Turkey minced meatballs - an alternative to chicken. All the secrets of minced turkey meatballs, recipes are simple and with delights


Meat patties are tasty and versatile, but still healthier minced turkey meatballs are not found.

It must be remembered that the turkey is hypoallergenic meat, while it contains many nutrients and little fat, therefore it is recommended for children, people with overweight, the elderly and weakened people.

Some of the recipes for minced turkey meatballs below are dietary.

Turkey mince meatballs - general principles

Turkey meat is dry. Therefore, the stuffing is usually added butter, cream, greens.

The controversy raises the question of whether to add eggs and a bread soaked in milk. Some mistresses claim that soaked bread makes cutlets not softer, but, on the contrary, harder to chew. The same claims are made to the eggs.

Of course, every woman on this topic has her own opinion. It might be worth trying both. In any case, it is safe to say the following.

First, no matter what they say about egg white, yolkadded to turkey minced meat patties will in no way make them tougher. And enriches with useful substances!

Secondly, if turkey minced meat patties are intended for children, then do not hesitate: they will like the option with a soaked bun more.

Many are of the opinion that, instead of a loaf, it is worth adding raw potato. It really improves the taste and texture of turkey minced meat or beef meatballs. You can also add cabbage (cauliflower or white cabbage), carrots, celery root, but all these vegetables have a sharper taste, so they give the minced turkey meatballs a distinct flavor, and this is not to everyone's liking.

Turkey mince cutlets can be cooked in different ways: fry in a frying pan; cook in a double boiler or multi-cooker; stew in the sauce; bake in the oven. In the oven, of course, it makes sense to cook a large number of meatballs. They should be laid out on oiled baking paper and cooked for about half an hour in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. If the recipe involves a specific cooking option, we will report it.

Mince, of course, it is better to make the most of the fillet, and immediately before cooking meatballs. If the dish is not intended for small children or people with a sore stomach, it is better to skip the fillet through a meat grinder with a large-mesh net - the cutlets will be juicier.

Turkey minced meatballs usually browse well, but if you like to cook breaded meat, skip the wheat or corn rusks before grilling and roll the meatballs in them before grilling. You can also breaded meatballs in semolina. In the breading, you can add strongly crushed dry spicy greens, although this is already an amateur.

Recipe 1. Meatballs turkey with greens

Such burgers can be cooked in any way; They are suitable for baby food.


Turkey fillet - 1 kg

Potatoes - a pair of medium-sized pieces

Butter - 80 g

Egg yolk - 2 pieces

Chopped Dill or Parsley

Onions - a small piece, about a quarter of the average onion

Garlic - 2-3 cloves

Salt, pepper mix

Vegetable oil

Cooking method

Peel the potatoes, onions and garlic. Rinse the turkey fillet, chop into slices and mince along with potatoes, onion slices and garlic cloves.

Oil to freeze and grate grated in minced meat, add two yolks, salt and pepper, chopped greens and mix.

Form cutlets, wetted hands with cold water, and cook in any way.

Recipe 2. Minced turkey minced meatballs

Such a dish can be prepared for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or tend to a low-calorie diet.


Turkey fillet - 1 kg

Cauliflower - 200 g

Green parsley, dill, celery, crushed - glass

Salt - 4-5 pinches

Onions, garlic, nutmeg - if you can by diet

Cooking method

Cook the minced meat minced turkey and cauliflower. If you can onions and garlic, it is better to scroll through them with meat.

Stir by adding greens and (if necessary, but not prohibited by the diet) a little thick (20%) cream.

Wet hands to form burgers and cook them steamed or baked in a milk sauce.

Recipe 3. Minced turkey meatballs ministerially

But this dish called diet will not work.


Turkey fillet - 1 kg

Butter - 100 g

Wheat bread - 1 loaf

Eggs - 3 pieces

Cream 10% - 0.2 l

Onion - Half-onion

Toasting oil

Salt, pepper mix

Cooking method

Cut the humps and crusts from the loaf, cut the crumbs into pieces about half a centimeter thick, then about 20 pieces carefully cut into spats about a centimeter long and 0.5 cm wide.

The remaining bread pour cream (the toughest crust is not necessary to put).

Make minced meat fillet by placing onion and soaked bread in a meat grinder. In the stuffing, drive two eggs, put salt and pepper. Knock stuffing on the table so that it becomes softer.

Butter freeze heavily, and then grate and mix in minced meat. It is better to stir in with a spoon or spatula, because from the warmth of the hands the oil will begin to melt and stick together in lumps.

The remaining eggs are well whipped in a separate bowl, and in another sprinkled bread spatters. To form oblong patties with wet hands, to wrap them in an egg, then roll them into the sleepers and put them on the pan with hot oil. First, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid, and so fry the patties on both sides for about five minutes each. Then remove the lid, slightly increase the heat and brown.

