How to stretch shoes at home: steam, ice or alcohol? What is more effective and safer for stretching shoes


Often a pair of shoes, which at the first fitting in the store seemed quite comfortable, in fact is tight and tough.

How to stretch shoes at home?

Consider a few simple, affordable, and most importantly safe ways.

Stretch shoes at home: is it possible?

It is impossible to let things go by themselves, because tight shoes are not only uncomfortable, but also harmful to health. After the first hours of wearing, expect the appearance of corns, corns and leg pain. Of course, in most cases, unsuitable shoes can be returned to the store. But it is important to have time to do this before the expiration of the warranty period. In addition, if you managed to take a walk in the new thing along the street, then returning it will not be easy.

Models made of natural materials lend themselves well to stretching. With artificial materials, the situation is more complicated, but you can also experiment with them. Rubber and fabric shoes are not stretchable. The first material is too hard, and the second after stretching immediately loses its presentable appearance. It also makes no sense to stretch shoes that are apparently small. Any pair can be increased by no more than half the size.

How to stretch shoes at home: methods

Among the mass of ways to stretch shoes, the simplest and at the same time known is the usual wearing at home. It’s enough instead of slippers for a while to go around the house in a new dress. The first days, new shoes are worn for 2-3 hours a day. But one should not forget about health, especially if such wearing causes tangible discomfort. In this case, one of the following methods will help you.

Alcohol treatment. Moisten the inside of the shoes with alcohol (vodka and cologne are also suitable). Then immediately put on your shoes and walk around the room in it until it is stretched enough. You can also use a simple stretching cocktail. Stir alcohol with water in equal proportions. Using a spray gun, spray the shoes with the resulting solution. Then put it on and walk in it for at least 20 minutes. The version with the solution is considered more gentle, which means that it can even be used for varnished boots.

Under no circumstances should you handle suede shoes with alcohol. She will immediately become worthless. Therefore, some craftsmen recommend replacing alcohol with beer. But this eccentric method, if it does not stain, will give the shoe a very distinctive aroma.

Boiling water treatment. Pour shoes over with hot water, this should soften the skin. It is important not to overdo it. Walk in your shoes until they are in the right shape. Many even prefer alcohol over water. But this method is only suitable for products made of thick leather that can easily withstand high temperatures. Patent leather, and especially leatherette, should not be subjected to such tests.

A more gentle way suggests dampening a rag in hot water and wiping the inside of the shoe with it. For greater safety, it is better not to allow large amounts of water to get inside, because the liquid can easily deform leather insoles.

You can even stretch boiling water with rubber shoes. True, only if it is made of polyvinyl chloride. To soften such boots, you need to pour boiling water into them. When the water has cooled, it must be drained and put on boots quickly. After a few minutes, climb into a basin with cold water in boots and wait a few minutes until the shoes get the necessary shape.

Steam. This is a very good tool for stretching genuine leather products. Bring the shoes to a boiling kettle and hold it over steam for several minutes. Shoes should be removed when moisture drops on the skin. Then put the shoes on the toe and walk in it for at least an hour.

Wool socks. This method is suitable even for winter shoes. It is enough to squeeze into thick shoes in thick socks, and then heat it with a hairdryer. Then walk around the house in boots until she reaches the right size. Some craftsmen suggest wearing wet socks, but this is fraught with health problems.

A similar method is suitable for patent shoes. Warm the shoes from the inside with a hairdryer and immediately put them on a tight toe. However, be careful, because if you overexpose the hair dryer, the varnish will lose its luster. In addition, this procedure requires regular repetition.

Wet newspaper stuffing. Before stretching the shoes at home, hold the shoes over steam, then fill them with a wet newspaper and leave to dry completely. It is important that drying takes place naturally, without heating appliances. Otherwise, you risk deforming the product. If you exclude the use of boiling water from this method, with its help you can safely stretch shoes made of suede and patent leather.

Laundry soap. This simple tool will help to stretch shoes and boots made of artificial leather. Well rub the product with soap and water from the inside, after 5-6 hours, remove the rest of the detergent with a damp sponge, put on socks and walk in shoes until it is completely dry.

Ice packs. You need 2 bags per ¼ filled with water. They will need to be placed inside the shoe, which then put in the freezer. Wait until the water freezes, then remove the steam and after the water has melted a little, remove the bags. In this way, do not stretch patent leather products.

Castor oil. Stretching with castor oil is also considered effective. With this tool, shoes should be processed from the inside. Then in shoes you will have to go around for a while. The oil will soften the shoes, after which it should take the necessary shape. True, the described method can hardly be called convenient. After it, you need to thoroughly clean the shoes from oil.

Petroleum jelly. The named tool will help to stretch the leather leatherette shoes. Handle the product from the inside, and after 3 hours, remove the remaining Vaseline with a napkin. Then take a walk in shoes for about 30 minutes.

Corn. This method is well suited for those who want to stretch the shoes in the rise. Pour the prepared grain into the shoes, and then lightly pour it with liquid. During the night, the grain will swell and do its job. After pouring out the grain, wear the products from leatherette for about an hour.

Vinegar. To expand the boots, treat them internally with a 3% vinegar solution. This will help soften the shoes that squeeze the toes. At the same time, it is treated on the outside with another means intended for stretching.

Paraffin. This is another gentle method that is suitable for patent leather and suede shoes. Rub the inside of the shoes with paraffin and leave them in this state for 10-12 hours. In the same way, you can use potato peel.

How to stretch shoes at home and not spoil it?

The ideal way out is to send a close couple to the workshop.. Here it is stretched using special pads. They are known to professionals as shoe stretchers - wooden blocks made according to the shape and size of the legs. Such tools can be purchased at a specialized store.

If this is done, it is not possible, then the use of a special tool will equally quickly solve the problem. It is enough to purchase the desired spray and process tight shoes with it. Then the shoes should be worn as much as the instructions say. You can even purchase a product designed for a specific material. For example, for a nubuck it is easy to find a special foam-softener. If you are a happy owner of expensive branded shoes, carefully study all the available recommendations for choosing a brand of spray.

Those who are seriously thinking about how to stretch shoes at home, should take into account a number of important nuances.

• None of the above methods will expand the shoes in length, only in width.

• After stretching, genuine leather loses its natural grease. The skin can become brittle, so it is better to apply a special cream to the shoes. This is especially important if a hairdryer is used for stretching.

• Shoes made of thin leather require extreme caution. They can not be frozen and treated with boiling water. The same applies to patent leather. If mistreated, it will lose its luster and become cracked.

• Nubuck products require a special approach when stretching. Neither oily creams nor alcohol are suitable for this material, since this way spots will remain on the surface. It’s best to just wear such shoes around the house. The properties of nubuck in most cases allow you to carry shoes over time.

• When using water to stretch shoes, remember that it softens the skin, but if improperly dried, it can ruin its texture. Water and suede are bad allies. On suede, water provokes the appearance of faded spots and generally spoils the material.

• Do not rush to use hard methods. Perhaps there will be enough natural posting. Although this is the slowest, but at the same time the most effective method. Shoes are deformed in the shape of a foot.

• Keep in mind that your legs swell after lunch. So at this time you are likely to avoid buying too tight shoes.

• Extreme stretching methods should be used only in case of urgency. If the task can be postponed, we stretch the shoes with the utmost care.


Watch the video: Shoe Care : How to Stretch Out Leather (July 2024).