Beet juice: the benefits and harm of tart burgundy drink. Beet juice recipes, useful tips, possible harm


Beet juice - a product that is popular in all countries.

There are about 15 types of root vegetables, but beetroot, canteen, and fodder are most common.

For the preparation of beet juice, as a rule, use the fruits of red beet varieties.

Beet Juice: Composition, Calorie, Useful Health Drink

The beneficial properties of beet juice make it possible to use it in the treatment of many diseases. After all, the product contains all the healing qualities inherent in beets.

Root is extremely rich in vitamins (B, E, C, PP). It contains micro and macronutrients: potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, fluorine, zinc, etc.

Beets contain almost no fat, but it contains carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, pectins, organic acids, and ash.

The calorie content of beet juice - a product made from many beloved root vegetables - 40 kcal per 100 g.

Beet juice is widely used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases:

1. In case of pathologies of the liver and biliary ducts, they eat 100 grams of raw beet per day and drink a mixture of beet juice, cucumber, carrot 3 times a day (in the same proportions).

2. Beet juice is good for women's health. It is used for painful menstruation (better to mix with carrots) and menopause.

By the way, during menopause, the product is an excellent alternative to hormonal drugs.

Juice consumed in small portions up to half a liter per day.

3. Beet juice is indispensable for hypertension, vascular spasms. In this case, they drink it in combination with honey.

4. Beet juice is good for the body suffering from constipation. To get rid of problems with the stool, the product is drunk immediately after waking up in the morning and, of course, on an empty stomach.

5. Useful properties of beetroot juice allow you to use it in sore throat. The recipe for the preparation of the medicinal composition is simple: first, combine the grated beets with a tablespoon of vinegar. Then they wait until the fruit launches the juice. It is a healing tool that is used for rinsing the throat.

6. Beet juice is good for anemia. The disease is treated with a product mixed with apple juice (a quarter cup of beet juice and 1 cup of apple juice). Drink the medicine mixture daily.

7. Beet juice is good for the health of women who know what mastopathy is. To cure the disease, you can use compresses of crushed beets and honey. The composition is placed on a cabbage leaf and placed on the problem area.

8. Beet juice is also taken in such a formidable disease as lung cancer. To prepare a healing drink, it is necessary to mix in equal proportions the juice of beets, carrots and apples. Ginger or lemon can help add a refreshing taste to the drink.

Drink the composition every morning on an empty stomach for 3 months. This mixture is effective for the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, stomach, as well as for the prevention of heart attack.

9. Not too high in calorie beet juice makes it possible to use it in the composition for weight loss, where, in addition to the product, there is carrot, cucumber, plum, grapefruit and celery juice.

10. For the speedy recovery of the body after an illness, use beet, apple, orange, carrot juices.

Important! Beet juice in the mixture can be taken no more than 3 months, after which you should take a break and continue treatment.

To prepare the healing composition, it is necessary to pre-prepare pure beet juice and keep it in the refrigerator in the open form for about two hours.

Then it can be combined with freshly squeezed other juices.

11. Beet juice is good for the body with a cold. It is buried alternately in each nostril in a couple of drops, first diluted with boiled water.

12. Beet juice is useful for sinusitis. In this case, a fermented drink of 2-3 drops is dropped several times a day into the nasal cavity.

Tip: beet juice can not be taken in large quantities at first. It takes time to adapt. After all, the drink - a real concentrate of nutrients.

Pure juice should be started from 50 g, gradually increasing the dose to 100-125 g at one time.

Drink pure beet juice can not be more than 2 weeks. We need to take a break and continue treatment.

Beet juice: what is the benefit for the body?

Beetroot juice is useful for its ability to clean the liver, gall, kidneys, as well as stimulate the lymphatic system.

Beetroot is a storehouse of pectins. They protect the body from the negative effects of radiation, heavy metals, etc.

The juice contains a lot of iron, which has a positive effect on the blood. Beet helps to improve memory, the expansion of blood vessels, improve overall condition.

The rich composition of vitamins and trace elements in a 100% natural product protects the body from diseases, strengthens the immune system, improves complexion, condition of hair and nails.

Beet juice is good for health. It regulates blood pressure. The composition of the beet includes nitrites, which when ingested, form substances with vasodilating action.

