How to choose a hairstyle by the zodiac sign?


The Western zodiac horoscope is 12 signs belonging to 4 elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. In communication with representatives of their element, as a rule, there is something in common.

However, this does not mean the concretization of individual events, rather the manner of thinking, the ability to act, emotionality and excitability. In addition, astrologers, continuing the classification, divide these four elements in two - according to the predominance of emotions over reason and reason over emotions.

So, the susceptibility to spontaneous impulses of sensations and the prevalence of the latter over logic are properties that belong to the elements of Water and Fire. And, on the contrary, the adoption of impassive, logically thought-out decisions and the control of feelings - characterize the signs of Earth and Air. It should be noted that the above does not detract from the unique intellectual abilities and charm given by nature to each sign of the zodiac circle.

However, it is precisely these features that are emphasized by the created external appearance of spontaneously related characters. And since the harmony of internal and external is a proven guarantee of success, in general, a correctly selected hairstyle can play no less important role than a pronounced phrase in time, especially in the first and often decisive impression.

Signs of Water

Understanding and kindness are peculiar to those born under the sign of Water. These people have a sensitive intuition and captivating sexuality. Soft, like flowing, hairstyle lines - emphasize the mysterious charm. If the hair is long, it would be nice to dissolve it, allowing you to fall off smoothly and even a little carelessly. If the hairstyle is short, then it is better to avoid aggressiveness and geometry.

Signs of Fire

Representatives of fire signs are not afraid of change. They often go on experiments that change their appearance, and do the right thing! Asymmetry of haircuts will give vent to manifest contagious passion. Expression combined with ease in the hairstyle on long hair will strengthen the characteristic fiery sensuality and self-confidence characteristic of children of fire. It is recommended to remove hair from the face as much as possible, as if substituting it for the headwind.

Signs of the Earth

Realism, some restraint and caution inherent in those born under the auspices of the Earth, are sometimes mistaken for detachment. Long hair, gently framing the face, thanks to a multi-level haircut of strands, will soften the appearance, exposing the passionate alluring-veiled sexuality of earthly signs. Hairstyles of medium length should also keep the lines smooth. Haircuts are recommended short and extremely stylish.

Air Signs

Logic, abstract vision, freedom of thought, and romantically thrilling sensuality are traits characteristic of the children of Air. The diversity of interests allows them to create a very different image. However, there are ideally proven options. If the hair is long - these are the art lines of a carefully thought out mess. Short haircuts emphasize the shape of the head. On medium-length hair, "geometry", for example, in the style of a classic "bob", will look good.
