What is important to know about the composition, types and calorie sugar. What are the benefits and harms of sugar for the human body?


Modern statistics confirm the fact that the annual consumption of sugar is increasing.

Each person has up to 60 kg of this product per year. Today it is one of the common foods that make up the usual daily meal. No one disproves the need for his presence in the diet. But he will bring benefit or harm to a person directly depends on the amount of his use.

Sugar: its composition, calorie, types

Sugar - sucrose of plant origin, in its pure form - carbohydrate, which consists of glucose and fructose.

The name of his "sarkara" means "sand", comes from Sanskrit. This means that the product was known to man in ancient times.

Depending on the raw materials from which sugar was made, there are varieties:

• reed;

• palm;

• maple;

• beet;

• sorghum.

All sorts of sugar are produced:

• unrefined (brown);

• refined (white).

Refining - the process of complete purification of the product from the presence of molasses, molasses, mineral salts, vitamins, gum-like substances. The result of the treatment is the production of white sugar particles.

Between themselves refined and unrefined varieties have differences in composition. White sugar consists almost entirely of carbohydrates, while brown additionally has impurities. The list of these impurities and their quantitative volume depends on the quality of the purification and raw materials.

Indicators Refined Sugar Unrefined Sugar

Calories, kcal 399 396

Carbohydrates, gr. 99.6 96

Squirrels, gr. 0 0.67

Fat, gr. 0 1.03

Calcium, mg. 3 22-62,7

Phosphorus, mg. - 4-22.3

Magnesium mg - 4-117

Zinc, mg - 0.6

Sodium, mg one -

Potassium, mg. 3 40-330

The differences in chemical composition between the two types of product are insignificant. Indicators of sugar calories and protein content are almost identical values.

A small difference is observed in the content of proteins and fats (they are completely absent in white sugar).

The content of trace elements brown sugar leads. But these indicators have different meanings: the content of mania, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and sodium depends on the degree of purification of the product.

Sugar: what is the benefit for the body

Despite the established opinion about the dangers of sugar, do not forget that a small amount of it is simply necessary for a person. Doctors confirmed the impossibility of the existence of the human body without its complete absence.

The benefit is that a moderate amount of sugar provides the body with more energy. The glucose entering into it is capable to satisfy energy requirement of an organism.

Glucose helps the formation of toxin barriers in the liver and spleen. Due to this useful property, glucose is administered to patients when removing intoxication and many liver diseases. In the pathology of these organs, a “glucose diet” is prescribed.

Sugar stimulates serotonin production. It is also called the hormone "happiness". The product activates blood circulation in the brain. At refusal of it sclerotic changes will be observed. The product reduces the risk of plaque formation in blood vessels, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots, and sweet lovers are much less likely to suffer from arthritis.

With a correct and deliberate approach to this product, it can be beneficial for the body.

Sugar: what's the harm to health

When sugar is consumed in large quantities, significant damage to health is done:

1. bone weakening occurs. The process of assimilation of sugar by the body and its decomposition into carbohydrates is possible only with the help of calcium. With large incoming doses of the product, the required amount of calcium for its processing is taken from the bone tissue. Therefore, the "sweet tooth" is observed thinning of the tooth and bone tissue, the risk of fractures increases.

2. Diseases of the teeth and gums appear more often. Sugar adversely affects the acidic environment in the mouth and damages the state of the enamel on the teeth. Under its action, it is destroyed faster, becomes vulnerable to bacteria and microbes.

3. A rapid increase in body weight is due to the deposition of fat under the skin of the abdomen, thighs. Sweet causes insulin rise, which contributes to the excitation of neurons that are responsible for appetite. Their excitement causes a feeling of false hunger, and a person begins to eat more often.

4. Accelerates the aging process. Able to neutralize collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. As a result of his work, the number and depth of wrinkles increases.

5. Neutralization of vitamins. For the normal assimilation of glucose consumes a large amount of vitamins of group B. With large amounts of it in the body develops beriberi, which leads to an exacerbation of a number of chronic and the development of new diseases.

6. Develops the effect of addiction to sweets. Excessive consumption of sweet leads to psychological dependence, which resembles narcotic symptoms.

7. Depletion of energy reserves. It seems a paradox to the fact that sugar, being a strong energy carrier, can in large quantities cause a decrease in the synthesis of carbohydrates in the body, and insulin rises - the development of apathy and depression.