All this helps to reduce the risk of cerebral circulation and heart disease.

Beetroot juice treats intestinal problems. It has a mild laxative effect. In addition, the product copes with stagnation in the urinary tract.

Beetroot drink effectively fights diseases of the joints. It is also able to relieve stress, help with nervous overloads, improve sleep.

Beet juice contains iodine. Therefore, it is useful for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland.

Beet juice has a low calorie content. The drink is effective in the fight against overweight. It cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, promotes rapid weight loss.

Beet juice: what is the harm to health?

The beneficial properties of beet juice make the drink indispensable in the treatment of a number of diseases.

There are some recommendations., the rules for taking juice, following which You can avoid undesirable consequences:

• As was said, taking beet juice should be started with small doses - 50 g per dose.

• Before use, be sure to “air” the drink by keeping it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

• The product is prohibited for patients with urolithiasis.

• It is not recommended juice and hypotension because of its properties to reduce pressure.

• Beet juice can cause intestinal disorders, allergies, chills, and burning.

• The product should be used with extreme caution to people with a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

• Excessive intake of beetroot can cause nausea, vomiting, headache.

The benefits and harm of beet juice for pregnant and lactating mothers

Useful properties of beet juice have a beneficial effect on the body of the future mother and baby. Beet prevents the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, prevents the occurrence of infectious diseases, helps in combating constipation.

Vitamins of group B and iron, which are part of the product, are a natural cure for anemia - a disease that pregnant women are so often exposed to.

In addition, zinc and phosphorus contained in beet juice are an excellent prevention of rickets in a child.

Beet juice cleanses the blood, stabilizes the pressure (almost all pregnant women experience its jumps), normalizes the liver and kidneys. but pregnant women should be careful to take beet juice.

It is shown in the case of:

• high blood pressure

• with systematic constipation

• with a cold (for instillation of the nose and gargling)

• in the treatment of skin lesions

• with iodine deficiency

• swelling and weight gain

Beet juice can not be taken by expectant mothers who have diabetes, and also have low blood pressure, diarrhea.

As for nursing mothers, it is better for them to refrain from taking beet juice or to use it in combination with carrot juice and very limited. To obtain a sufficient amount of nutrients drink 1-2 tablespoons of the product per day.

Beet juice for children: useful or harmful?

Beet juice is good for children's health. Pediatricians are advised to start taking the product from 1 year of age. But some parents, in order to avoid problems with the stool, give babies a drink from the age of 6 months at a time.

As a rule, the reception begins with 1 drop, and that diluted with water. Gradually increase the dose to 1 tsp.

However, if the parents noticed any negative reaction to the juice, its reception should be urgently stopped. Even if the child responds well to a beetroot drink, there is no need to give it every day. 1-2 times a week is enough.

Children over the year can increase the portion to 1 tablespoon (also need to be diluted with water).

Beet juice is prohibited for babies with diarrhea, flatulence, kidney disease, and an allergy tendency.

Beet juice: harm or benefits for weight loss

Beet diet is not only aimed at getting rid of extra pounds, but also at cleansing the body from harmful "deposits". Beet juice for weight loss is contraindicated in those who suffer from a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, in acute inflammatory processes, in kidney diseases, and in allergies to the product.

Before you start losing weight with the help of juice should consult a doctor. There are ruleslistening to which You can achieve the desired result in a short time:

1. It is best to take the juice for 15 minutes before eating (remember the initial dose and "airing"?)

2. Beet juice is best diluted with clean water or other juice: apple, carrot, pumpkin.

3. During treatment, you should abandon the usual dishes: sweet, flour, salty.

4. In the period of losing weight, you must perform physical exercises.

In addition to beet juice during the diet, you can eat the root itself (raw and boiled). It is also recommended to jam the beets with black bread.

In no case during weight loss can not drink alcohol. Otherwise, all efforts will be reduced to "no."

Is beet juice healthy or harmful to health? Of course, useful. The rich composition of the root can effectively treat various ailments.

The main thing is not to overdo it. After all, the body is not always ready to receive a concentrated dose of nutrients. Therefore, gradualism is important in the issue of beet juice therapy. Only in this case can we expect a benefit.


Watch the video: The Miracle Healing of Beet Juice for High Blood Pressure and Your Heart - Dr. Alan Mandell, . (June 2024).