Female opinion: starting a new life is not too late even after 40


The heroine of the famous film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” said to her friends: “At the age of 40, life is just beginning,” and she didn’t just say, but proved it by her own example. The portal “Women's Opinion” decided to find out whether this is really so, whether “women over 40” are able to radically change their personal lives and begin searching for a new love instead of a disgusting husband.

47.7% of the women surveyed, having thought, said they were ready to change their lives and part with their husband, but only on condition of absolute unbearable coexistence. In order for women to make such a decision, very good arguments are needed, and not isolated cases of "bad behavior" on the part of the husband. “There must be a reason for this: treason, alcoholism, drug addiction, unwillingness to work,” the Russians listed and unanimously declared: “If something happens to my husband and he becomes disabled, terminally ill, and the like, then I won’t give up never, under any circumstances. "

20.1% of Russian women are sure that it is never too late to start a new life, especially at 40. In the infallibility of this truth, they were forced to believe examples from the lives of friends and mothers. The Russians happily reported: "My mother left her husband (my father) at 40, even at 41, and that's okay. Happy!". Naturally, it was understood that the ladies left for a reason, but for various serious reasons. “I remember how my mother told me that she endured, endured, and then stood on the balcony, looked at the street and realized that it was time to leave, tired of it,” the women shared with us.

18% of the fairer sex believe that they are unlikely to abandon a loser husband. They will try to change the situation for the better, they will try to somehow enlighten the unlucky spouse, instruct him on the "true path." The opinions of some women were influenced by teenage children who did not want the family to break up, while the opinions of others were influenced by the advice of relatives and friends. Verily, pity and patience have always been the main character trait of Russian women.

14.2% of Russians believe that they will not risk abandoning their husband under any circumstances, especially since the new one will not be better than the previous one. In all likelihood, these women, firstly, do not live badly with their "old" husbands, and secondly, they memorized by saying that "good men do not wallow in the street." Indeed, at the age of 40, each person has long developed both a character and a stereotype of behavior. To start life from the beginning and try to get used to each other is a difficult task and not everyone can do it.

Having studied the opinions of women, we can conclude that the Russians are ready to forgive and endure men's tricks, but for the time being.

The survey involved 4,590 people. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 198 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Lives of Unmarried Women in their 30s and 40s (July 2024).