MRI for headaches can only be done by a neurologist.


Recently, it has literally become fashionable to do an MRI of the brain. People resort to this complex, insecure and expensive procedure often only because they have a headache. Doctors note that sometimes with such complaints a brain scan is justified: the findings that need to be urgently treated are found promptly. The disadvantage of the easy accessibility of this procedure is that people become too suspicious.

Whether or not to order an MRI scan often depends on the specialists of a particular medical school. If doctors want to earn extra money, then even according to minimal indications, they refer patients for scans. However, a significant part of physicians believe that an MRI scan is necessary only in the direction of a doctor.

For frequent headaches, first of all you need to contact a neurologist, who, after collecting anamnesis, decides to do an MRI or it is enough, for example, to conduct an ultrasound of the brain vessels.

Often people think that once scanning is an advanced research method, it is significantly better than others. However, doctors say that, in addition to MRI, x-rays and CT scans often need to be done. If the patient still insists on conducting a brain scan, then a competent, highly professional specialist should be able to decipher the result, who will be able to explain the meaning of the research results in a detailed and intelligible way.


Watch the video: What Causes Migraine Disease? 5 Factors in Migraine Neurobiology (June 2024).