

• many dermatological diseases;

• damage (violating the integrity) of the skin.

Lifting gel Blueberries and plantain

The thin and delicate skin around the eyes is often prone to the formation of “bruises” under the eyes, and although these dark circles can always be masked, it is also important to deal with the cause of their occurrence and high-quality makeup products can help.

This product from Green Mama contains a lot of plant components, including extracts:

• cornflower;

• daisies;

• burdock;

• blueberries;

• fennel;

• green tea;

• eyebright;

• lingonberries.

Also in its formula are used rosewood essential oil and jojoba oil, caffeine and gel obtained from plantain seeds.

Daily use of the product allows you to gradually get rid of a specific shade under the eyes and relieve local swelling there (often contributing to the formation of wrinkles). Theoretically, it can be used at any age, but it will also be very effective with comprehensive anti-aging care.

Bruise Off

The effectiveness of this drug is based on two components:

• leech extract - prevents thrombosis in the damaged area, reduces inflammation and swelling, restores capillaries, improves blood microcirculation;

• pentoxifylline - also reduces blood coagulation, dilates blood vessels and promotes regeneration, reduces pain.

Additional components enhance the action of the main ones, as well as contribute to their rapid and deep penetration into the affected tissue.

The gel is quickly absorbed, does not stain clothes, has a moderate smell.

It is also worth noting the matting effect of the drug, which allows not only to treat bruises, but also to some extent mask them (but Bruise-Off does not make them completely invisible).

And it is important to note that it is strictly contraindicated to use the drug from bruises in case of bleeding disorders.

VV cream "The secret of excellence"

This development from Garnier is effective, one of the best remedies for bruising under the eyes. The appearance of these dark circles is not due to injuries, but for many other common reasons, which include, for example, lack of sleep and metabolic disorders.

The tool perfectly mask imperfections due to mineral pigments, and also (due to other components) comprehensively eliminates traces of fatigue:

• reduces puffiness (bags under the eyes);

• smoothes and tightens the skin;

• moisturizes her.

It is also distinguished by its convenient form - the cream is released in the form of a roller, which allows it to be applied in the thinnest layer, completely not affecting the rest of the makeup.

Also, cosmetics are resistant - the applied layer does not need to be renewed within 12 hours and the product is effective not only in one day - with regular use, after 4-5 days, the problem of bruises under the eyes will be much less disturbing. Although, of course, it is very important to pay attention to the causes that cause them.


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