Apricots: the benefits and harms of the sun fruit. The benefits of apricots in combination with low calorie = dietary product


From March to April, flowering apricot trees fill the streets with their fragrance.

And, already from June to the end of summer, you can enjoy the healthy fruits of apricot.

They are able to quickly quench hunger, invigorate and give energy, improve health and at the same time are a low-calorie product.

Apricots: calorie content, composition, application

Calorie content 100 gr apricot is 44 kcal. Eating one fruit, we get only about 11 kcal and a lot of useful elements and vitamins:

• Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H;

• Calcium;

• Magnesium;

• Iron;

• Sodium;

• Potassium;

• Iodine;

• Phosphorus.

The beneficial properties of apricot are such that by including them in your diet you can improve the functioning of the digestive, nervous, cardiovascular systems. Apricots can be eaten fresh, in the form of dried apricots, apricots, and can also be used to prepare various dishes and drinks.

Due to the fact that apricots contain all the essential vitamins, macro and trace elements at a low calorie content, they are ideal for an effective diet in the process of losing weight.

Apricots: what are the benefits for the body?

Eating a couple of fruits daily or a handful of dried apricots, you can soon feel the beneficial effects of apricot on the body. The skin becomes smooth, supple, hair regains lost shine, and well-being improves markedly. And these are only visible and clearly tangible changes. But the reason for harmonization is much deeper.

Apricots contain a large amount of natural fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines. In diseases caused by fermentation processes in the intestines, as well as with constipation, fresh apricots or compote from them will have a mild laxative effect and bactericidal effect. At the same time, the process of normalizing the acidity of the gastric juice will occur. In general, after a month of regular consumption of apricot fruit, juice, fruit compote or dried apricots, the gastrointestinal tract will cease to disturb the malfunctions in its work.

The increased content of potassium salts in apricots makes them useful for the health of those who care about the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. B vitamins and magnesium strengthen the heart muscle. In addition, the nervous system is healed and restored. Apricots with their beneficial regenerative properties are included in the daily diet of patients suffering from vegetovascular disorders and hypertension.

Apricot's beneficial properties will help to avoid iodine deficiency and, as a result, eliminate the possibility of thyroid disease.

Apricots saturate the body with all the necessary useful vitamins. And, importantly, dried apricots and apricots do not lose all the properties of apricot. This allows you to enjoy the fruits of the apricot tree year round with health benefits.

With anemia and lowered immune forces of the body, you need to eat apricots daily. This activates protective functions and promotes hematopoiesis. In addition, apricots effectively remove toxins and cholesterol from the body.

By stopping hunger for a long time, apricot helps fight weight gain.

Apricots: what is the harm to health?

With all its unique useful composition, apricots can be harmful to health. First of all, this applies to those people who have a history of diabetes. Indeed, in different varieties of apricot contains from 60 to 80% of various sugars. Dried apricots and apricots have even higher sugar content.

Having eaten apricot before breakfast or after a heavy lunch, you can provide yourself with a "heavy" stomach. Digestion of food will be complicated, given the fullness of the fetus.

With problems of the stomach and liver, it is worth minimizing the consumption of apricots, which will only bring harm if there is a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, with gastritis or pancreatitis.

It is possible to feel an apricot overdose on yourself. Excessive intake of fruits leads to diarrhea. Naturally, in such a situation, useful properties will be lost more than received before. Dizziness, low blood pressure and heart palpitations are symptoms of the same overdose of apricots that are harmful to health.

Not only the flesh of the fetus is eaten, but also the bone. Inside the bone is a tasty nucleolus, eating which you can get serious poisoning. True, to achieve this effect, you need to eat a lot of seeds, and the pulp itself is a neutralizer of poisons in them.

Apricots for children: useful or harmful?

All apricot varieties are healthy. Even wild, delicious apricots contain a lot of useful ingredients. It is only important that the fruit is ripe. Green apricots will certainly lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and will cause severe diarrhea, which will harm the body.

