Belyashi with meat in a pan - full of pies! Recipes of different whitewash with meat in a pan: yeast and kefir


Belyash - a holey pie!

Although, this is not entirely true.

Often you can find closed whites without a hole, having the appearance of a regular pie, but only round.

And sometimes even not quite round.

But no matter how the blanks are blinded, the whites do not become less beloved or tasty.

Indulge in fragrant squirrels?

Meat in a pan - general cooking principles

The classic dough for whites is prepared with yeast. It requires rest in warmth for several hours. But the recipes for kefir dough with soda, from which you can cook products almost immediately, are becoming increasingly popular. Although it is advisable for him to stand for a while so that the flour swells and elasticity appears.

For the filling, minced meat with onions and spices is used. Sometimes other vegetables and mushrooms are added to it. If the meat is too lean, for example, beef, then you can put lard or just fat.

Form whites with a hole or closed. If the product is with a window, then it is very important when frying to put only in hot oil and the hole down. Do not be afraid, the filling will not fall out. But if you first fry the closed part, and then the side with the window, then a large amount of juice will provoke hissing and splashing of oil.

Recipe 1: Meat whites in a pan from regular yeast dough

The recipe for tasty and rosy whites with meat in a pan, which is familiar to many housewives. Standard and time-tested dough on yeast and water. The filling is prepared from two types of meat.


• 250 grams of beef;

• 250 grams of pork;

• 300 grams of onions;

• salt;

• pepper.


• 300 grams of water;

• 1.5 tsp dry yeast;

• 50 grams of oil;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• salt;

• egg;

• flour.


1. We start the dough. To do this, dissolve sugar in water heated to a warm state, add yeast, salt, egg, add flour and butter. We make soft, but not batter. Cover and keep warm until the second rise.

2. While preparing the dough, do the stuffing. Twist both types of meat. Pre-wash the pieces, dry.

3. Immediately twist the peeled onions, salt, pepper, minced meat mix well.

4. Divide the approaching second time dough into pieces of 100 grams. Round and leave on the table for 5 minutes.

5. Flatten each piece into a thin cake, put the forcemeat in the center and pinch the edges, leaving a small window in the center of about three centimeters.

6. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the whites on it with the window down and fry. Then turn over and brown on the second side. And you're done!

Recipe 2: Meat whites in a pan of milk yeast dough

The recipe for homemade whites with meat in a pan, which are prepared from a very tender and airy dough in milk. It can also be used for fried and baked pies with different fillings.


• 200 ml of milk;

• 100 ml of water;

• 8 grams of yeast (dry);

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• flour (how much will take);

• 1 tsp salts;

• 80 grams of plums. oils.


• 0.5 kg of mixed meat;

• 1 onion;

• 150 grams of cream;

• spices;

• 1 clove of garlic.


1. Dilute milk with boiling water (normal water in the recipe). Add the yeast with sugar, leave for twenty minutes.

2. Melt the butter and cool. Beat the egg with salt. Pour the egg into the yeast mass first, then the butter. Add the flour, knead the dough. Cover with a napkin, clean in a warm place for two hours.

3. In the minced meat we put the chopped onions, followed by the garlic, season with spices and pour the cream. Stir thoroughly.

4. We get our magnificent dough, divide into pieces, sculpt the whites. According to this recipe, they can be made both closed and open.

5. Fry in a pan until cooked and serve until they are hot.

Recipe 3: Meat Belyashi in the Lazy Pan

A simplified version of whitewash with meat in a pan, which are prepared from batter. This recipe can be a real salvation for housewives who do not have much free time, but have a desire to feed their family deliciously.


• 500 ml of kefir;

• salt;

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• 300 grams of flour;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 3 eggs;

• 300 grams of minced meat;

• 1 onion.


1. Immediately chop the onion. Put it in a pan and fry with a spoonful of oil until transparent.

2. Mix onion with raw minced meat. We season the mass with spices.

3. For the test, beat eggs with salt, put sugar, kefir with slaked soda in it, stir. Lastly, pour in the flour. The dough should turn out like a pancake.

4. Now we add the prepared forcemeat directly to the dough, stir it.

5. Pour half a centimeter of oil into the pan, heat.

6. Fry ordinary pancakes on both sides. More precisely, not quite ordinary, We have lazy whites!

Recipe 4: Tatar meat dumplings in a pan or “Peremyachi” (without yeast)

The recipe is very interesting whitewash from dough without yeast. It will require mineral water with gas and kefir. Instead, you can take fermented baked milk, yogurt, sourdough.


