Zhor. Senseless and merciless. How to stop?


Most women (by the way, and many men) are looking for an excuse. "I tried many diets. But the weight invariably returns." Yes. It will be so. Until we finally find the reason for this uncontrolled zhora.

Spit on diets. We finally get pleasure from life

Oddly enough, to start any diet is necessary not with counting calories, but with putting in order your own thoughts. In fact, there may be several reasons for overeating. From banal boredom to serious hormonal disorders. For now, we will consider only one of them.

Psychologists have long maintained that the desire for constant chewing in most (!) Cases is associated with a lack of other pleasures in life. With the help of chocolate, a piece of cake or sausage, we strive to at least for a moment get a small, but a “piece of happiness”.

Until we finally learn from the heart to enjoy this very life, the fight against weight will be simply meaningless. Because all the same, we’ll break into a zhor.

But how to enjoy life if "and the nose (long, snub-nosed, wide, underline necessary). And the hair would be thicker"? The meaning of losing weight? The beauty is still far away. Habitual thoughts of the average person, by the way. After all, ideal people are not common.

Complexes and their consequences

Yes, each has its own complexes. Here we will get rid of them. But not gradually and step by step, but quickly and sharply.

We approach the mirror (preferably without witnesses). We get up in the middle of the room and begin to convince ourselves. Better louder.

- Yes, the nose (for example) does not suit me. But then I: a) not stupid; b) unenvious; c) non-greedy d) and so on (underline as necessary). And my eyes, they say, are beautiful.

Whoever needs it will fall in love. No - I’ll live alone. But then I will enjoy, finally (!) Life. But what am I, in the end, lowered myself below the baseboard! I will definitely lose weight. But not for someone - only for himself, dear and beloved. If only because slender life is simpler and easier.

Speak out, finally? Good. Now we sit down and begin to think through our own life further:

- Life is not only food. These are smiles, laughter. This is a good mood. Favourite hobby. Which one? It doesn't matter. Just to capture. Learning, damn it, well, finally learning how to enjoy not only endless chewing.

Skiing? English courses? Volunteer activity? Cross-stitch? No problem. We embroider. But so enthusiastic that there is no time even to rest. So that food just once faded into the background, you must finally start living.

Naturally, turning yourself in one day is not always possible. Because…

How to deal with stress?

Quarrel with your beloved? Conflict with the boss? Oblique look colleagues at work? The refrigerator door slams again and again, and the priest and belly are rounded right before your eyes. Stress, we also often "jam".

Life today is really full of stress. But only half of them, if desired, can be avoided. For example, try to analyze the nature of your colleagues. You can even take a piece of paper and write down all their advantages and disadvantages. More pluses? Wonderful. You don’t even have to quit.

But what about the cons? Do you want to fight them? Oh well. Nobody has managed to change the character of adults yet. Let's say you went on a ski trip. On the way is a tree. What will you do? Right, get around. You won’t be sure to knock your forehead. In the evening to make plans, as if to return yes to kick this tree a couple of times - is also unlikely. Did you catch the meaning?

Is the boss often scandalous? But he:

  • pays well;
  • Yes, I have no other options for work.

Quit? So in a new place there is sure to be someone who does not suit you. Because people are different. Someone has only one gyrus in their head, someone has six. This is mother nature. Genes. Do not you fight with them.

Same thing with a young man. Do flaws go wild? Break up But is he kind and caring? So tell yourself: "I agree not to pay much attention to the minuses, as there are more pluses." Do not endure, periodically breaking, and do not pay special attention. Feel the difference?

Parents tortured by moralizing? Yes, they are, and you can’t change them. Why beat your forehead?

Be calm. Stronger nerves - less zhor. Ask at least the same psychologists.

Banal lack of vitamins and minerals

The reasons for the uncontrolled zhora are most often not one. Stress - yes. But the body can rage and constantly demand something with a serious lack of any elements.

We will learn to finally listen to him. To do this, go for a walk in a nearby grocery store. Moreover, after a good good hunger. Surprised? Yes, it’s better not to go hungry there. But not today.

We will not rush. After all, we are allowed to take home no more than 1-2 products with a total weight of up to 200 grams. Moreover, so that the “right” food we have chosen is finally assimilated, we will relish it. Cut into small plastic. There is no hurry. Enjoying every bite. Stirring with saliva. Carefully, thoroughly.

The rest of the food (if required) - only after a couple of hours. Not earlier. Why?

Recall traditional medicine. For example, treatment with carrot or beetroot juice. To make the effect noticeable, they are drunk only on an empty stomach. Otherwise they will not learn. That is, ordinary carrots or beets are food. But without fiber and in small doses - quite a potent remedy.

In the process of assimilation of food, the principle is the same. Clogging the intestines, we do not give her proper digestion. That is why even with the absorption of a huge amount of food, the body continues to suffer.

If the case is neglected, you may even need an additional intake of vitamins or minerals. But for now, we need to determine which ones.

What products would we enjoy TODAY from? Such that as much saliva on the chin. Cake? Maybe we were confused by a beautiful rose from above? Imagine the taste. On a hungry (very empty stomach) cake is unlikely to want. Let's go further.

Do not forget that some food habits with us remain from childhood. That is, if mom (or grandmother) in the days of a good mood pampered with pancakes or pies, she can pull on them. Therefore, carefully listen to your own body.

Most likely, we will want:

  • cheese or cottage cheeseif we lack calcium; By the way, teach that you should immediately stock up on magnesium, which is not only in chocolate (that is, cocoa), but also less nutritious fruits; a massive intake of calcium-rich foods with a lack of magnesium is generally not acceptable;
  • sausages: this is, unfortunately, a food habit that has been formed over the years - so that we get as much food as possible in us, we constantly flavor it with a variety of flavors; but, if you are drawn to sausage, take meat or fish, you will not lose, because you need vitamin B12;
  • oddly ordinary of bread, because there are a lot of B vitamins in yeast, but the same vitamins are also found in less high-calorie green peas, beans, cereals, milk, etc.
  • salty food in case you drink little water or the body does not have enough electrolytes, not only calcium, but also sodium (that is, the same salt), magnesium and zinc.

Naturally, it turns out that we are missing not just one, but several elements at once. After all, we have been hammering our stomach for so many years. Therefore, gradually and methodically we accustom ourselves to eat less, but only those products that we really need.

It is unlikely to make up for the shortage in one day. But we are finally on the right track. So we go along it and do not turn off anymore.


Watch the video: Supergirl Flies Further In Upcoming Episode (June 2024).