How to get rid of dark skin on the inner thighs? Folk skin whitening products


Even those who have fair skin are more likely to have dark patches on the inner thighs. Often this is the reason why women refuse to wear short shorts, mini or simply experience complexes.

Most women rely on a miraculous cream to lighten these areas, try to get the result from their use, or at least slightly equalize the overall tone. Often after receiving a negative result or none at all, the woman refuses the fight and stops trying.

Focus on natural products that are more effective at converting dark tones to lighter ones. There are several useful home remedies that will surely help you deal with your problem as soon as you make some effort. The benefits of using home remedies in the absence of harm to health and side effects.

Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice

Coconut oil contains a number of useful substances for the epithelium and has a brightening effect on hyperpigmentation of the skin. It helps reduce scars and stretch marks, completely removes peeling and moisturizes. Thanks to its unique composition, it is possible to gradually remove dark spots from the skin. If you add lemon juice to coconut oil, the effect of the composition will be much faster.

How to use:

• Take coconut oil (approx. 3 tbsp.).

• Add the juice of half a lemon (one third of the amount of coconut oil).

• Apply to the inner thigh with massage movements.

• Massage for about 20 minutes. By massaging, we increase blood flow in the skin with dark areas.

• Wash off the oil with warm water without using soap.

Use for application at least once a day.

Curd and lemon

It turns out an amazing tool for whitening the skin from cottage cheese and lemon. Cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the skin, as it is a natural ingredient that makes the skin moisturized and supple. Lemon leaves a wonderful aroma on the skin and has a whitening property that works well on the dark inner thighs. A little turmeric powder added to the curd will protect you from infection.

• Take one tablespoon of slightly sour cottage cheese.

• Add the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of turmeric powder.

• Mix these ingredients to get a smooth paste.

• Apply to dark inner thighs.

• Leave the mixture to dry completely.

• Then gently rub the dry paste in a circular motion, like a scrub.

• Rinse the curd particles with water, and then pat the skin with a towel.

Using this paste daily, you will soon notice the result of a change in skin color.

Sugar, Lemon and Honey

Sugar and honey exfoliate the skin and make it look healthier. The lemon in this mixture serves as an additional whitening agent that helps to achieve results faster and reduce dark pigmentation.

Cooking the mixture:

• Take one tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon.

• Mix both ingredients and add one teaspoon of granulated sugar.

• Put the paste on dark areas and rub in a circular motion until you see that the remaining sugar has completely melted or disappeared.

• Leave the mixture on the skin for five minutes and then rinse with water.

Every day for a week, repeat the procedure until we get the desired result.

Almond oil, lemon, milk and honey

Vitamin E is rich in almond oil, which copes well with lightening and smoothing the skin. It helps reduce hyperpigmentation of the inner thighs. Milk and honey moisturize the skin and has an antibacterial function.

We take three tablespoons of milk, add one tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon. Then we introduce a teaspoon of almond oil into the mixture. We make the application with the mixture to the necessary areas for 20 minutes. Wash off the skin with warm water.

Oatmeal, cottage cheese and lemon juice

We use the exfoliating properties of oatmeal and the brightening ability of cottage cheese and lemon.

• We use one tablespoon of oatmeal, add a small amount of sour cottage cheese and a teaspoon of honey.

• Mix all the ingredients together to a smooth paste consistency.

• Now apply the mixture to the dark skin of the inner thighs.

• Gently massage for about 3 minutes.

Rinse with water and towel dry. Perform once a day until the desired result.

Potato and tomato juice, honey

Potatoes and tomatoes are vegetables that help with many skin problems. They both act as natural whitening agents and are able to lighten skin tone. Honey serves as an antibacterial component and makes the skin soft, smooth and supple.

• Take a small piece of peeled potatoes and grate on the smallest grater. Add the juice of half a tomato and one tablespoon of honey.

• Mix the ingredients and spread this paste on the entire dark inner thighs.

• Gently wash the skin after the mixture dries.

Use this tool twice a day.

Aloe Vera and Vitamin E

Aloe has amazing properties for the skin, you will be surprised at how quickly it works.

• Squeeze out the flesh of aloe.

• Add a few drops of oily vitamin E and mix.

• Apply this paste on the inside of the thighs and let dry.

• Wash off with water and dry with a towel.

We use the method twice a day.

Lemon, Glycerin and Rose Water

When mixed together, lemon, glycerin and rose water have the perfect hydration and lightening effect. This method not only helps in the fight against stains, but also helps to make the skin silky and supple.

• Take equal amounts of glycerin and lemon juice.

• Add a little pink water to the mixture.

• The best time to use this method is night. Before you go to bed, apply the mixture on the skin.

• Wash off the composition in the morning.

This mixture must be used every day to get a good result.

Whichever method you choose, it will certainly help. You only need to regularly carry out the procedure and monitor the condition of the skin.


Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Dark Neck in 15 Minutes, Skin Lightening Fairness Cream (June 2024).