• 0.7 kg of mixed meat;

• 2 onions;

• pepper;

• some salt.

For the test:

• 200 ml of kefir;

• 200 ml of mineral water;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 4 eggs;

• 6 glasses of flour;

• 3 tablespoons of oil + for frying.


1. In kefir we extinguish soda and for now leave. Beat eggs with salt, add mineral water, then kefir mixture. Stir and introduce the flour. When mixing the dough, pour three tablespoons of oil. You can use melted margarine. Forget about the dough for 15 minutes. This time is enough to prepare the filling.

2. Add the chopped onion to the twisted minced meat, put the spices, stir.

3. Divide the dough into pieces, the size of which should be with a small apple.

4. From each bun, roll a thin cake. So that the dough is not sticky, sprinkle it and a rolling pin with flour.

5. Put a tablespoon of minced meat in the center of the cake, collect the edges together, forming a window in the center.

6. We fry the Tatar whites in the usual way in hot fat.

Recipe 5: Meat and Potato Whites in a Frying Pan

An economical recipe for whitewash with meat, for which you need mashed potatoes. If left after dinner, then you can not cook new, but use it. The dough is kneaded on kefir with butter, but you can use any other.


• 0.25 kg of oil (or margarine);

• 380 ml of kefir;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 800 grams of flour;

• salt.

For filling:

• 500 grams of meat;

• 120 grams of fat;

• 200 grams of mashed potato;

• 2 onions;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• a little ground pepper;

• dried dill and salt.


1. Put the flour in a sieve and sift it directly onto the table. Add soft butter or margarine and rub well with your hands. If the butter is hard, then you can chop it with a knife. We make a slide with a recess.

2. In kefir we dilute salt and extinguish soda. Pour into the flour mixture and knead the dough. Perhaps a little more flour is needed if kefir was liquid. Leave to stand for 15 minutes.

3. Grind the meat with lard, peeled clove of garlic and onions. It is better to remove the skin from the fat. Add mashed potatoes, spices and mix.

4. Divide our dough into koloboks, roll it into thin cakes, start and pinch the edges. These whites can be made both open and closed.

5. Fry in a skillet until cooked. But from the same dough you can cook baked whites in the oven, it also turns out delicious.

Recipe 6: Belyash with meat and mushrooms in a pan

Adding mushrooms to the white meat filling makes the products incredibly fragrant and unusual. This technique can be used to save meat or just to add flavor. We use any yeast dough, you can cook according to one of the recipes above. Belyashi according to this recipe is best done closed, since the filling is very juicy and the oil will shoot.


• 1 kg of dough;

• 300 grams of meat;

• 200 grams of onions;

• 250 grams of mushrooms;

• salt;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• pepper;

• butter.


1. We wash the mushrooms, remove all unnecessary. If they are forest, then it is advisable to boil in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Then cut into cubes.

2. Also chop the peeled onions. Fry it with oil in a frying pan until transparent, put the mushrooms, fry for 5 minutes and add sour cream. Stew under the lid until soft.

3. Twist the meat into minced meat and mix with the cooled mushrooms. Season the filling with spices.

4. We divide the dough into pieces and roll a bun from each. Let it lie down for a few minutes so that it weakens. Roll out into a thin cake.

5. Put the filling and collect the edges together. Flatten in the palm of your hand and fry in oil.

Meat in the pan - useful tips and tricks

• To reduce the amount of smoke and burning when whitening whites in a room, the dough should be cut not with flour, but with vegetable oil.

• There will be a beautiful blush on the whites if you put a spoonful of sugar in the dough. If this is not done, then the color of the finished products will be grayed out, even if they are well fried.

• Stuffing for whites will be more tender if you add a little cream or sour cream to it.

• Not enough meat for the filling? Put more onions. You can add a little raw cabbage, grated finely potato. But it’s better not to dilute the filling for whitened cereals, especially rice, as is found in many recipes. It will become much drier and will draw all the juices from the meat.

• Whites will be tastier if you mix several types of fat when frying. Or at least add a spoonful of butter or ghee to the vegetable oil.

• The amount of flour indicated in the recipe and in fact used is not always the same. The difference is explained by the density and fat content of the products used in the test. And the humidity of the flour is different. Therefore, if the dough turned out to be liquid, then feel free to add more flour.


Watch the video: BelyashiБеляшиПеремячи-Traditional Tatar Fried Meat Pies! (June 2024).