Your 30-day challenge for happiness: can you live more openly, freely and positively. Give it a try!


Try this 30-day challenge to learn how to live the way you yourself want. The idea is to enjoy the pros in your life, not the flaws. Everything we think about affects our mood, so try to turn your thoughts into one solid source of positive.

Within 30 days, try to leave your own comfort zone. Be open to new experiences and new people. Remember that if you do not try, you will never know what good will come of it.

Day 1: Meditate. The purpose of this action is to feel gratitude for your life and just breathe deeply.

Day 2: Spontaneously say hello to a stranger. This will give you confidence.

Day 3: Make a list of all the things you are grateful for. It can be anything: from a fragrant cup of coffee to good weather outside the window.

Day 4: Devote this day to yourself: foam bath, face mask or manicure. Pamper and take care of yourself!

Day 5: Schedule dinner with friends. We are all social beings, and we need to communicate with nice people.

Day 6: Go to the theater or museum - but yourself. We all love to go somewhere with the company, but if you do it alone, you will feel freedom and independence.

Day 7: Sit at a table in a cafe and watch people. Realize that we are too focused on ourselves to notice others. And you will understand that no one cares about your appearance or style of clothing.

Day 8: Review and organize your friends lists on social networks. Sometimes the relationship ends, and you should not look back. And don't feel guilty about it.

Day 9: Gather your friends and go to the cinema, watch a comedy and laugh heartily. This is a great charge of optimism!

Day 10: Cook delicious food for yourself, which you usually don't have time for. Serve the dish beautifully and enjoy.

Day 11: Do not compare yourself with others. This is the worst thing you can do. We all must understand that the only person with whom we must compare ourselves is the one we were yesterday.

Day 12: Chat with parents and relatives. If they live far away, just call them. Remember to tell them that you love them.

Day 13: Remove the long-started project from the long box and complete it. You will feel a sense of satisfaction and achievement.

Day 14: Devote it to physical activity. You do not need to rush to the gym - even an active walk will be enough.

Day 15: Go to the club and listen to energetic fun music. Dance if you want. It will charge you with positive energy.

Day 16: Take a trip somewhere. Most of us are in offices all day, and sometimes it’s very useful to get out into the park or out of town to get some fresh air.

Day 17: Buy something for yourself. Again, this should not be something extravagant. Sometimes all you need is a new lipstick!

Day 18: Do not gossip. It will only bring negativity. Be friendly and open to other people. This will change your attitude towards your entire environment.

Day 19: Talk to some person. You do not have to approach completely strangers, but you can chat heart to heart with a colleague or classmate.

Day 20: Do not go to social networks. We are all so dependent on the constant viewing of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, that it has become a bad habit. Take a day off from virtual reality.

Day 21: Write about your day. Try to focus on its advantages and fix them. You will be shocked at how well your day turned out to be!

Day 22: Dress beautifully, even if you intend to stay at home. This will help you to be happier and more positive.

Day 23: Try something you've never tried before. Exotic food or bungee jumping - depending on how crazy you can be! Discover new experiences.

Day 24: Reorganize your room (apartment). Rearrange the furniture and get rid of the mess. The main thing in this day is to make your living space cleaner and more convenient.

Day 25: Do not slander. Follow the old but golden rule - if you cannot say anything good, then it is better not to say anything.

Day 26: Leave your phone at home or turn it off. Be present in the present, communicate with people, read books. Try entertaining yourself the way people did before the Internet.

Day 27: Say “thank you” to everyone who helped you in the least way. Gratitude is a powerful emotion that causes happiness.

Day 28: Master a new skill. You can start learning a new language or try out a new cake recipe. Successful learning is also linked to a sense of happiness.

Day 29: Feed your body and remember about physical health. Drink plenty of water and take vitamins. Take care of your body just as it takes care of you every day.

Day 30: As soon as something upsets you, take a deep breath. Exhale and release all negative with this exhalation. Remember that everything is not as bad as you think, and that you can stay happy even in the darkest moments.


Watch the video: Couple Tries An Open Relationship For A Month (June 2024).