Turkish recipes: delicious dishes made from simple ingredients. A selection of popular Turkish recipes worth trying


Turkish Cookery - this is the real wealth of the countrywhich was carefully accumulated and collected bit by bit over many millennia.

The local people with special trepidation and love treats feasts.

Any feast is accompanied by dozens of dishes, from unpretentious drinks to delicious desserts and originally cooked meat.

And in most dishes we use products that are familiar to us.

Dilute your piggy bank with Turkish recipes?

Features cooking dishes according to Turkish recipes

Vegetables - the basis of many Turkish recipes. They are stewed, boiled, baked, stuffed and actively consumed raw. Especially loved eggplant, tomatoes, olives, peppers. Potatoes are used mainly in the fillings, in the first courses, as is customary here, this vegetable is rarely laid.

In cooking meals from cereals, rice, wheat, and legumes are most popular among Turks. Sometimes several types of cereals are mixed, as, for example, in a national wedding soup (recipe below). There are many recipes for Turkish pilaf, which is often cooked without meat. Nuts, fruits, berries are added.

Meat is used in various forms, kebabs, kebabs, pilaf, manti, dolma, boreks, and much more. But always served with lots of vegetables and tortillas. Bread is a special story. Most often baked cakes, pies with different fillings, pita bread.

Recipe 1: Turkish soup with lentils and bulgur

Traditional Turkish recipe for soup, without which no wedding party can do. The most intimate folk traditions are associated with it and the dish is shrouded in legends. It is also called the "bride's soup." In addition to red lentils, bulgur wheat groats are added to the dish.


• 150 grams of Bulgur;

• 150 grams of red lentils;

• 2.5 liters of broth;

• 1 tsp. mint;

• 2 spoons of tomato paste;

• 1 onion;

• 2 spoons of sweet paprika;

• peppercorns, salt;

• some oil, greens.


1. Boil washed lentils in broth for about 10 minutes after boiling.

2. Add bulgur, paprika and 3-4 peppercorns. Cook the soup on low heat until soft lentils.

3. In a pan, fry the chopped onion, add the tomato paste. You can use fresh tomatoes, but without skin.

4. We shift the vegetables in the soup, salt and boil for 2 minutes.

5. Put the greens, mint, give boil and immediately turn off. Thick and rich wedding soup according to the Turkish recipe is ready!

Recipe 2: Turkish dessert of Shambhali

Very simple, but interesting Turkish recipe for dessert from semolina. Citrus peel gives a special piquancy to the delicacy. Can be taken from lemon or orange. Dessert is baked in the form, with a diameter of 20-22 cm. You can cook in small forms for cupcakes, but in a large container Shambali turns juicier.


• 250 grams of semolina;

• 1 egg;

• 70 grams of vegetable oil;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 1 tsp. ripper;

• pinch of vanilla;

• 1 spoon of orange (lemon) peel;

• 100 grams of natural yogurt.

For syrup:

• 250 grams of water;

• 180 grams of sugar;

• juice from 0.5 lemon.


1. Combine the egg with sugar, whisk until light pomp.

2. Add yogurt, then gradually pour in the oil, do not cease to mix.

3. Put the semolina in the mixture, add vanilla, ripper and zest, stir and leave for 15 minutes.

4. Lubricate the form and sprinkle dry semolina.

5. We shift the dough in the form and send bake for 25-30 minutes. We set the temperature to 180 ° C.

6. While the dessert is being baked, you need to boil the syrup. To do this, combine the water with sugar and send it to the stove. Squeeze lemon juice, filter and ship to syrup. After boiling, boil for 7 minutes. Cooling down.

7. Fill the finished dessert with syrup, you can not remove it from the mold and wait until all the liquid is absorbed and distributed. Done! You can cut the dessert and entertain the household.

Recipe 3: Turkish pilaf with cranberries and turmeric

An unusual version of pilaf, for the preparation of which will require dried cranberries. The Turkish recipe involves the use of basmati rice, which gives the dish a special aroma of nuts and a pleasant taste. Cooking in a cauldron.


• 250 grams of rice;

• 60 grams of cranberries;

• 1 spoonful of sugar;

• 40 grams of ghee;

• 30 grams of almond;

• 3 tablespoons of olive oil;

• 0.5 tsp. turmeric;

• salt pepper;

• 1 onion.


1. Cut the onion and fry until transparent with olive oil.

2. Add dried cranberries, put turmeric, sugar and fry with onions for a minute.

3. We wash basmati rice, carefully drain the water and ship to the bow. Add ghee and cook it all together for 3-4 minutes. Give the rice soak well with oil, add pepper and salt.

4. Fill the contents of the pot with boiling water. Liquid must cover 1 cm.

5. Cover and cook at minimum heat for 15 minutes, do not open.

6. Chop the almonds. Add to the cauldron, collect rice slide in the center, cover and turn off the fire. Letting you swim under a lid for 20 minutes and it's done!

Recipe 4: Turkish Red Cabbage Salad

Easy and simple Turkish salad recipe, which is perfect for meat. Red cabbage is used. And do not try to replace it with ordinary cabbage, otherwise it will not be a Turkish dish.


• 800 grams of cabbage;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 lemon;

• salt pepper;

• cilantro or parsley;

• 3 spoons of butter.