The dish will turn out to be quite fat, therefore it is better to serve it with vegetables or rice.

Recipe 4. Turkey minced meatballs with semolina


Turkey fillet - 1 kg

Semolina - half a cup

Cream 10% - half a cup

Onion - Half-onion

Champignons - 200 g

Butter - 100 g

Salt, pepper, spices - to taste

Frying oil

Cooking method

Through the meat grinder skip the onions and mushrooms, put them in the pan with the heated oil and cook with stirring for 5-7 minutes, then turn off and cool.

Mince the turkey. Pour the semolina into the mince, pour in the cream, add salt, pepper, spices (for example, nutmeg), mix well and leave for half an hour, because the semolina must swell.

Melt 50 g of butter and pour it into the stuffing, then put mushrooms and onions out of the frying pan. Mix everything thoroughly. If it is too thick, add some more cream.

Sculpt small patties with wet hands, put a small slice of butter inside each. Fry the patties in butter.

Recipe 5. Cutlets from minced turkey "Spicy"


Turkey fillet - 1 kg

Hard cheese - 300 g

Garlic - 5 cloves

Dill finely chopped - half a cup

Mustard - 3-4 tablespoons

Mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons

Egg - 2 pieces

Cream 20% - a few spoons

Vegetable oil


Salt, pepper mix, oregano, nutmeg - to taste

Cooking method

Prepare minced turkey, add the garlic, passed through the press, grated cheese, finely chopped dill, eggs. Mix mayonnaise with mustard and add to mince, add salt, pepper. If the stuffing is too thick, add a little cream.

Skip the croutons through a meat grinder, mix them with dry herbs (parsley, oregano, etc.) and nutmeg. Wet hands to form small patties and roll them in spicy breading.

Fry in vegetable oil.

Recipe 6. Cutlets from minced turkey "Baby"


Turkey fillet - 1 kg

Wheat Muffin - 5-6 Pieces

Cream 10% - glass

Canned corn - 5-6 spoons

Eggs - 2 pieces

Onion - Half-onion

Processed cheese - 5-6 small slices

Smoked sausage (or ham) - 5-6 small slices

Butter - 80 g

Butter Cooking Oil

Salt - to taste

Cooking method

Soak the loaf in the cream. Fillet, onion and bread mince. Add salt and eggs, mix well and beat the stuffing on the table. Stir in the minced corn.

Divide the meat in three parts. From each to form small patties. In one put inside a piece of cheese, in the other - sausage, in the third - in a cube of butter.

Cutlets fry in a skillet or bake in the oven.

Recipe 7. Turkey minced meat patties with vegetables


Turkey fillet - half a kilo

A piece of bacon - 100 g

Potatoes - 1 tuber

White cabbage - 200 g

Carrot - half

Onion - 1 onion

Chopped greens - 3 tablespoons

Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons

Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons

Salt pepper

Cooking method

Peel and chop the potatoes, onions and carrots. Vegetables, lard and turkey mince. Stir, add herbs, mayonnaise and tomato paste. Salt, add a little black pepper. Mix well the mince, you can use a blender.

Fry cutlets on a skillet, but it is better to bake them in the oven. In this case, you need to make a dent in each cutlet with your finger and put a little piece of butter there.

Recipe 8. Turkey minced meat patties with peppers


Turkey fillet - 1 kg

Sweet Bulgarian pepper - 3 medium pods

Onion - Half-onion

Parmesan type cheese - 100 g


Pancake Flour - 5-6 spoons

Eggs - 2 pieces

Cream 20% - 3-4 spoons

Cooking method

For this recipe, turkey meat cutlets are best served through a meat grinder with a fine grill. Along with the meat also scroll onions and peppers. Add salt, pepper and pancake flour to the stuffing, beat the eggs, pour in the cream and knead everything thoroughly.

Mix parmesan with breadcrumbs, form patties and roll them in breading.

Fry in oil under the lid on each side for 5 minutes.

Turkey mince meatballs - subtleties and tips

  • If you want to give the turkey minced meat patties a very unusual taste, turn the minced meat into the mince along with the fillet, preferably smoked.

  • To attract small children with an unusual look and taste, try putting (without twisting!) Some canned peas or corn.

  • Of the additives, you can also specify those that are designed not only to improve the taste and texture of minced meat, but also to tint it, because the turkey minced meatballs have a grayish color. If you do not like it, then you can put a little curry or saffron to make the dish yellowish, or a tomato, then the burgers will turn a pinkish hue.

  • To get a gourmet dish, you can make green oil by mixing butter with dill or spinach, ground in a blender. Then freeze the butter, cut into pieces and put into each burgers piece by piece.

  • Serving minced turkey meatballs are best with vegetables. But many people prefer to eat them with mashed potatoes or pasta.

  • If you extinguished the burgers, then you can prepare the sauce on the quenching liquid by mixing it with starch or flour, as well as adding sour cream or a tomato.


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