Honey cake with sour cream. Various options of dough and impregnation for honey cake with sour cream.


Honey cake with sour cream: general principles of preparation

Delicate juicy honey cake with sour cream is one of the most beloved homemade desserts. The classic recipe for this cake is over two hundred years old. He was invented by the confectioner of Alexander I of Russia at the end of the 18th century.

A distinct honey note makes all the variations of this delicacy similar, but each mistress makes it her own way. It's all about cream and filling. It is they who give the honey cake to sour cream originality.

In the preparation of goodies, it is important to observe two mandatory principles: the use of honey and brewing dough in a water bath.

The taste of honey cake with sour cream cannot be confused with any other dessert. Baking a dozen cake layers and putting together a puff cake is quite troublesome. But the housewives, nevertheless, are very fond of pampering their loved ones with such a homemade dessert, because a honey miracle is being prepared from the available ingredients: honey, flour, sugar, eggs and sour cream.

All other delights, like fresh berries, condensed milk, bananas, chocolate and cocoa are variations and are used to taste.

To make choux dough for honey cake with sour cream, you need to mix butter, sugar and honey, melt everything using a water bath, until homogeneous (about 20 minutes), add slaked vinegar or lemon juice soda.

Then remove from heat, quickly drive eggs into the honey base. When it cools down a little, knead the dough, wrap it with foil and put it in the cold for half an hour.

Form 9 -12 parts from the dough, roll into the thinnest flat cakes, use a fork to make several chopping so that the dough does not swell, and bake at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees for no more than five minutes.

You can give a round shape to the cake in two ways: either cut the dough immediately using a dish, or do it after baking. Trim should be chopped with a rolling pin or in a blender and used to sprinkle the finished product.

Honey cake with sour cream (classic)

Bake honey cake with sour cream according to the classic recipe is quite simple. The taste of delicacy is the same, homely, fragrant and delicate. Compared to other variations, the classic dessert is the lightest in terms of calories.


  • flour - three to four glasses;
  • half a packet of butter;
  • sugar - one glass in the dough, a third of the glass in cream;
  • two eggs;
  • two tbsp. tablespoons of honey;
  • a pound of sour cream;
  • soda.

Cooking method:

The test is enough for nine shortcakes. How to prepare cakes for honey cake with sour cream you already know.

To prepare the cream, it is necessary to slowly, at medium speed of a mixer, whip fat sour cream with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Add vanilla if desired.

Collect the cake, smearing each layer with cream. Two to three spoons are enough for the cake. You can slightly seal the cake, putting it for a few minutes under pressure. Then smear the cream on all sides, decorate with a dusting of crushed test scraps, leave for two hours in the cold for impregnation.

Honey cake with sour cream (with condensed milk)

The addition of condensed milk gives a highlight to the honey cake with sour cream.

Two types of cream are used to connect the cakes: in addition to sour cream impregnation, a cream based on condensed milk is prepared. They create a rather interesting flavor pair. The duo can be supplemented with chopped and roasted nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews.


  • sugar - one and a half cups for dough and cream;
  • butter - 50 g for the dough, a standard pack - for the cream;
  • a pound of flour;
  • 4 tablespoons of honey;
  • soda;
  • a pound of sour cream;
  • can of condensed milk.

Cooking method:

Dough preparation is different from the classic recipe: a third of the flour should be added to the container with the main ingredients even in the water bath and brew the batter. Then remove from heat, add some more flour, put the slightly thickened mixture on the table and knead the elastic, not too steep dough. Then divide it into eight parts and send in the refrigerator for half an hour. Bake cakes.

Sour cream impregnation is prepared according to the main recipe. For the second composition, beat the condensed milk and butter separately. When dressing cakes, alternate sour cream and condensed milk, generously flavoring the layers. Soak for at least two hours in the refrigerator.

Honey cake with sour cream (fantasy)

The third option is fantasy.

Layering honey cake with sour cream, you need to use a combination of prunes and banana. The festive taste of delicacies will not be spoiled if, instead of prunes, take dried apricots or fruits to taste.