In the absence of diseases of the stomach and intestines, with the normal functioning of the liver, fresh apricots and dried apricots should be present in the diet of baby food. After all, apricot has health benefits:

• Prevents vitamin deficiency;

• Strengthens the nervous system;

• Saves the heart;

• Stimulates immunity;

• Enriches the brain, provoking its vigorous activity;

Apricot diet

Being a low-calorie product, apricots actively help to lose weight with health benefits. Moreover, they are able to eliminate the problem of obesity.

Exists three-day method of unloading the body and its purification. To do this, every day you will need to cook a dish of 500 grams of fresh apricots and 300 grams of dried apricots. From fresh fruits, juice is squeezed into which finely chopped dried apricots are added. You need to eat it during the day. In this case, it is necessary to drink purified water before eating or an hour after taking an apricot dish. After three days, the effect will be obvious. Thus, you can cleanse the body of various harmful accumulations, get rid of 3-4 kg and regain lightness.

It should be recalled that this diet is contraindicated for those who have problems with the stomach and intestines, the liver is disrupted, or the blood sugar level is increased.

Apricot kernels: calorie content, benefits and harms

While the apricot pulp contains only 44 kcal per 100 g, its seeds have an energy value in 450 kcal per 100 g. They are consumed primarily by those who follow diets that help to gain weight.

Although the caloric content of apricot kernels is indicated per 100 grams of seeds, in such a quantity they should never be eaten. A handful of more than 30g can cause severe poisoning, which will require hospitalization.

Apricot seeds were used in ancient times as a cough medicine. They helped to fight diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Apricot kernels prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. It also destroys potentially dangerous cancer cells in the body.

In a dosed amount, apricot kernels are useful and also tasty.

Apricots in cosmetology

Our body can eat not only from the inside, but also through the skin. Apricot will be to her taste. He will give her freshness, moisturize, relieve excess sebum, give an even tone, eliminate imperfections in the form of rashes and small wrinkles:

• A standard mask for any skin type - a slurry of two apricots is applied to the face, and after 15 minutes it is washed off with warm water;

• Mask for dry skin - a tablespoon of sour cream or olive oil is added to the gruel of their apricot fruit pair, the mixture is applied to the face and washed off with warm water after 15 minutes;

• For oily skin type - add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice in apricot puree, leave on face for 10 minutes and remove with warm water.

Apricot kernel oil It possesses not only unique cosmetic properties, but it can even produce a therapeutic effect, which is why it is used in medicine.

Apricot seed oil is part of many creams and masks of various brands. But it is quite possible to take a simple face cream suitable for the type of skin, and add a few drops of apricot oil there. It is better to do this not in the total capacity, but in batches. Absorbed by the skin, the oil begins to provoke the production of natural collagen. It smoothes wrinkles, gives elasticity, improves complexion.

The firming effect of oil on the eyelashes. By applying it forever for two weeks, at the end of this period, you can evaluate the benefits of apricot. And the cilia will strengthen and the "crow's feet" in the outer corners of the eyes will smooth out.

All the beneficial properties of apricot oil contain crushed bones, which are part of apricot scrubs for face and body. Depending on the grinding of seeds, the purpose of the scrub is also determined:

• Fine particles - gently scrub your face, leveling the surface of the skin;

• Medium particles of ossicles — effectively remove keratinized skin particles throughout the body;

• Coarse grinding of seeds - suitable only for the feet, removes corns, makes the feet soft and tender. In this case, the skin is not injured, which prevents the appearance of cracks on the heels.

Apricot oil is good for the body and is well absorbed by the skin. Therefore, it is often used in massage rooms. Using it, it is comfortable to carry out the massage procedure, after which there is no excess oil on the body and thus the clothes do not deteriorate. In addition, apricot kernel oil has a relaxing effect on muscles. Apricot oil will also help relieve aches and joint pain. Massaging the inflamed joint should not be, just apply oil to the aching part of the body.


Watch the video: Health Benefits of Apricots - Amazing and Super Fruits Apricots - Apricots Health Benefits (June 2024).