Pacifier: how to choose and use correctly


Even before the birth of the baby, many women begin to think about buying many things the child needs. The list almost always contains pacifiers. But not every mother from the whole variety of children's products can choose the right accessory. A good dummy is not only the comfort of a small child, but also its safety. After all, a high-quality nipple should not spoil the bite, interfere with the growth of teeth and the development of speech. =

Disadvantages and advantages of using dummies

Pediatricians agree that the pacifier in structure is significantly different from the mother's nipple. This can lead to the so-called “nipple conflict” and the baby will simply give up the breast. After all, sucking milk from a bottle is much easier, and the feeding process requires a lot less power from the child. In addition, the disadvantages of using dummies include:

  • Prolonged sucking on a dummy that is improperly sized or shaped can result in child bite changes;
  • the constant use of nipples during the first 2-3 years of life can become cause of delayed speech development baby;
  • the habit of sucking a dummy everywhere and always often leads to development of psychological trauma in a child, when it comes time to refuse it.

The above disadvantages of using such a children's accessory can affect the health and subsequent development of the baby.

However, there are situations when it is simply impossible to do without a nipple.

For example:

  • with mixed or artificial feeding, the dummy helps the child satisfy the sucking reflex;
  • often the nipple becomes simply irreplaceable when the baby begins to act up on the road, at a party or at a doctor’s appointment;
  • a dummy is a great and more hygienic alternative to sucking fingers and other objects;
  • some babies cannot sleep normally without a nipple.

In any case, pediatricians are of the same opinion: if you can do without a dummy, then it's best not to give it. But each mother herself decides whether to use a pacifier or not.

If parents notice that the baby feels great without a dummy, do not follow the advice of friends and acquaintances, acquiring new-fangled accessories.

Nipple shape and size

When choosing a dummy, the first thing you should pay attention to the shape of the sucking part. The ideal option is the maximum similarity with the anatomical shape of the female nipple.

In form, the following types of dummies are distinguished:

  1. Classic. A simple old-style nipple is slightly larger than modern counterparts. Such a latex dummy almost completely repeats the shape of the mother’s breast.
  2. Anatomical. Such a dummy has an elongated slightly flattened shape of the sucker, which contributes to an even distribution of pressure on the sky. The size of the anatomical nipple must be selected based on the age of the child.
  3. Orthodontic. Outwardly, such a dummy resembles an ordinary one, but upon closer examination it is noticeable that the nipple is slightly flattened and sloping. The accessory was created taking into account the anatomical features of the structure of the baby's jaw. An orthodontic dummy helps premature babies develop a sucking reflex.
  4. Orthopedic. Innovative development in the field of production of soothers. It has the shape of a small drop, so it takes up little space in the mouth of the newborn. The nipple is equipped with an air vent valve to reduce the pressure on the baby's palate, therefore it helps to form the correct bite.

When choosing a pacifier, you should remember that the maximum length should be no more than 1.5 cm. In addition, when choosing a pacifier size, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the age of the baby. It is important that the size of the nipples increase with the baby.

Dummy Material

For the production of baby nipples several types of material are used. When choosing a dummy, you should pay attention to the distinguishing features of each of them:

  1. Rubber. The most impractical and short-lived material. Such nipples have one advantage - it is low cost.
  2. Latex. Natural rubber gives the dummy softness and elasticity. Perfect for premature babies. The disadvantages of such a product include their fragility and the likelihood of allergic reactions.
  3. Silicone. Distinctive features of such a dummy are elasticity, hypoallergenicity, lack of color and smell. The main disadvantage is its rigidity, which can adversely affect the teething and growth of the first teeth of the child.

Any product for the newborn must be made of safe materials.

This is especially true of the dummy, which will be in the child’s mouth almost all the time. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the composition of the plastic parts of the nipples. Some manufacturers use artificial colors, chemical emollients, PVC, parabens and phthalates.

How to use a dummy

When purchasing a pacifier for a newborn baby, parents should know several rules for its use.

The main recommendations of pediatricians include:

  • you can not give the child someone else's pacifier, "inherited" from an older brother or sister;
  • do not use a dummy with visible defects: scratches, holes and other flaws;
  • change the dummy at least once every 1.5-2 months;
  • it is necessary to regularly wash the accessory in running water with soap or boil for several minutes;
  • in order to avoid premature deformation, do not leave the dummy in direct sunlight and near a fire.

The main rule of use is that parents should not lick the nipple if it has fallen on the floor or asphalt. To protect the dummy from pollution, you can purchase special fasteners on a chain that is attached to the baby’s clothes. To store the nipples, use a sterile container or separate packaging.

It is important for parents to understand that, despite all the advice of pediatricians, the best nipple is the one that the baby will choose. Therefore, for comparison, it is recommended to purchase several pacifiers at once, which differ in shape and composition.

It is advisable to choose accessories from different manufacturers. This is the only way to find the perfect high-quality pacifier for a newborn baby.


Watch the video: Pacifiers - Akron Children's Hospital video (June 2024).