8. Violation of the heart. The development of degeneration of the heart muscle is associated with a lack of vitamins in the body.

In many of the usual products there is sugar. Its content "rolls over" in soda, baking, sauces, homemade jams, compotes and preserves. With the constant use of these products, an impressive "amount" of this carbohydrate is accumulated and its useful properties are reduced to zero.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: harm of sugar

The danger of sugar for pregnant women and women breastfeeding their babies lies, firstly, in the technology of its production. Crystalline sugar undergoes chemical treatment, after which the amount of beneficial carbohydrates is minimized.

Secondly, the threat of this product lies in the fact that a lot of calcium is spent on its absorption. This element is important for the proper formation of bone tissue and the skeleton of the baby. If calcium is spent on glucose uptake, there will be a double problem: the lack of this element for mom and baby.

Thirdly, sugar several times reduces the protective properties of the organism, which inevitably leads to the development of a number of diseases and the exacerbation of chronic ones.

Fourthly, with an excessive supply of this product, the process of fat formation is enhanced. If the expectant mother does not take measures to stabilize her condition, then there is a risk of premature birth.

The harm of sugar is that it is able to expend vitamins of group B. Its deficiency affects not only the state of the mother’s body, but also of the baby: visual acuity decreases, nervousness, constant tiredness, sleep problems, weak muscle tone, and immunity decrease, appear memory and thinking deteriorates, etc. Such problems will disappear completely if the use of natural sugars is included in the diet.

All these consequences must be constantly remembered by moms who want to see themselves and their children healthy.

Sugar for children: good or bad

Proper nutrition is considered the key to child health. Today in the shops there is a wide variety of sweets in bright and beautiful packages. It is hard to resist and not give the baby a try, candy, cake. Parents see nothing wrong with that. Moms and dads do not even guess what the sweet childhood of their child can lead to.

Less than sugar can do is kill the appetite. But in fact, the list of what its excessive use leads to is big:

1. Sweet causes a disturbance in the emotional state and behavior of the child. Headaches, frequent mood changes, fatigue, sleep disturbance, memory loss - these are the symptoms that are observed in children who often use sugar.

2. Reduced immunity. At times, the risk of developing diseases increases due to a decrease in immunity. It is not recommended to "pamper" with sweetie babies when they are sick, because glucose helps the development of the pathogenic microflora.

3. Sugar deprives children of beneficial microorganisms. Especially greatly reduced the concentration of chromium and calcium, vitamins of group B.

4. Destroy the teeth and bones. Calcium, which is the key to healthy teeth and strong bones, is needed in large quantities for normal absorption of sugar. Therefore, the first to suffer teeth, bones.

In addition to these shortcomings, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in sweets are preservatives, colors, flavors, flavor enhancers, which do not bring health benefits. Therefore, to give children sweet or not - parents decide for themselves.

Sugar: harm for losing weight

To put a figure in order through proper nutrition will not be enough to count the number of calories received daily.

In the fight against obesity in the first place comes a sharp restriction or rejection of all culinary products, carbonated sugary drinks.

The reason for the restriction is the presence of sugar in them - a product that strongly influences:

• exchange processes;

• the work of the digestive system;

• the process of fat formation;

• develops addiction to sweets;

• causes a false feeling of hunger, forcing to eat more.

The product has a high calorific value (in 100 g. Almost 400 kcal.) And is completely contraindicated by nutritionists.

Those who are trying to put their bodies in order should not forget that up to 15% of the total mass in cookies and candy falls on sugar, in juices, yogurt and ice cream - up to 10%, and in sweet soda it reaches 33 % Benefits for the body of such a sugar content no.

For successful weight loss, the number of calories per day should be reduced to 1500, at a rate of 2000 kcal per day. Nutritionists have calculated that a woman can eat no more than 32gr of sugar per day, a man - 48gr. This figure includes the sugar, which is in the composition of the products. Therefore, it is better to completely reject its use in its pure form by those who follow the figure.

Today, sugar is included in the daily diet of each person and it is difficult for most to imagine their life without it. But in order to preserve your health and the health of loved ones, it is better to completely give up this product or minimize its use.


Watch the video: Sugar and Health The Sweet, the Sour, and the Sticky! (June 2024).