Now Dana Borisova has big breasts


The desire to arrange his personal life does not stop at nothing before TV presenter Dan Borisov. The next step TV stars - breast augmentation surgery. Dana, finally, was discharged from the clinic, where her breast was increased to the 3rd size. Now Borisova boasts a beautiful big breasts.

Dana herself admitted that such a decision was long enough. She was frightened by her colleagues ’reviews and the possible consequences of the operation. Garik Babayan, who not so long ago, superbly worked on the appearance of 55-year-old spouse of Fyodor Shalyapin Larisa, became Borisov's surgeon Borisov.

The cost of the operation amounted to 500 thousand rubles. The inserted impants have a polyurethane coating and, according to doctors, are completely safe for health.

Dana admitted that she had dreamed of such an operation for a long time, because after giving birth her breasts ceased to be elastic and attractive.


Watch the video: Lindsay Lohan Photos Pics Archive (June 2024).