Why eyelash curlers “don't work”? Women's Tricks: How to Use Eyelash Curlers


Probably every woman wants to have beautiful long thick eyelashes that make her eyes wide open, doesn’t she? However, a rare girl is awarded such eyelashes by nature, so often you have to resort to various tricks and tricks - tricks that will make the look royal. A special device - eyelash curling tongs - appeared as a reliable tool to help give a beautiful bend, long lasting even on the most straight eyelashes. However, alas, the result is not always gorgeous ... Why does the tool not work as it should? Here are some of the main reasons that girls, most often, do not even have a clue, but it is they that affect the operation of the forceps!

Why do not the forceps work?

Several important factors influence success in cilia curling.

1. The area for curling eyelashes is too narrow. What does it mean? The working surface of the instrument does not capture all the cilia, and it turns out that the forceps are simply "small" for the eye. Unbelievable! However, not all forceps are the same size, and most of them are too narrow or too deep. This means that you have to alternately curl several sections, and at the same time you will not be able to lift them from the very base. Is this not contrary to the goal?

2. Curling irons do not provide uniform curling. Most models come with a pad of inexpensive material that does not allow for uniform pressure on all eyelashes. What result can be obtained? Eyelashes bent almost in half in the middle, and absolutely straight - in the outer corners of the eyes. Does anyone need such a result?

3. The pad in the curling iron is already too worn. A good, new pillow made of quality material is very important! And if a curling tool is used at least three times a week, it should be replaced approximately once every three months. If the cushion is made of cheap material - and alas, most of them - it is necessary to change it a little more often, but it is really necessary. And buying special pads of good quality can be such a problem!

4. Before curling eyelashes it is necessary to comb them with a special brush. Combing prevents the problem of tangled eyelashes and their tousled appearance after curling. Ignoring this rule, alas, often leads to undesirable consequences, and the look does not gain the necessary openness and beauty. You can use a special brush for eyelashes, or a clean washed brush from an old mascara that has ended.

5. You can’t curl mascara! This reason is one of the main ones, because glued mascara forms ugly lumps, which in turn can stick to curling pads in tongs, and this can injure eyelashes.

How to curl eyelashes with forceps correctly?

There is a trick that allows you to increase the time to save the effect of curled eyelashes - before curling you need to slightly heat the forceps. About 5 minutes of exposure to hot air is enough, after which it is necessary to check whether the heating temperature is acceptable for delicate skin in the area around the eyes! Eyelashes are curled clean and combed, after which, if desired, a special nourishing and healing base is applied to them, and only then mascara can be applied. The look will be truly glamorous!