1. Shred cabbage, add grated carrots.

2. Salt vegetables, pepper, grind hands.

3. Add the juice of half a lemon, vegetable oil. Stir.

4. Put the greens and ready!

Recipe 5: Turkish lamb kebab with eggplants.

Another traditional Turkish recipe that can replace the usual goulash. Preparing a dish of lamb with the addition of eggplant, and very interesting served.


• 1 kg of mutton;

• 5 eggplants;

• 70 grams of olive oil;

• salt, black pepper;

• 0.2 kg of onions;

• 1 large tomato;

• 10-15 cherry tomatoes;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• 1 lozenge (for serving);

• 1 spoonful of flour.


1. Cut the onions and garlic, fry in a pan with butter.

2. Add the lamb, cut into pieces. Size approximately with apricot. Fry until brown crust.

3. Shift the meat with onions to the side and fry a spoonful of flour next to it.

4. Add 2 cups boiling water, stirring constantly. Cover and simmer for an hour.

5. We cut eggplants in circles of 3 millimeters thick. Soak in salted water, wring out.

6. In another pan fry the eggplants on both sides.

7. Pepper cut into cubes, cherry in 4 pieces, mix.

8. We shift roasted eggplants to mutton, add cherry pieces with pepper, three large tomatoes in a frying pan, salt, pepper, cover and cook another 10 minutes.

9. The pellet is cut into cubes, laid out on a plate. Lamb with eggplants is put on it, the dish is sprinkled with greens and can be served!

Recipe 6: Turkish "Gozleme" tortillas with various fillings

For the preparation of pellets, you can use fillings of meat, fish, potatoes, cheese. For example, we will cook gozleme with salted cottage cheese. For baking these flat cakes use special convex pans, but you can cook on what is.


In the dough:

• 450 grams of flour;

• 100 grams of warm water;

• 100 grams of yogurt;

• 0.5 tsp. salt.

For filling:

• 300 grams of cottage cheese;

• salt;

• greenery;

• egg.

To lubricate the cakes, you will need a piece of butter.


1. Dilute yogurt with warm water, put salt, pour flour and knead. The dough should turn out steep, elastic, like on dumplings. Cover and give rest for half an hour.

2. For the filling you need to grind the cottage cheese, add salt and chopped greens. An egg is added for viscosity.

3. Divide the dough into 6 identical lumps.

4. We take one piece, roll out a thin cake. We grease half with cottage cheese stuffing, departing from the edge of 1 cm. We cover with the second half, it should be a cheburek, but very thin.

5. You can make gozleme envelope. To do this, lay out the stuffing in the center of the rolled cake, then turn down all the other sides.

6. Fry a tortilla in a dry frying pan. As soon as one side is reddened, turn over and immediately grease the crust with a piece of butter.

Recipe 7: Turkish Omelet with Chicken and Olives

Recipe for the original Turkish omelet recipe, which will change the idea of ​​egg dishes. Chicken take boiled, smoked or fried, you need a small piece.


• 2 eggs;

• 4 spoons of water;

• 20 grams of suluguni;

• 50 grams of chicken;

• 8 pitted olives;

• oil, spices.


1. Grind the cheese, chop the olives, chicken and tomato. All mix, salt is not necessary, but you can pepper.

2. Mix eggs with salt and water, whisk with a whisk.

3. Pour into a greased pan and fry a pancake, you do not need to mix the omelet mass.

4. As soon as the edges of the pancake begin to fry, and the middle is still wet, we spread the stuffing on one half of the omelette.

5. Cover the free side of the pancake, fry the bottom. Then turn the resulting "cheburek from an omelet" on the other side and also fry.

Recipe 8: Turkish "Turkish delight" with nuts

One of the most popular Eastern sweets, which is very easy to make at home! Turkish recipe on starch with sesame seeds. Nuts are put inside, you can take any kind: peanuts, hazelnuts, but it tastes better with walnuts.


• 100 grams of starch;

• 100 grams of sesame;

• 500 grams of sugar;

• 3 grams of citric acid;

• 1000 grams of nuts;

• 200 grams of water;

• vanilla.


1. Chop the nuts into small pieces, you can lightly fry.

2. Add 100 grams of water to the sugar and set to simmer on a small fire. You can not give the syrup to boil quickly, all the grains should dissolve.

3. Mix starch with the rest of the water, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

4. Pour the starch solution into the boiled syrup, boil for a few seconds.

5. Put citric acid.

6. Add vanilla, nuts, mix and pour into square molds. If you use silicone packaging, then you do not need to lubricate.

7. Chilled Turkish Delight cut into squares (but you can with any other figures) and crumb in sesame from all sides.

8. Keep a treat you need in breathable boxes or paper bags.

Useful tips and tricks in the preparation of dishes according to Turkish recipes

• Turkish recipes often contain cilantro, which is far from being loved. We have successfully replace this greens with parsley.

• Olive oil is the favorite ingredient of Turkish cooks. It gives the dishes a special taste, the Turks fry on it, add to pastries, soups and even marinade for meat. But if there is no olive oil, then it can be replaced with sunflower, but better than unrefined one.

• The main secret of Turkish sweets - adding lemon juice or acid. They can not be neglected and it is not only in taste. This ingredient inverts syrups, they become thicker, do not sugar.


Watch the video: Tasty Turkish Couscous. Kerryann Dunlop (June 2024).