This dessert option is less caloric than the previous one.


  • a pound of flour;
  • two eggs;
  • sugar - one glass each for dough and sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • soda;
  • half a packet of butter;
  • a pound of sour cream;
  • 10 pieces of prunes (dried apricots);
  • two medium bananas.

Cooking method

This variant of dough preparation involves the introduction of eggs while working with a honey base. The mixture must be constantly stirred for ten minutes so that the protein does not curl, and add the oil at the very end of the yearning. Then remove from heat and knead the dough according to the main recipe. Bake eight cakes.

Prepare sour cream. Finely chop the prunes and slices - banana. When collecting the cake, pour the cakes alternately with prunes and banana slices. Decorate with cream, dough crumb, if desired, also with berries, send for a two-hour impregnation.

Honey cake with sour cream (caramel with raspberries)

Magic caramel honey cake with sour cream and raspberries is another version of the cake that can become a real culinary masterpiece.

The highlight of the treat is not only in an exquisite flavoring bouquet composed of honey, caramel and raspberry, but also in a combination of two types of cream: sour cream and protein.


  • 3-4 cups flour;
  • sugar - a third glass for dough, one glass for caramel and sour cream impregnation;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • two eggs for dough, 4 protein for cream;
  • half a packet of butter;
  • soda;
  • one or two glasses of raspberries;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • 4 tablespoons of water;

Cooking method

Prepare caramel for dough. To do this: melt the sugar in a bowl (you can add a spoonful of water), wait for the boiling and the characteristic brown color to appear. Introduce oil, honey, cool slightly, beat in eggs and beat thoroughly with a mixer. Then, gradually adding flour with soda, knead the dough. Bake ten shortcakes.

Prepare sour cream and do protein: whip cold proteins, adding a pinch of salt and achieving the effect of "stable peaks". Cook the caramel, pour it into a squirrel with a hot stream, without stopping whipping the cream for about five minutes. Mix protein and part of sour cream.

When collecting honey cake with sour cream, raspberry berries can be stacked on each layer. Coat, sprinkle with crumbs, garnish with the remaining berries, put in a cold place for three hours.

Honey cake with sour cream (chocolate coated)

An interesting version of honey cake with sour cream is a royal gift for chocolate lovers. Only an experienced housewife can cook such a dessert, it is rather difficult, but worth it.

Poured with chocolate icing, this cake will create a festive atmosphere.


  • a pound of flour for the dough (or a little less) plus 3 pp. for cream;
  • sugar - a third of a glass in the dough, one glass - for sour cream;
  • one egg per dough and cream;
  • butter - one tbsp. l in the dough, a pack - for the cream, half a pack - for the glaze;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 3 tablespoons of milk for dough, half a liter for cream;
  • soda;
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • walnuts for decoration;
  • chocolate bar;
  • a glass of sour cream.


Prepare the dough in the basic recipe, adding to cocoa flour. Bake seven cakes. Cook sour cream and then custard. For the latter, mix sugar and egg with a mixer, gradually pour in flour, pour in milk, boil over low heat until thick. When the cream is completely cool, add soft butter and whip again.

Collect the cake, spreading the cakes with creams and pouring the layers with nut crumbs. Leave on for two hours without putting in the refrigerator.

Prepare the icing by melting the chocolate in a water bath and mixing it with soft butter. When the frosting is set, pour a treat on it and put it in the cold.

Honey cake with sour cream: tricks and tips

When baking cakes, it is not necessary to lubricate the form with butter - it is enough just to sprinkle its surface with flour, because the butter is already in the dough.

It is important not to overdry the cake when baking. Thin dough is baked almost instantly. As soon as the color of the cake has acquired a golden hue - it's time to take out the form from the oven.

If you want to get a characteristic wet impregnation from honey cake with sour cream, you can preliminarily, before smearing with cream, sprinkle layers with brandy, water, tea, compote.


Watch the video: Армянский торт Микадо Праздничный рецепт Armenian Mikado Cake Простой рецепт (June 2024).