How do representatives of different zodiac signs react to criticism


Each zodiac sign reacts to criticism in its own way differently. Criticism is depressing and depressing for some people, and they tend to perceive it too personally, although the person criticizing them sometimes sincerely tries to be useful, and his comments are just suggestions on how to improve the situation. Other people pretend to accept criticism normally, although inside they burn with rage. Third criticism in every possible way welcome and learn from it lessons for their own benefit. Do you think you are personally supportive of her, or are you doing everything possible to avoid not-so-pleasant comments?


Aries criticizes the relationship in the form of love and hate. This sign adores competition and will do everything to become the first - therefore, if someone criticizes him constructively, then Aries will carefully listen to this and regard the criticism as an opportunity for training. On the other hand, Aries can behave arrogantly, taking hostile opinions, because he is sure that he knows everything already.


When Taurus hears criticism, he usually takes a defensive position. He sincerely believes that people who criticize him do not know and do not understand what they are talking about. The longer Taurus worries about such comments, the more he believes that he was right from the start. Taurus can be extremely stubborn and convincing it is almost impossible.


The twins are calm about criticism and will try to analyze and apply it as quickly as possible. They seek feedback and will actively interact with those who help them become better. The twins do not scold themselves for failures and blunders; they just find out what they did wrong, and try to fix it.


Crayfish do not accept any criticism and consider it to be nit-picking and unfair accusations. Any negative comments anger Cancer, and he begins to demand an explanation, although this can lead to disagreement and even conflict. Crayfish are able to perceive criticism from those closest to them, if they feel that they only wish good, but in other cases they want people to leave their opinions to themselves.

a lion

If someone whom Leo respects gives him useful advice or feedback, Leo will accept them with favor. However, if the criticism comes from unfamiliar people, Leo will either ignore it or respond with harsh and rude words. This sign loves honesty and straightforwardness, but with extraneous critics it will behave as if it does not hear them at all.


Virgo perceive criticism with distrust and skepticism. It is difficult for any Virgo to believe that she can at least do something wrong, because before each of her actions she thinks and analyzes a lot. Negative feedback surprises Virgo and even hurts her in the heart, so you can not count on her objective perception of criticism.


Scales themselves will demand constructive criticism, accept it with gratitude, and then digest what has been said. However, do not flatter yourself - this is just a mask. The truth is that Libra cannot stand the criticism, but skillfully pretend. They would prefer to receive praise and compliments, even if they are fake and pretended.


Scorpios do not shy away from confrontation, so if you want to tell them something unpleasant, be smart and be prepared for a good reasoning for your words. Scorpio will so fiercely resist your criticism that in the end you yourself will change your mind. Do not risk arguing with him, even if Scorpio is really wrong.


Sagittarius copes with criticism. They take from it what they need and discard what they are not interested in. Sagittarius is too self-confident, and therefore they do not take negative reviews to heart. And they like to express their opinion, even if they were not asked about it. Sagittarius will do their job and stubbornly go on their way, regardless of what they say around.


Capricorns are not upset by criticism, and they immediately begin to ask a lot of questions: "What should I do better?", "And how would you do in such a situation?" Thus, Capricorns not only look like active listeners, but also sincerely want to improve. They know that learning from their mistakes is good, and they want to hear the objective opinions of others.


When Aquarians receive negative feedback, they do not react too emotionally and do not take other people's words to heart. Aquarians can even distance themselves from criticism in order to look at it from the side and extract the information they need. They view criticism as a review of their results, and not as a characteristic of their personality.


Fish can be hypersensitive, so just one negative comment turns into a catastrophe and tragedy for them. If this is a negative review of something that they created (for example, the results of their work), then Pisces will come to the conclusion that they are mediocre and incompetent. When criticizing Pisces, do it carefully, inserting your remarks between compliments and praise.


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