Wanting to lose weight sex does not replace workout


Referring to the widespread belief that making love, a person burns up to 300 calories, many believe that sexual intercourse can even replace them going to the gym. But scientists say that this is just a myth and a clumsy excuse for not wanting to play sports. Thanks to the work of Deved Ellison, a biostatist from the University of Alabama, it became known that six minutes, during which intercourse lasts on average, burn only 21 calories, which is negligible.

The scientist calculated that the number of calories burned during intercourse is equivalent to the number of calories we spend during a walk.

Such a false assumption contributes to the spread of obesity. And if you still do not consider it necessary to have breakfast regularly, then obesity is provided to you in the end, Allison predicts.

The scientist also became interested in the effectiveness of school classes in physical culture and came to the conclusion that they are ineffective. First, the time that is allocated for them is not enough. Secondly, they are not intense enough.

Contrary to the opinion that a sharp weight loss often ends in failure, the scientist makes the following conclusion: it is not always a failure, especially if you set a goal and aspire to it. For some people, it is more effective to set the maximum bar rather than lose weight gradually and little by little.


Watch the video: Is Birth Control Making You Fat? Bloating, Muscle loss, Sex Drive & More (June 2024).